CNN’s Pamela Brown speaks with two doctors on the opposite sides of the debate over lifting mask mandates in schools. Some states are loosening mask restrictions while the CDC still recommends everyone to wear a mask indoors when in areas of substantial or high transmission. #CNN #News
Dr. Fauci: It’s ‘risky’ to take Covid masks off kids right now

Can you imagine what those masks look like at the end of the day. You might as well be strapping a dish sponge to your kids face. So silly.
@James Guy Photography Damn, Captain Angry, you appear to be off your lithium again
@Mark Angry? I giggle every morning to see hoe many brilliant health experts have died from unnecessary COVID illness. It’s running about 2200, or 550 Benghazs a day. Those are better than global ground war numbers. The conversations they have with nurses are hysterical:
What’s wrong with me???
You have Covid.
But that’s not reeeal!
Cool. Can I get you a cab ride home?
Okay. I’ll get the vaccine.
It’s too late.
You got any of those cool fridge jou Rogan talked about”
@James Guy Photography Is that why your comments are so filled with anger & hatred, as can be seen in your above comments?
@James Guy Photography There you go, again, with that “2200” figure! Again, with an average age of over 80, and with an avg of four serious underlying health issues. There will probably be a few gunshot victims that they report as a covid death, as well.
Remote learning has been around for decades. But it only works for families and individuals who are willing to put in the work. People today are used to near instant gratification and dont really know what a true human connection is.
@Kathleen Frances the human connection is beyond physical objects
@GoogleSuppressesFree SpeechForOBidenRegime SARS had spike protein. Stop posting lies.
any other faults you want to point out and criticize other people about?
What are you talking about? When has remote learning been around for decades? You just make that up?
@Jon Lawrence you are right
The greatest challenge of this world is knowing enough about a subject to think you are right, but not knowing enough about the subject to know you are wrong…
@ColoWyo Watchman I get my information from numerous *credible* sources. The one you proposed is one of the least credible sources there is. If that is the only place it can be found, that alone is reason for doubt. There would be numerous actual *credible* sources for a story that big if it were real.
@Easy Money numerous “credible” sources??? Like cnn???

@James Guy Photography

@J K Dr. Fauci is a top-notch Infectious Disease Specialist that has worked for several decades doing the same job that he is currently doing with a phenomenal success rate and outstanding reputation among fellow healthcare professionals. I’m not sure where you’re getting your information but you might want to rethink your sources.
@Sheriwnds obviously you haven’t seen the statistics
When will the next pandemic be? Billy?
Remember when ilhan Omar married her own brother?

Remember when fauci lied to Congress under oath about gain of function research funded by the NIH at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Ya know the research adding the spike protein to bat SARS
Ya know the thing they call COVID-19
Remember when after OBiden ruined the entire country Afghanistan, he celebrated by drone bombing 12 children in the “new” Afghanistan?
Remember when Milley committed treason?
Remember when vaccine mandates were conspiracy theories?
Remember when OBiden didn’t actually win?
Remember when we weren’t inundated by fascist tyrannical communist OBiden regime bots?
Let’s go Brandon!!!!
we’re coming for ya
Ya illiberal fascist tyrannical OBiden regime bots
We will get you all
Better run and hide
There’s days when it feels like COVID was a worldwide intelligence test, and my country flunked.
@Bill Rodriguez no, they’re just stupid
Don’t feel bad,most Dumborats flunked.
Don’t look up!
The people still wearing cloth masks continue to flunk
You are the one that flunked because you believe Fouci. No county did well fool. This had everything to do with our dictatorial government and not our nation’s people.
Remember when Fauci said 2 years ago that you shouldn’t go around wearing masks.
@J K … you, my dear, do not have “common.”
@Susan C no, it was before he sold out and decided to lie
And when the entire world was wearing them.
Lol yes
@Susan C they were wearing them all over the world and even china said wear them since the beginning. He literally went against all the science at the time.
Kids are the lowest risk of infection
Wrong. They may have fewer deaths, but not none. There may be fewer negative effects, but not none. This disease kills and maims a greater percentage of those infected, than polio did. So the hesitancy to be vaccinated is due to political disinformation.
Even kids who weather it well can spread it to more vulnerable people around them.
@Deborah Freedman Sadly you actually believe the garbage that you’re spewing.
Facts keep masks optional for vaccinated kids cmon there’s a time and place for everything and now is not it to keep the masks on. We’ve done this 2 years it’s got to go and stay that way
Well I hope that confused the crap out of everyone. Jeez
*CNN : “Our ratings are down the drain at a historic low; what can we do? More of the same?*

@New Profile, So What? nah just continue lying about trump for the libtards to get riled up more. It’s funny they still think he’s going to jail
Exactly. Covid News Network
@Kyle Sawkon, imagine thinking that with all of his crimes that he doesn’t deserve to be in jail…. not that a country as corrupt as the US will jail a former president….
@New Profile, So What? yes imagine
@Kyle Sawkon, you’re quite thick, aren’t you, even for an American?….
There are risks driving a school bus to school There are social isolation risks staying home of many other types.
If we are masking schools, we should mask businesses as well
did people forget that kids in schools pass viruses and disease more than anything? i remember in the 1980’s that was taught to us in school
How NUTZ is this?
No need for mask on elderly and the vulnerable, but kids. YEAH they must wear masks!!!
Crazy right. My school went masks optional on Friday and I am very much hoping it stays that way. So tired of wearing a stupid mask
Ok, in the beginning of pandemic, I heard masks may not be necessary… then it was masks are necessary, then cloth masks are ok to wear, then cloth masks are not ok to wear, so get the N95 or KN95 masks & wear those…
“Homestretch?” Does she really believe that?