Dr. Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist and Global Health Policy Expert at the University of Washington Medical Center, warns Andrea Mitchell of some of the dangers of information and policy decisions coming from the Trump administration as the virus surges, and says of the push to reopen schools that "using children, parents, and teachers as a means to an end to reopen the economy in the face of unclear data at best is dangerous." Aired on 07/14/2020.
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Dr Calls It Dangerous To Use Children, Parents, & Teachers To Argue For Reopening Amid Uncertainty
And there is a shortage of caskets for children
There is a shortage of Caskets for us all
You’re dumb.
@Gloria Mcfadden I won’t be needing one.
Every time a conservative says “All Lives Matter” he just doing what conservatives do: ………Lie.
Just like when they utter “Freedom”, “Constitution”, “America”, “Justice”, and “Liberty”. …………Never once used those words as they were meant to be.
They define ‘All’ lives as lives that are white, straight, rich, and for the most part, male. They couldn’t care less about any that don’t meet that criteria.
A 6.5% Covid death rate in NY doesnt matter to Democrats and their Sycophants in the MSM.
I don’t expect anything moral from a blatantly immoral president. .
@Jeweled Bird The only way to become that way is by consistently doing what one knows to be wrong, to be immoral.
@Craig Crawford Sometimes sociopaths are born, sometimes they’re made. According to Trump’s niece, for him it was a little of both. Fred Sr. apparently wasn’t a nice man.
I’m not exonerating Trump, however. Sociopaths know right from wrong in an academic sense, but morality doesn’t play into it at all. They just don’t care. They will do whatever they can to get what they want.
Just be glad that Trump isn’t an *intelligent* sociopath, otherwise we’d be so deep in the hole that it’d take generations to dig ourselves out of it.
@Jeweled Bird It will already take several generations to fix the damage done by the president and administration, that’s for sure. If Trump was even remotely intelligent we would be 10x worse off than what we are now. .
@Jeweled Bird As the POTUS, we the people can hold him to account. You’re talking about why he’s a jalopy… which is always besides the point.
@Wesley C. I guess my point is that with an immoral person, there’s a chance you can appeal to their better nature because they do know right from wrong.
With Trump, there is no better nature.
But you’re right. No matter the reason, we need to trade in the jalopy.
4 out of 5 Doctors agree that people who are alive tend to have a better quality of life than those who are dead.
what does the 5th doctor say? chew trident?
The whole Trump Administration is a metaphor for Dangerous.
Not just a metaphor. They are extremely dangerous.
@RustyTube And they all need to be hanged on the White House lawn as an example.
They literally don’t care how many people die.
And stupidity!
Only in today’s America will you see people pushing their children TOWARDS a deadly virus.
To be fair it’s only the republicans. Takes a special kind of stupid.
Please,, give Citizens more credit than that, Not,, my grandchildren
The upper class want the lower class back at work, making them wealthy. They see opening schools as a necessary means to that end.
Keep your kids away from Creepy Joe! “I got a lot, I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, and the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”
Kids are incubators who pass it on.
It’s absolutely disturbing and sick how this administration and namely DeVos try to put children at risk to score a few political points

Give Me One Good Reason how children are at risk by going back to school give me one good reason maybe it’s because you want to race idiots too lazy to get them back to school or in the classroom and teach them something maybe that’s your problem but the rest of the children in the United States need to get back in the classroom stop using this virus to put fear in people the virus is not that bad it is no worse than the flu if it killed 50 to 80 million people like the 1918 Spanish Flu than yes you got something to worry about but this is no different than the N1 H1 we have over 350 million Americans only a hundred and thirty-five thousand dead and they had underlying problems pneumonia cancer diabetic kidney disease just old elderly people stop making excuse that this coronavirus is killing people unless you are injecting people with something to cause them to die and then say they died of Coronavirus that is what is awful strange
@Wanda Roderick You are as idiotic as your cult leader. It is people like you that enable morons like Trump. Biden 2021 to restore sanity!
Devos Queen of the lobbyist swamp monsters.
But are our Children any safer with Democrats?
The PEACEFUL Protests were about Everyone getting together regarding the murder of George Floyd.
ALL colors and all nationalities.
But Democrats are Deliberately trying to set off race wars.
That is Not what the American People, of All colors, are about nor want to happen in America.
(Please google and read about what happened in Rwanda in 1994 and the history leading up to it)
This Presidential Election
Is Not for the people of America.
The Nastiest, Most Divisive, Deadliest Campaign ever!!!
Democrats have Not spoken out against the Riots, which have caused Innocent Deaths, even of Children.
Instead they have Encouraged, Supported and instigated.
Martin Luther King –
His protestors carried no guns, took no lives, killed no children,
didn’t burn and loot any businesses,
didn’t damage and destroy property and terrorize neighborhoods.
May We the United People of
INDEPENDENT Presidential Candidates
Who are Not trying to disunite and destroy America.
Please read articles and see videos below:
8 year old shot and Killed by Protesters https://www.11alive.com/mobile/article/news/crime/atlanta-city-council-on-secoriea-turner-shooting/85-0e68f37c-ad55-45c2-a15e-5402af46f206
Police chief breaks down after fire crews blocked from burning Richmond home with child inside –
YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AEncQKV8k_0
George Floyd’s brother calls for peace instead of violence
YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qS1-uUlfC80
Raw: St. Louis police chief gets emotional talking about 4 officers shot during riots
YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dAkY2tDQeGY
‘We will march with everybody’: Houston police chief tells George Floyd protesters
– YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PaMLIEPdw8I
Michigan sheriff puts down weapons and joins protesters in march
| 7NEWS – YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fBo9E9Be_kw
Black firefighter who spent life savings on new bar loses it to Minneapolis looters
| The Post Millennial – News, Politics, Culture, and Lifestyle https://thepostmillennial.com/black-man-who-spent-life-savings-on-opening-sports-bar
Black Firefighter Spent His Life Savings To Open A Bar. Then Minneapolis Looters Burned It Down
| The Daily Caller https://dailycaller.com/2020/05/29/looters-minneapolis-george-floyd-firefighter-bar/
#45 Send Barron First To Test The School Waters
This is organized incompetence.
Experts: These are the wrong things to do during this pandemic?
This administration: Ok, let’s do that
Republican Speechmaking Fundamentals 101:
—- Send your families to church.
—- Send your children to school.
—- Send your sons and daughters to war.
—- While we keep Roger Stone out of prison.
whatever happen we take no responsibility
Lets use the government to attack people who dont share our political beliefs. Stone had committed no offense before the government started making them.
@Charles Leano That’s the advanced tutorial.
@Dave Schultz What is, “go ahead” and “so what”?
Sec. of Edu. is extremely desperate about reopening schools. Need to know what her true, behind the door, motivations are.
Evil people has no need for motivation. Destruction and death are inherent to their being.
She likely gets a kick-back from Christian private schools that get to re-open.
Yes! I’ve had it up to HERE with the lies. Good on you, doctor, calling them out!
Questions for School Openings:
• If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19 are they required to quarantine for 2-3 weeks? Is their sick leave covered, paid?
• If that teacher has 5 classes a day with 30 students each, do all 150 of those students need to then stay home and quarantine for 14 days?
• Do all 150 of those students now have to get tested? Who pays for those tests? Are they happening at school? How are the parents being notified? Does everyone in each of those kids’ families need to get tested? Who pays for that?
• What if someone who lives in the same house as a teacher tests positive? Does that teacher now need to take 14 days off of work to quarantine? Is that time off covered? Paid?
• Where is the district going to find a substitute teacher who will work in a classroom full of exposed, possibly infected students for substitute pay?
• Substitutes teach in multiple schools. What if they are diagnosed with COVID-19? Do all the kids in each school now have to quarantine and get tested? Who is going to pay for that?
• What if a student in your kid’s class tests positive? What if your kid tests positive? Does every other student and teacher they have been around quarantine? Do we all get notified who is infected and when? Or because of HIPAA regulations are parents and teachers just going to get mysterious “may have been in contact” emails all year long?
• What is this stress going to do to our teachers? How does it affect their health and well-being? How does it affect their ability to teach? How does it affect the quality of education they are able to provide? What is it going to do to our kids? What are the long-term effects of consistently being stressed out?
• How will it affect students and faculty when the first teacher in their school dies from this? The first parent of a student who brought it home? The first kid?
• How many more people are going to die, that otherwise would not have if we had stayed home longer?
30% of the teachers in the US are over 50. About 16% of the total deaths in the US are people between the ages of 45-65.
We are choosing to put our teachers AND STUDENTS in danger.
There has to be a solid plan for safety moving forward!
too many questions….simple answer…do not open school
Brilliant! Amazing how few people think through the implications of the simplest statement.
Great questions!
DeSantis: If Home Depot can be open, so can schools.
Florida: When was the last time you spent 8 hours at Home Depot and then did that five days straight?
DeSantis: **open mouth breathing and blank stares** If Home Depot can be open….
Florida: SIgh.
last time I went to Home depot….it wasn’t 5 days a week for 7 hrs a day…………WTF IS DESANTIS TALKING ABOUT
@Todd Jenkins Yeah, Ron isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Toolbox yes, sharpest, no.
stupid speaks stupid
Totally agree
. 4 America to be in this situation is a travesty. It’s just outright pathetic.
The “president” and the pandemic make a truly lethal combo.
15 days?!? to get your test back. My son-in-law in Munich got his back in 3 days and we thought that was long. It was over the weekend. Wow.
It is unconscionable to use children, parents & teachers to argue for reopening amid the pandemic.
The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
The “genius” who hides his college grades.
The “self-made man” who tax dodged a $413M “gift” from daddy’s real estate empire.
The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 yrs.
The “playboy” who pays for $ех.
The “Christian”, twice-divorced philanderer, who never asks God for forgiveness.
The “man of the Bible” who declined to name even one of his favorite Bible verses.
The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
The “patriot” who dodged the draft; family tradition: grandfather was kicked out of Bavaria for draft-dodging, father bribed a doctor tenant to exempt Donald from military service.
The “paragon of honesty” whose new immigration rules would have kept his and his senior anti-immigration advisor Stephen Miller’s grandparents out.
The “steadfast defender of our nation’s borders” who married an alleged undocumented immigrant and illegal worker who sponsored her parents into the country by “chain migration”.
The “staunch Republican” who donated to Democrats at all gov’t levels: Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Anthony Weiner, Harry Reid, Andrew Cuomo, Terry McAuliffe, Eliot Spitzer.
The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
The “President” who takes no responsibility.
The “tough, strong man“ who wears makeup and hairspray but never a mask.
The “deal maker” who has yet to close a deal.
If America reelects this guy, it deserves the dystopian future that follows.
“If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. I mean, it’s no good. So I’m very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better.”
― The Donald @ Larry King Live, October 1999
“A friend of mine was in Scotland recently. He got very, very sick. They took him by ambulance and he was there for four days. He was really in trouble, and they released him and he said, ‘Where do I pay?’ And they said, ‘There’s no charge.’ Not only that, he said it was like great doctors, great care. I mean we could have a great system in this country.”
― The Donald @ The David Letterman Show, January 2015
“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”
― The Donald @ interview with The Washington Post, January 2017
“Hillary’s always surrounded herself with very good people, I think Hillary would do a good job [as president].”
[praising Hillary Clinton as a Democratic presidential candidate who could make a good deal with Iran.]
― The Donald @ interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, 2007
“I know [Hillary Clinton] and she’d make a good president or good vice president.”
[speaking of the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries]
― The Donald @ “Trumped!”, a syndicated radio feature, 2008
“Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job [since joining the Obama administration as Secretary of State]. I like her.”
― The Donald @ interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren, March 2012
“I know [Hillary Clinton] very well, and I know her husband very well, and I like them both. They are just really terrific people. I like them both very much. But I think you’ll be looking at the record of Hillary Clinton. And how did she do as secretary of state? Probably above and beyond everybody else and everything else.”
[speaking after the 2012 Benghazi attack]
― The Donald @ interview with NBC News, August 2013
“In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat. I’ve been around a long time. And it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn’t be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats. …we’ve had some pretty bad disaster[s] under the Republicans.”
― The Donald @ interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, 2004
“I don’t want to pivot… If you start pivoting, you’re not being honest with people.”
― The Donald @ interview with Wisconsin television station WKBT, August 2016
“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s, like, incredible.”
― The Donald @ campaign rally in Iowa, January 2016
“I love all people, rich or poor, but in those particular [i.e. cabinet] positions I just don’t want a poor person.”
― The Donald @ rally in Iowa, June 2017
“I think if this country gets any kinder or gentler, it’s literally going to cease to exist.”
― The Donald @ Playboy, March 1990
“Let our politicians give back our police department’s power to keep us safe. Unshackle them from the constant chant of ’police brutality’…”
― The Donald @ “Bring Back the Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police!”, a newspaper ad, May 1989
“The point is that you can’t be too greedy.”
― The Donald @ “The Art of the Deal”, 1987
“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
[speaking of having $ex and referring to women’s geпitals as “potential landmines”.]
― The Donald @ interview on The Howard Stern Show, November 1997
“Vagiпa is expensive.”
― The Donald @ his second wedding, as retold on The Howard Stern Show, 1997
“Wow! Just think — in a couple of years I’ll be dating you.”
[to two 14-year-old girls in 1992, after asking the girls how old they were. The girls were part of a youth choir performing a carol concert outside Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel.]
― The Donald @ Chicago Tribune, December 1992
“Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”
― The Donald @ Twitter, November 2013
“You can’t con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.”
― The Donald @ “The Art of the Deal”, 1987
“I’m gоіng tо tеll yоu whаt I rеаlly thіnk оf Dоnаld Trump. Thіs mаn іs а pаthоlоgіcаl lіаr. Hе dоеsn’t knоw thе dіffеrеncе bеtwееn truth аnd lіеs. Hе lіеs prаctіcаlly еvеry wоrd thаt cоmеs оut оf hіs mоuth… а nаrcіssіst аt а lеvеl I dоn’t thіnk thіs cоuntry hаs еvеr sееn… Wе аrе stаrіng аt thе аbуss.”
― Tеd Сruz @ prеss cоnfеrеncе, mоrnіng оf Indіаnа Rеpublіcаn prіmаry, Mаy 2016
“Givе me ten years, and you will not recognize Germany anymore!”
― Adolf Schicklgruber @ election slogan, 1933
Slow Joe has his senate papers under lock and key at the University of Delaware and will NOT RELEASE them. He is obviously Hidding his criminal sexual HISTORY.
@Dave Schultz Where’s your proof
@Hellacia , Tara Reid.
Dave Schultz …after all Nota wrote this is what you came up with???? I’d say you didn’t read one word…maybe cuz…like the Resident in our Whitehouse…you can’t read!!!!!
“I really believe the Republicans are just too crazy right. I mean, what’s going on is just nuts.”
― The Donald @ interview with NBC News’ “Meet the Press”, October 1999
All republicans should send their kids back to class if they want. Start in Florida, Texas and Arizona.
Good idea. Then give them time for them to actually regret that decision.
Trump’s only regret is that you have
but one life to lose for the economy.