Dr. Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, tells Lawrence O'Donnell that the U.S. should mandate wearing masks, get rid of large indoor gatherings, including indoor dining at bars and restaurants, and ramp up testing and contact tracing, while having "clear and consistent communication.”. Aired on 6/30/2020.
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Dr. Ashish Jha: 'We Should Get Rid Of Indoor Large Gatherings' | The Last Word | MSNBC
3 C to be avoided. Crowds . Close communication. Confined places Are these so difficult( ?) Masks;social distancing; washing hands. Are these detrimental??**
Everyone knows the right thing to do. Sadly the ‘I’m not’ brigade will continue to do exactly what they want. Let’s hope they enjoy wearing an ET tube or a tracheostomy, because, for sure wearing a mask is a lot easier and it’s far far cheaper!
Go get vaccinated oh gullible one
Bob my online teachers want to do why I don’t like science. Tell your teacher you’re a republican
So outdoor gathering is okay like protesting
@Crimdor crap are baiting
@CShieldjust me and my grandkids that don’t protest we are gone fishing crap is baiting be mad I will pray for you try this you want be so mad good night
@Tommy Westbrook Wow you’re dumb… That’s a great story bro but outside gatherings are still okay.
@CShield more you talk more votes for Trump
@Tommy Westbrook You’re just so stupid, foreigner. Everything you say is a lie.
Trump hasn’t been seen lately and Pence is wearing a mask.
I’m just saying.
@misterpk92 If you support Trump, then you support his ideology. So people like you did mention all of those things.
The following link is evidence via budget statements that proves Trump defunded CDC in 2017-2018, effective firing 44 epidemiologists in China not including more epidemiologists also fired globally, meaning Trump effectively created Covid-19, meaning Trump effectively killed 500,000 people globally, including 130,000 Americans.
This is basically Trump’s website, and budget statements are legal documents, so don’t you dare say that it is fake.
Now…..if you still think this is some kind of confusion soup, then I suggest you go back and finish middle school.
@TrumpVirus-19 Cutting the CDC’s budget from 12 billion in 2017 to 11 billion in 2018 doesn’t mean he created the Corona virus. It sounds like you just hate Trump and want others to hate him too. You might want to work on your analytical skills before you post a link you don’t understand and saying ‘go back to middle school’
LMAO. You made my point. You are the one who does not get it. Global Health was decreased by 76 million. Not 1 billion. Healthcare overall was defunded by $1 billion, just like I told you in my video. Lol you don’t understand that $76 million paid the salary and expenses of epidemiologists globally deployed. If that is what it cost, then that is what it cost.
That is what makes what Trump did so senseless. $76 million is relatively small for something so important. I want to laugh, but then I remember 500,000 and 130,000. Another way to look at it is like this…..$76 million dollars ago 500,000 people would still be alive today, but Trump just have to use it to pay for his wall that Mexico is not paying for.
I am glad you at least understand that the Health and Human Services website is not a hoax. Sadly, that is a low bar for a Trump support. Middle school can help bring you up to speed.
But why do hate America so much???
@TrumpVirus-19 the whole thing is titled “CDC Budget Overview”, and you can find the aggregate amounts at the bottom on the row titled “Subtotal, Program Level”. $12 billion to $11 billion. Congrats
@misterpk92 epidemiologists still was defunded $76 million dollars which caused the lay off of pandemic scientists. So why are you congratulating me for Trump effectively creating Covid-19 and effectively killing 500,000 people globally including 130,000 Americans? Shouldn’t you be congratulating Trump for the? Subtotal only mean there are other accounts for the nation’s budget for the fiscal year. I keep telling you that middle school will go a long way.
Are you ever going to tell me why you hate America? Why guy?
They just want trump outside doing his rallies so we can have another JFK situation.
Or maybe they don’t want ANYONE taking one for the team?
Fake news
you are losing deepstate
Look out!!!!!! The deep state is behind you!!!!!
try the science channel fox is making you stupid!
@D B You won’t get to a Trumper, they are gone, loooong gone.
@D B “the science channel” Now that is quite the lefty line right there. I’m sure you have “Love Wins” posted all over your Facebook too
Shut down the businesses except essential services. Make everyone stay home and wear mask when they need to go out. Do contact tracing and impose quarantine to anyone who has been in contact and/or exposed to the virus.
Why is it so hard to do all these things above?
Because it ain’t maga enough.
magas are tough, don’t like rules, don’t follow orders.
The United States is in serious crisis so that this country may conclude that a worldwide war
perhaps will help her to overcome the current crises which are fundamentally
wrong as war has not solved any problem.
If there is no federal guideline, it’s whatever. It’s America. Americans don’t care. We do what we want. MAGA!
The technology must be available that some scientists can physically measure the airborne particles of the virus real time in indoor gatherings? Wouldn’t it be a good and worthwhile thing to do to measure it at a trump rally for example to let these idiots know how destructive it can be. Maybe have a big flashing red light and a warning Clayton rigged up to it just so these idiots can get a visual/audible alarm. They would soon evacuate then and hopefully learn a valuable lesson. Sure we may loose a few in the stampede to get out but how else will they learn.
That would need the Trump cultists to believe it exists in the first place.
Civil War is approaching.
It’s not. Go back to your bunker, Cletus.
CShield — the Leftists are coming to an end. They are cowards and will run from the field of Battle?
@Viking That’s not happening, loser troll.
so we should get rid of school people gather there ? what a dumb Dr. we can use common sense and still gather together and be safe !
@M Bern but i can’t because that would be an indoor social gathering !
@doug field Good point. You’ve changed my thinking, we need indoor gatherings, because you desperately need a better education.
@M Bern i love how we must stop all indoor gatherings , which MSNBC and the Dr. are against because it hurts the chance of Joe Biden being President not because it will save a life ! but never bring up the idea of all nations working together to stop any virus being released on us ever again ! i would think stopping viruses from being released on the world would be the smart first choice not trying to stop Pres. Trump from holding a rally
@doug field Sounds good. Just promise me, you’ll go back to school.
sorry can’t the wise and mighty MSNBC and the Dr. tell me i will die if i go to school where there is social gathering ! which is my point because as we all know there is no way in the world for the rest of time for social gatherings to be safe !
Translation “ creepy senile racist joe can’t get more than 150 people to show up to his rallies “
The shrinking size of Trump’s hate rallies is a good first step.
Stay Home Everyone
Wear a Mask
I have a use for large indoor venues. Paint the floors with six foot circles, six feet apart. If anyone is caught in public without a mask they go sit in one of those circles for 24 hours. They can be chained to the floor if necessary.