Dr. Bogoch: Canada will have a ‘very good summer’

Infectious diseases specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch says Canada will have a better 2021 summer than what it had in 2020.

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Dr. Bogoch: Canada will have a 'very good summer'


  1. Look who’s got paid by Big Farma.. this “doctor” again… “Vaccines, vaccines and more vaccines” type of doctor ☠

  2. It will be hell this summer ! It take hours on phone to get some one amd if u get some one for appointment my uncle 90 gave up two hours on phone ! Like really

  3. This doctor is on the payroll ….he is always spouting the same line from other so called health “experts” which have ruined so many lives .

  4. Doctors are excellent at treating the sick and terrible at setting public policy. NEVER put them in charge again.

  5. Oh rly, a few hours ago the news is saying a big third wave, then says there is hope xD. Make up your minds already.

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