Dr. Fauci: I Expect More Cases And I Expect An Acceleration Of Testing | Morning Joe | MSNBC

NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci joins Morning Joe to say things in the U.S. regarding coronavirus will get worse before they get better and why he says in the coming week he predicts an acceleration in testing for the virus. Aired on 03/13/2020.
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Dr. Fauci: I Expect More Cases And I Expect An Acceleration Of Testing | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Dr Fauci bless you, you told the truth
    I commend you, honour to you
    You should be in command at this time
    Decisions with reason

  2. Again : More tests within a week. Same message the government got out last week. Next week: More tests within a week. Americans love fairy tales.

    1. @Boxing 101Than Poor little S Korea, which is WAY ahead of the good old USA must have accomplished a major miracle. Or maybe God did it for them.

    2. @MountainOf Everest See S Korea. Btw, nice of YOU to decide that the older generation has ittle, if any, value. Hmm, you may be right about one. How old is trump?

    3. @sweetie You must have missed the news. trump did his usual walk back days ago. Catch up! Embarrassing.

    4. @v blackwell You’re trying to infer a value of mine when I simply list a fact.. Elderly are at greater risk of Covid19. If you’re a Fortune Teller.. why not spend that skill on something more lucrative like predicting Lotto Numbers? I made Zero value judgements .. No sale on your attempt copy and paste your fake one on me.

  3. Social money was fine for a bail out when the banks gambled away trillions of dollars, but to use social money to give every American healthcare…. No way!. Greed is king in America!

  4. Saying there was a bit of a disconnect is like saying there was an incident onboard the Hindenburg.

    1. Very true. But i give him the benefit of the doubt, …having to deal with a perfect con/man Mr Trump… and his honchos…every single minute. …!!!!

    2. @Jaden Amber
      Dr Fauci should just say the truth: the administration F’d up and we are six weeks behind in our serious testing and prevention. Who knows if we can catch up!?

    3. @Jaden Amber he will NEVER be allowed to face the public again in a day or two because the boss does NOT like to be made to look stupid.

    1. @ilonka knutson doctors you say? Who kept u alive while u were in a coma? Was it the doctors & medical staff or was it God? Do u see the difference? No medical intervention, you would not have survived!! Stop being a hypocrite and thank those who deserve to be thanked not yr invisible God who only exists in your head and texts books.

    2. @ilonka knutson by my name u gather I’m not Christian? Thats like saying, ‘you are Christian, you must be white’? What does my name tell you? Where are its origins from? Ilonka? Knutson? 🤔

    3. @K. McKee – The next time you speak with Dr. Fauci, please let him know *how many of us* are grateful for his fact-based advice. 💯

    4. CynAnne1 I’ll assume you’re being sincere and relay your sentiments. I’ll be talking with him within the week.

    1. You can tell he’s terrified to tell the truth. He knows the president is likely to fire him and he knows what a disaster that would be

    2. William H – you need to gather you friends together to coordinate defeating these truly awful people. Have them over to your house. Invite someone who was at CPAC to come and shake hands with everyone.

  5. I hope no one believes that man didn’t get tested. He just doesn’t want his moron followers to know.

    1. Bad Hombres Trumps doesn’t want to be tested he is afraid the Dr will pick up he is a demented lunatic madman.

    2. he doesn’t believe this anyway, according to that dummy, it is a hoax, that is why people are dying I guess he needs some brains!

    3. Baba vanga the same lady that predicted that 9/11 was going to happen predicted that trump was going to catch a rare disease

    4. There is a medical reason for not testing the president. For one, we have literally seen him in close contact with infected persons. This justifies a wait and see plan of action. You see this same strategy with strep throat cases where if a patient displays known signs and symptoms they are treated with antibiotics before, and many times without, the results of a positive test. If he gets sick it is almost certainly this virus; no need to test

  6. So you’re saying that private FOR PROFIT organizations have been called in to help….after trump turned down tests from the WHO back in January?🤔 hmmmmmm

    1. @Annie he accepted at court 2 days ago.
      He said that all of us have the right to get tested for free
      (forced by a Congress woman)

    2. greg hill don’t know. Wasn’t there and neither were you. I just think the borders should have been closed ASAP and they weren’t. That’s my biggest beef. Couldn’t care less about testing. Just follow the CDC guidelines and ignore all the media hype. The swine flu was worse at least so far and there wasn’t all this ridiculous panic. This won’t be the last pandemic either.

    3. Annie honey. I just don’t know what to say about your conspiracy-minded self. Is there anyone you even half-way trust?? Lol

  7. The reason there are no testing kits is because Trump shunned the WHO kits so he could give the contract to his big pharma buddies. And they screwed up. That’s the private sector for you.

    1. @panicbutton from the mouth of God, Truth itself, to Joe Klein, a lying Marxist piece of globalist trash. We can all rest knowing we are in mortal danger because Joe Klein, a lying piece of globalist crap, who wants to enslave humanity to his globalist/fascist handlers said so!? Trust them they care about you and your family but most of all the children! Wake up it’s getting late!

  8. Our medical system is profit centered and disjointed. This pandemic shows how we would benefit from a Universal Healthcare System in order to coordinate services from federal to state through to city and town levels. Sanders 2020.

    1. Adam Aroeste
      There is VA.
      Have you read about VA?
      nothing is coordinated. Nobody is accountable to anyone in this agency.

    2. Domino Ryan news flash: we do not and will not ever have a healthcare system, anywhere on this planet, that is able to handle pandemics on a daily basis. Biomedical research & development for testing and vaccines is what makes medical care adept.

    3. I don’t want to be rude, but when has the government ever been able to create worthwhile care for the individual? The greatest doctors I’ve ever been to are ones that are local and I’ve gotten to know personally. I don’t think the government would be able to coordinate an effort this large very effectively. Besides, even the government needs money to operate, and the money that the private sector makes is, at least partially, used for the creation of new vaccines.

    4. Natasha Norman – honey, we won’t all die of this virus. But, medical experts anticipate an inundation of cases, causing inadequate care for people with other medical emergencies that are treatable/curable.

    1. @TrixiLovesYou I think he knows if he was honest about Trump, he wouldn’t have his position for long and would be replaced by some bootlicking ghoul.

    2. Thank God for that. Thank you Dr. Fauci. Thank you for all you are doing. I can’t thank you enough. Be safe.

    1. @Nelson Perez I get it. Trump is a horrible businessman. You’ve come to this conclusion based not on your years of experience (as you have none) but rather on ‘orange man bad ‘.

      Do you realize how predictably idiotic you all sound?

    2. @Schmelson Hefflefinger Trump’s lies are very well documented, no doubt you’re one of those delusional evangelicals. Your ignorant attack on a commenter you don’t even know says A LOT about you. None of it good. SU.

    3. Tim Ypp ….You’re not from around here yepyupyeppers. Worry about the elite socialists. They’ll ruin your life if you haven’t already done that yourself.

    4. If you weren’t a complete moron you’d realize that compared to other business men of that caliber he has about the same number of bankruptcies filed for his business as the rest of them. Perhaps instead of being a mindless zombie that just repeats “orange man bad” like your overlords instruct you should try thinking for yourself… for once in your sad life.

  9. Dr. Fauci is in his late 70’s. He’s not even going home anymore. He’s essentially working 19 hour days, every day, & he’s doing that for all of us. I’m so thankful for him & all the medical personnel all over the world who’re helping us through this. Hold them in your thoughts & in light. FOLLOW THEIR ADVICE. That’s the best way we can help them. Please isolate as much as you can. If you’re well, offer to make a grocery/errand run for someone in your neighborhood/community who is elderly or medically challenged, so they can stay home & remain safe. Be well.

    1. Your Big Head Cousin How do you know he didn’t warn and try to implement plans? I feel like he was more likely silenced and brushed off in favour of keeping the economy propped up.

    2. @Bro. Rocco Rubino I hope your prayers include he stops spouting globalist lies and distractions?

    1. I’d imagine the man is working non-stop. I hope there are the best and brightest surrounding him now, absorbing his expertise and getting ready to keep the torch burning.

  10. Trump: “15 cases going to zero, soon.”
    COVID-19: ” Check that. 15 cases going to lots of zeroes, soon.”
    Dr. Anthony Fauci: “What COVID-19 said.”

  11. “Things are going to get worse before they get better.” I keep trying to tell people this. No one at my job is taking this seriously. At all.

    1. @Sammy Casey That is not true. THE COLLAPSE of the economy along with the number of cases..are why you should be worried. And why is young life the only important ones worth saving?

    2. @Vernon Hector 80% of the people who contract this virus report few, if any, symptoms.
      China reports successfully treating the virus with intravenous Vit C and workers are slowly returning to work. Why is the US not interested in learning from them? I am 84 and am not freaking out, but I don’t drink tap water, eat organic food, avoid eating out I ride a bike to get my groceries.

    3. For the past weeks Trump has been calling this a hoax intended to harm his election hopes, then re focussing upon OH Europe is the issue because they didn’t respond urgently enough. But He has done nothing so far at all, zilch.
      He demonstrates over and over that he places himself and his delusional conspiracy theories above all else and all others.

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