Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and gives his reaction to the FDA’s announcement that it had postponed a scheduled meeting to go over data from Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine trials and make a recommendation on whether a two-dose vaccine regimen should be authorized for children 6 months to 5 years old. #CNN #News
Dr. Fauci says delay of Covid-19 vaccine for kids under 5 is not setback

Sweden has decided against recommending COVID vaccines for kids aged 5-11, the Health Agency said on Thursday, arguing that the benefits did not outweigh the risks. “With the knowledge we have today, with a low risk for serious disease for kids, we don’t see any clear benefit with vaccinating them,” Health Agency official Britta Bjorkholm told a news conference.-(source: Reuters 1-27-22)
@megakrans Moochers? ARe you a racist?
@Sunny Look at yourself, terrified of the truth so you’d prefer that others stick their heads in the sand as well, shame on you.
@Riffs & Licks they did not. They have the lowest problems with COVID.
@Riffs & Licks who said it was a failure what because you think it was a failure that make their failure that’s not how things work
@242 that’s what asymptomatic is called
The fact that in cali there is a vaccine mandate and they were talking about the super bowl being a SUPER spreader…..I’m losing brain cells these past 2 weeks, excuse me 2 years smh
Wait 2 years? What? Tomorrow is 15 days… smh you must be a Trumper
2 years on. No mask, no vax. I must have been just lucky…. along with everyone that works for me as well.
@Albert Albert the fact you have to pretend anyone ever said you’re guaranteed to be seriously ill or die if you aren’t vaxxed, just shows how weak you know your position is. Try making arguments that don’t have to be rooted in lies and straw men. Do you even know how to begin to do that anymore? Or is your brain completely rotted out by conservatism and religion?
@imnotdavid I think he was sarcastic… like how I told a coworker that our 400lbs manager should be dead because he tested positive for covid…you know because the TV said so…
Don’t forget Gavin Newscumb and Eric Garcetti, where both caught recently without wearing a mask. Garcetti the mayor of Los Angeles, said he was holding his breath while taking the picture. This is why people are finally waking up. When they see these loser politicians not even abiding by their own rules.
Many countries have reduced their Covid restrictions. 7 countries have dropped all Covid restrictions
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, UK, Ireland, Tanzania & Nicaragua.
Guess that’s what happens when countries actually handle the pandemic well. I mean Sweden’s vaccination rate is amazing and their quarantine was effective.
@Deborah Freedman All you have to do is simply NOT put one on. F those mandates.
@Hugo Ramirez G’day Hugo
Mate I’m just a dumb Ozzie
Down among the Gumtrees
@Deborah Freedman Unfortunately Governor of Oregon Kate Frown has a masking problem. Kate Frown, promised the indoor mask mandates would be dropped by March 31st or before. I have lived in Portland Oregon my entire life. The place is a homeless nightmare, crime is rampant, our county commissioners are terrible and Portland has turned into a dump due to all the homeless and blm protesters. Portland used to be a bunch of independent thinkers, now they are mindless zombies. I quit wearing masks in stores and I see more and more people going maskless, Finally there are a few Oregonians in Portland, that finally see how dumb the mask mandates are. The exception is these Woke restaurants in Portland still seem to think masks work. The mask policy in Portland is. You have to wear a mask going into a restaurant but once you sit down you can take it off. Wtf, you would think more people would question the idiocracy.
If the plandemic was as contagious and deadly as they want you to believe they would have had biohazard containers at the door of every school and business to discard contaminated masks in accordance with OSHA regulations from day one, with massive fines for violations. Has anyone seen any biohazard containers?
no, but then again, we pulled our kids out of school and dont wear masks… only idiots wear those filthy rags on their face
oh crap, there are alot more idiots that I realized
Yup. Thank goodness they got rid of plastic straws!! It left room for all the covud tests & masks in the landfills, parking lots, wrapped around birds’ necks, etc!! Yay for the Left! So conscientious…
No, but I’ve had to dispose of plenty blowing into my yard or getting stuck in my fence. I see them discarded EVERYWHERE beside trash cans.
@brady chick how has Biden’s response been any better? Did we blame Swine Flu deaths on Obama? Didn’t Biden call Trump’s travel ban “hysterical and xenophobic”? Mass firing nurses and hospital staff in a pandemic doesn’t make logical sense, especially when they are forcing symptomatic Covid+ staff to work in direct contact with the public. Explain that, if you can.
@Jelly car If the plandemic was as contagious and deadly as they want you to believe you’d be tripping over bodies everywhere you went and they wouldn’t have to advertise it.
“Pfizer has been a “habitual offender”, persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards.” -NCBI [National Center for Biotechnology Information]
“Get out of my basement and GET A JOB!” -Your mom
@Stan Wilson Let’s go Brandon!
@David There are many conspiracies, and there are theories too!
@David you do realize “big Business” supports the economical balance of our economy right?
god you must have cried SO hard when biden won. I can’t even imagine.
Setback: a reversal or check in progress
Delay: make something late or slow
To stop Covid-19 you have to stop the super spreaders .. ie dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, W.H.O. …etc.. only then we can get back to life
Haven’t these people made enough money? leave the kids alone
@Christian Samuelson Nope. Life is about power, not money. Middle management runs around looking for money. Billionaires understand that money isn’t real, the only relevant real thing is human behavior and whether humans exist.
@Whjerts 56 Nope. Life is about power, not money. Middle management runs around looking for money. Billionaires understand that money isn’t real, the only relevant real thing is human behavior and whether humans exist.
I knew the gist of this was going down back ~2017, 2018. Wish I had been more money minded, I could have profited greatly. The writing was all over the wall.
Try Duck Duck Go as a search engine…… Brand New Tube, Bitchute, Lbry, Odyssey and Rumble have un censored news……videos on these platforms: Crimes Against Humanity Reiner Fuellmich…..video: Catherine Austin Fits Planet Lockdown
@Acetyl this video shows it’s about money https://youtu.be/6nSXHrmOy8o
@Whjerts 56 Again, they don’t need your money. They need to make sure you are doing and being what they want, and not doing and not being what they do want. That really is it, seriously. Money doesn’t exist, it’s not real. Real estate, physical objects, humans, and human behavior exist. Money is an ecological surrogate which exists to manipualte those other things, the real things.
Has there ever been another vaccine in history that has been this ineffective against a virus. Honest question
Trick question since this shot technically isn’t even a vaccine
And has there ever been another vaccine where it’s ineffectiveness was blamed on those who haven’t taken it?
Sure there has
@John Connor The last time a certain portion of society was blamed like this was 1938 Germany.
@UPiNSMoKE does your fauci tattoo itch much?
Fauchi hasn’t been right on a single thing yet, but I’m sure he’s right this time
@Jesse Segedy I agree, he’s not stupid, just very calculating.
He was right back in October when he “estimated” that a vax for toddlers and babies would come in the spring. Part of the original plan
@King Robert they control CNN and fox. All media is controlled
@Bill Clay He said AIDS could be spread by toilet seats
He’s Mr. Right all the time. I divorced Mr. Right. Mr. Right all the time. A scientist with that attitude is not a real scientist.
“Is it safe?” Sure ” Can we see how it was approved? ” NO not for 70 years
@Daniel Pawtowski they did though. Just because YOU don’t know about something doesn’t make it false!!!!!!!
@Daniel Pawtowski Good luck with that line of thinking Daniel … The government loves you and only wants your complete obedience…. I mean safety…sorry, not obedience, safety…yeah, thats what they want
To keep you saaaaaafe
@mark croydon HIS virus??
The FDA NEVER approved the vaccines. That’s a fact. msm lied.
@Diane Shelleby Yes. The virus that escaped from the lab where they were doing gain of function research funded by Fauci.
He unleashed the Fauci virus on the world and has the temerity to act as if he’s some sort of good guy.
Amazing hubris by this horrible human.
I wonder if people really believe what a channel sponsored by a vaccine company has to say about vaccine?
Two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity. -Einstein
Dur, gotsta see what teevee tells me today
Why would believe anything we hear on this channel when they were the same people that worked with the DNC on the Russian collusion story and spying on a sitting President to get him impeached . I’m betting that is the real reason Zucker left as he is implicated.
I think almost every media outlet has at least 1 board member from big pharma on their board.
Personally, I wonder how many chomos work for CNN… seems like there’s a new one being exposed every week…
Where are the great Doctorate minds of Harvard, Yale and the likes to help us pull out of this mess? Probably afraid to speak in fear of getting their license taken away
All those Doctors sold his soul already, there are not pure soul Doctors anymore they went for the money straight to the pit of hell.
Many have spoken up, just muffled out by media. Creator of MRNA .. vax even muffled .. dr malone .. check him out
*FDA panel on child vaccination:* “We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.”
@imnotdavid kind of like ivermectin, which is verboten
@imnotdavid along with thousands of deaths and over 1 million cases of serious issues
@imnotdavid don’t you have a booster to stick in your eye?
@TheProtagonist_2X2X Even if those statistics were true, which they aren’t, they’re still better statistics than those among the COVID-infected. You do realize that “thousands” is less than “almost 6 million” dead from COVID, right? Oh wait…you’re an antivaxxer…so of course you’re not smart enough to recognize when one number is larger than another. Why don’t you start making adult arguments? Lemme guess…”naw the thousands of deaths I can’t demonstrate are true….and the almost 6 million you’re talking about are all part of a worldwide conspiracy that justifies me eating squirrel soup after screwing my cousin.”
@JoJo But Wow great comeback. What year of school you never completed taught you to argue like that?
No parent is enthusiastically waiting to give their young child this government cocktail. We just want this crap to be over.
*BBC:* “Scientists not backing Covid jabs for 12 to 15-year-olds”
*Leftists:* Not so fast, scientists! I did my own research on CNN.
@imnotdavid The irony of a person who voted for a senile, child sniffing racist to tell others to keep voting for losing candidates is hilarious.
@last chance blueprint it’s really funny watching these guys in the comment section projecting because they can’t face reality.
@last chance blueprint lol its so funny how people attack people for looking things up and not buying the governments narrative AND you have a bad religion logo as your pic

you’re ridiculously lost.
last chance blueprint do you honestly think bullying is going to encourage someone who already distrusts you to take your advice? And what does your call name represent? The last chance blueprint to gouge any last pennies you can squeeze out of this virus?
It’s bullies like you that are the reason the last few don’t trust being vaccinated. Only your kind to blame.
@Adders Otter face reality? which reality? which truth? there are many realities and many truths… truths like the delivery envelope as they call it or lipids don’t discriminate cellular tissue types, quote the pharmaceutical companies. Think about that statement for a few days… It means that it will get eye cells, heart cells, brain cells, blood cells or any tissue in the body to produce this protein with a chance of the infected cell accepting the mutation and replicating itself at the rate of that tissue types regeneration time frame or easier understood that different tissues replicate cells on different time tables. So lets give booster shots and increase the chance of creating a auto immune deficiency syndrome because the t cells won’t target the source cells as per genetic design. Really take a good long thought on this and and realize this guys reality he is pushing.
“Parents vent frustrations…” I think the headline should be changed to “Jen Psaki vents frustrations…” because she’s the only parent I know of that’s chomping at the bit to vaccinate her young child.
Then you must not know a lot of parents of young kids
“Pfizer has been a “habitual offender”, persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards.” – NCBI [National Center for Biotechnology Information]
That’s racist
@Nathaniel Garcia “one thing I know about science and physics for that example is that they don’t change”
LOL You have no clue what you’re yammering about. Science is a man-made construct and a living understanding of physics, biology, and chemistry. That understanding changes HOURLY. I guess we don’t need to do any more science because it’ll never change.

@sharpe52312 Got links to back up that BS?
@Daemon Electricity what BS? Eminent Domain?
“ The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members. ” — Mahatma Gandhi
He was a hipocrit, and believed it or not racists
@Ray King he wasn’t wrong about that though
He’s right about it not being a set back. It’s a blessing. Leave these kids alone.
You don’t believe vaccines are real?
Did you believe this before or after the media got to you?
@MrConstant23 vaccines are real. But the “cov vax” is BS. People all around that are vaxed, vaxed and boosted are still getting sick.
@James Barnett “People all around that are vaxed, vaxed and boosted are still getting sick.” But they’re not dying. Why do you guys always leave out that part? The hospitalization rate is much, much lower.
@Daemon Electricity same people are always around me and giving hugs and talking face to face with no masks. Why didn’t I get sick? Y didn’t my other friend that’s not vaxed get sick. 3 or 4 diff times of vaxed people I see every day getting sick from covid. And my buddy and I never got sick. And 5 out of 6 of these vaxed friends of mine had to go to the hospital. 1 on a vent. The 1 that didn’t go to the hospital stayed in bed for a week.
@Daemon Electricity Same with HDCQ or ivermectin, didnt realize the vaccine was a treatment. thought it was supposed to stop it?
Dr. “I can’t give a timeline” Fauci
Yea because he’s got such a stellar record…