During a CNN Global Town Hall Hosted by Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Anthony Fauci answers a viewer's question about when immunity begins after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine. #CNN #News
Dr. Fauci: Getting vaccine doesn’t mean you have free pass to travel

“I got a free pass because I’m rich” – Our politicians.
@Atlanta Washington I did
@Armando Martinez Qool story, bro.
Biden will save you, just give up your rights “temporarily.”
I do see some rich elites travelling little America(Canada) when they are not to.
OMG what about my freedom – MAGATS
White supremacist detected
@club4ghz < says a white supremacist.
@Super 8 says a white supreme shirt wearer
Jorge Martinez

You also have to sell your soul to move around freely.
Hey 2019. It’s me again. I know I never call you, but I just wanted to pick up the phone and tell you that I miss you. I left you for 2021 and I just wanna tell how much you meant to me

. I still love you
. I hope you’re taking care of yourself.
Hahahahaha !
Definitely sharing on FB!!!! Thank you to the Handsome Man from Oregon! I live in Portland and really appreciated your question. I too am deeply sorry for your loss. I am really sad for you and your family. Reminds me…. its not just in NYC and LA.
thank you
This reeks of Boomer.
That was awesome to listen too.
I work at a hospital and haven’t had my vaccination yet. It’s been delayed and we don’t know when it will be available to us yet
Nope. Not taking a COVID shot. I’ll wait until the guinea pigs start mutating.
All the hospital workers I know have turned down the vaccine lol
@Marc Amico Come on!!! Tickle your T-Cells…. T-cells, for lack of a better term…..are GOOD!

Dont think of Umbrella Corp. Youll be fine
Wow.. hopefully u can get the vaccine somewhere else. I am getting my 2nd vaccine tomarrow
@D Z you have smart friends.
Keep up these town halls! So good to have a real scientists answer questions and clear up misinformation. happy to see Dr. Wilensky included.
Because it’s still a test and they still need to watch for a period of time I get it.
I won’t be traveling ever sir
This country is finished!
“Let’s go on vacation everyone! We can quarantine for 2 weeks in another city or country! Yay!!!!!!”
there really are people who will be doing that.
@RainbowDemon I’m sure there will be a lot of videos w/ uninformed, loud mouth Karen’s forgetting about that rule lol
Finally people are waking up
They have no clue when you develop immunity. There has not been enough testing.
But we need to get back to work and open the economy

Dr. Fauci stated it takes 10-14 days after vaccinations to develop antibodies to covid-19.
Once 70%-85% of the US population gets immunized, we should have what’s known as ‘ herd immunity ‘.
I can see why Trump didn’t listen to Fauci… Fauci’s vocabulary includes a lot of big words. Unfortunately, many members of the public also won’t understand him, especially when his statements are nuanced.
I see it’s all about mRNA technology.
Probably because of investments.
For those of us that prefer to wait for the older novavax technology vaccine, I’d really like to know when the investors are going to approve and allow it to be used in USA.
The ending is hilarious. lol
This guy is more interested in politics of the day than actual science!!! I don’t trust him, he loves to be on tv!
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;”
— Romans 1:28