Infectious diseases specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch says Canada will have a better 2021 summer than what it had in 2020.
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A covid summer again
As long as it remains a choice. Pro Choice!
Why the long face?
How yours, Gerry?
ya just in time for an election
Look who’s got paid by Big Farma.. this “doctor” again… “Vaccines, vaccines and more vaccines” type of doctor
he seems to be very high!
It will be hell this summer ! It take hours on phone to get some one amd if u get some one for appointment my uncle 90 gave up two hours on phone ! Like really
This doctor is on the payroll ….he is always spouting the same line from other so called health “experts” which have ruined so many lives .
So called experts you got that right
Wasn’t this same guy that said we should be shut down a little longer, another big pharma shill
Wave after wave after wave. Another wave?
Same doctor recommended not wearing masks last year.
This summer is gonna be a RIOT!
WTH is a “ wavelet”?
They’ll draw the definition soon
Doctors are excellent at treating the sick and terrible at setting public policy. NEVER put them in charge again.
Oh rly, a few hours ago the news is saying a big third wave, then says there is hope xD. Make up your minds already.
P1 coming next and the mRNA experiment isn’t working.
we never needed your permission to begin with.
If you make 40k a year globally you are the 1%.
Another gong show.