Dr. Anthony Fauci shares his thoughts on the coronavirus pandemic as the US approaches the grim milestone of 500-thousand deaths from Covid-19. He also explains why Americans might still need to wear masks in 2022.
Dr. Fauci explains why we might be wearing masks in 2022

This is getting old.
watched the first 30 seconds… then i thought to myself… why am i wasting my time watching propaganda thats not based on facts?
This is our future
@Larry Adams I have .50bmg presents for any that decides to enter my private property, but unfortunately my house depends on me working too much to have time to go see any of these idiots in DC face to face.
@Lasune Fisher All Democrat Communist Party Agenda. All it is.
@Miller Time just obey right? Do what is told,correct? SHEEP
The 15 days to slow the spread somehow turned into the rest of our lives.
@tulum0617 it didn’t matter who the leader was during the 200 days of burning, looting, and murdering did it? And you think other countries that are worse off are blaming their leaders?? Nope. You think Brazil is blaming Balsanaro? You think Russians are blaming Putin? You think Canadians are blaming their PM? I could go on all day. Heck even the Chinese aren’t blaming themselves in China and they will NEVER apologize. But people like you are don’t care because you are blaming Trump.
@Steeple ChaserForLife wahhhhhhh
@Kicapu I’m not saying electricity isn’t expensive. I’m saying the “17,000” figure is silly. Especially when some people aren’t even getting electricity right now. It’ll be one of the cheapest months for them.
@Kicapu well so far….. not really.
@Paul Rossi Don’t by in to that crap lol.
People are so afraid of dying that they have forgotten how to live.
@steve allen that statistic is completely false… almost all of the people who were recorded as ‘covid deaths’ actually died from other conditions. Most had 2 or more other comorbidities. The numbers are grossly inflated so as to keep people afraid and compliant.
And I’m not claiming Covid doesn’t exist. I have family members who have been sick. I’m just saying those death numbers are being used to control and manipulate the population into being afraid and obedient.
@Jeanette Richardson Huh? It was over 80M who voted for Joe and Kamala. Get your facts straight. America is BACK!
@Mason Lawlor Politicians or the virus?
@MM = ignorant

15 months to flatten the middle class.
watched the first 30 seconds… then i thought to myself… why am i wasting my time watching propaganda thats not based on facts?
@D Bass Fishing “communist” states that make more money than most countries. yeah real communist.
@Just A Guy Production I don’t think you understand viruses. They mutate. It’s why the flu doesn’t just “go away” and you need different vaccines every year.
This is never going to stop
@savannah505 Never defended Pelopsi honestly she and the corporate dems are just as bad as the former clown in charge. You still have no reason to bot want to wear a mask
@Piccolo LMFAO I swear these idiots are getting dumber and dumber
@hardtrance goa channel 1995 – 2003 pretty sure Jesus will wear a mask to avoid disease from spreading lmao
@E H Fr they act like they are being suffocated
@Bunny Bun99 spoiler alert IT’S A PANDEMIC even right now everyone is masked up over there once it passes life will go back to normal. Funny how everything is open over there cause people masked up fast cause it’s part of the culture americans are too entitled to even wear a mask when they have a pandemic
Me: What is normal mean?
Fauchi: hahaha :))) ask normal questions? What do you mean by normality?
I remember when people were saying this was a temporary inconvenience.
@Tony probably 18 masks covered in a thick layer of plastic
@Denise Dspain because science has shown hundreds of times before that travel has never slowed variant strain spreading
@The Nd
Everyone has been. Even though we don’t want to. We are waiting to not wear them anymore!
@Intelligent Investor so what? There is no need to look at the United States at all to draw conclusions about the US. One can look at Europe and apply the results they have seen to the US. They did an exemplary job of shutting down and following orders like good little scared sheep. But it did not defeat the spread or give them anything one would call success. They got the same results we did ! So do u not see the irony of your comment?
@Italia Rosa i wasn’t wearing one at either of the big DC trump rallies, that was a group of people equivalent to what you see at times square every normal new year’s and nobody i went with got sick around all those people
If schools can’t reopen until like April/May (in my area this is the soonest they’ll open, the teachers just started getting vaccinated), they might aswell just wait until next year. There’s not much of a reason to reopen schools with only a month or so left.
When TF are people gonna wake TF up and stop listening to these tyrants
I wont be
just like Im not now. I love my free state.
I’m getting tired of this nonsense
It us easy, do not hear.
Lol I’m buying GameStop, I heard round two is coming
so did your girlfriend……
boy was she disappointed.
@mike mann songs shiet bruh who tickled your butt? Lol
After going through all this crap and getting their miracle vaccine we damn well better not be wearing masks in 2022!!!

@Julie Nicolazzo Three words: “Operation Warp Speed”
Shut up dummy lmaooo
We ? You . I haven’t once wore a mussel ! Yall are so dumbed down your not living yall are dwelling.
@George Munster Vaccine? You spelled poison wrong, genius !
@Shrek Onion well, yes. We’re approaching a point where we’ll have more vaccines than people in the country, best to give those extra to countries who don’t rather than sitting and letting them go to waste.
@hounddog2952 “poison” I can’t tell if you people are being serious or not.
This doesn’t make any sense to me, they say life will begin to approach back to normal by the end of the year, but they want us back in school before this school year is even over with? That makes zero sense to me…..
A lot of kids severely struggle learning online, and generally it’s a more inconvenient environment to learn in. They’re saying that the risk is becoming low enough to allow kids to go to school and improve their learning. It’s like a risk/reward thing.
Ever seen Idiocracy? Great movie. We live in it now Petr.
Month AGO THE FLUW DIDNT AFECT THE CHILDERN O they came up with a new virus
But all the covid Doomer’s will sadly agree without even questioning him SMDH.
We’ll be wearing mask until the mask and vaccine corporations make their dues…and then some

When did we turn into cowards over such a small risk?
They are not after me ,they’re after you, i am just in the way ,remember
Bill Gates is guilty of crimes against humanity and is the driving force behind all of this world dominance. Spread the word.
“CNN, the most trusted name in news”, according to CNN.
CNN is not fake, they are just very biased and report on what they want