Dr. Anthony Fauci says that while vaccinations are moving in the right direction, the U.S. could risk a surge of infections if the country declares victory over the coronavirus too soon. Aired on 03/16/2021.
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#Fauci #Coronavirus #MSNBC
Dr. Fauci: If We Declare Victory Too Soon, We Can Risk A Surge | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Tell that to your buddy, Joe Biden seems to think otherwise. This pandemic is a clown show.
@robotron17 Go job cherry picking a comment to support your confirmation bias.
@Michael Deierhoi He lies constantly. Watch his interview with Eugenio Derbez.
@robotron17 After having worked in the medical field for 15 years and often with doctors I have a pretty good understanding of what doctor sounds credible which do not. I have listened to Dr Fauci for a year and have come to see him as consistent and reliable. It is Trump who often disagreed with or even made insulting statements about Fauci that turned Trump supporters against Fauci. In the same way Trump was dismissive of wearing a mask, but he never gave a good reason let alone any evidence of any of his criticism if Fauci or why he opposed mask wearing. This led his supporters to also reject mask wearing. On top of that Trump knows nothing about the health or the medical field or science in general. But he has a big mouth and his brash tone intimidates people.
Fact is Trump never gave a good reason for any of his charges or attacks on others because he was a bully.
I have proof that Dr. Fauci is wearing a mask on my channel
@Michael Deierhoi noice
“This ain’t no party. This ain’t disco. This ain’t no foolin’ around. No time for dancing. Or lovey-dovey. I ain’t got time for that now”
@spymaine89 I don’t know. Good question. Maybe YOU can be different than them (?)
@spymaine89 What? He dressed him like a Scottish bagpiper?
@unmasked What does that even MEAN??
@Bryan Machin look at my video and your question will be answered
@Bryan Machin haha …………………..the big lie, the big sleep…………………………..
The first task would be to disable the fear campaign and media disinformation as well put an end to Big Pharma’s Covid vaccination programme.
that Google as well as Facebook are
the corporate media would be directly challenged, without specifically targeting mainstream journalists, many of whom have been instructed to abide by the official narrative. This endeavor would require a parallel process at the grassroots level, ofsensitizing and educating fellow citizenson the nature of virus, the PCR testthe impacts of the lockdown, the facemask and social distancing
“Spreading the word” through social
media and independent online media
outlets will be undertaken bearing in mind
instruments of censorship////.
The creation of such a movement, which forcefully challenges the legitimacy of the financial elites as well as the structures of political authority at the national level, is no easy task. It will require a degree of solidarity, unity and commitment unparalleled in World history
The Great Reset.
@stephanie drake yeah and the great purge didn’t happen under Stalin either. But who am I kidding? That was a right wing conspiracy.
Coming soon to a theater near you.
@Frank Treml Uhh. You’re being targeted.
@Stephanie Drake Except it definitely does exist. It’s on the cover of Time magazine, and you can watch Klaus Schwab on video explaining that the Great reset is the same thing as “build back better” … constantly repeated by Biden and all other major world leaders.
@robotron17 Sorta like MAGA hey?
Suggestive influence does not apply to we the enlightened. You will only reflect off of us back upon yourselves what you are.
Try making sense next time
Try to go one day without talking about Trump!
@Richard Zhang How you like those rising gas prices? Or troops back in Syria? Great job Biden voters!
@Jon Dough All Biden can do is ride the coattails of all of Trump’s accomplishments. The vaccines got approved under Trump’s watch! See my previous comments to some of your other dolt friends here!
Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize Winner, PCR inventor, ON VIDEO: “Fauci doesn’t mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.”
They can’t… it’s an addiction and there is no cure.
@srgreeniii yeah ok
Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize Winner, PCR inventor, ON VIDEO: “Fauci doesn’t mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.”
@Radicaleyes theyve been open for MONTHS now! youre on the wrong side of history.
@Niko C
Is your mom open for business as usual too?
@Radicaleyes “too”? dont talk about your mother that way…xD
@Radicaleyes Thanks for your tourist dollars now go back to where you came from and drive like crap that is what we will say you troll
We need a science to protect science!!!
So let’s hear the new time line… Remember two weeks to slow down the curve?
@Moe Zura I live my life by what the mainstream media tells me, this way when I argue with sane, sensible and smart people, they just give up and refuse to waste their time with me. I win every debate this way.
@Jeffrey Loveless Bet you don’t get the irony of that post.
@Moe Zura You do get America was never locked down, right? Travel was never restricted, there were no mandatory nation wide curfews. People weren’t arrested or beaten with cains for being out during a curfew. The nations that got this pandemic under control fastest went in to total lock down. If America had done a New Zealand like lock down we could have had this whipped in a couple months. But nope, couldn’t get Americans to stay home to quite literally save lives.
I remember that. The only states who took it seriously were a handful of blue states to the north. We would havee been out of this pandemic if 3veryone took it seriously from the get-go but nooo….idiots wanted their maskless freedom. Look where we are a year later.
@srgreeniii yes I can see what you mean but 2 people out of about 1,000 and like I wrote “supposed” Covid-19 because it’s not doctors and the CDC aren’t making money off the pandemic. Both said it could have been the flu.
The lab scientist 2:52 NOT WEARING A MASK

Mind control at its best.
the GQP loves spiking
the ball on the 10-yard line,
and making
“mission accomplished” banners.
Pro-trump bots attacking Dr. Fauci in comments section, like it matters
No, you’re just profoundly lost. Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize Winner, PCR inventor, ON VIDEO: “Fauci doesn’t mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.”
Weak people following Fauci’s every word.
I know those silly bots attacking fauci.
Fauci is as pure as satan.
Fauci lies constantly. Watch his interview with Eugenio Derbez.
@Iam TheGOAT …………………..the big lie, the big sleep…………………………..
The first task would be to disable the fear campaign and media disinformation as well put an end to Big Pharma’s Covid vaccination program.
the corporate media would be directly challenged, without specifically targeting mainstream journalists, many of whom have been instructed to abide by the official narrative. This endeavor would require a parallel process at the grassroots level, of sensitizing and educating fellow citizens on the nature of virus, the PCR test, the impacts of the lockdown, the face mask and social distancing.
“Spreading the word” through social media and independent online media outlets will be undertaken bearing in mind that Google as well as Facebook are instruments of censorship.
The creation of such a movement, which forcefully challenges the legitimacy of the financial elites as well as the structures of political authority at the national level, is no easy task. It will require a degree of solidarity, unity and commitment unparalleled in World history.
$20 says we’ll be locked down by the 4th of July.
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
I can hear hand rubbing intensify
Is this true 1 million dollars could be given to each voter and that would be less than 1.9 trillion
“These metaphysics of magicians and necromantic books are heavenly; lines, circles, letters, characters—Ay, these are those that Faustus most desires.”