Who is Dr. Anthony Fauci, America's leading medical expert?
RELATED: What is R-0 and how can it be used to fight coronavirus?
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s longtime official title is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, but there is more to know.
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#fauci #anthonyfauci
Fauci, Birx and Gates are in this together. Do the research!
@Brandy Pompeo thank you for sharing that, please continue to share it
I have the Facebook version, they keep deleting the YouTube version
Earning from vaccine patents and advising on vaccinations is gross conflict of interests.
Dr fauci is the devil
Louis Mariano oh really? You trump bott! The Plandemic by crimminal Judy Mikovic, whose video got debunnked for lacking of facts and liies? Get lost outta here and stop cryying! Dr Fauci is an amazing doctor and trusted by millions! No one cares for liiar Judy Mikovic!
Louis Mariano oh really? So we should listen to You- trump botts? Or to criminal Judy Mikovic whose Video was debunked by Multiple doctors and scientists for lacking facts? https://respectfulinsolence.com/2020/05/06/judy-mikovits-pandemic/ go get helpp and stop embarrassing yourself!
This man is the definition of “corrupt”. Straight-talking, level-headed public health superstar?! That is the most naked piece of propaganda I’ve ever seen. I’m flabbergasted that you couldn’t even attempt to sound unbiased.
SLYDOG hahaha! Says trump’s bot fan, who has no idea about medicine, you dumb bots!
I would not believe anything that this Communist/Democrat turd has to say or advise. He is a bosom
buddy of Hillary Rotten Clinton. Of course he maintains that the United States remains in Lock-Down,
because the longer the U.S. is locked-down, the longer George “NAZI” Soros and Bill Gates can covertly
function to bring the United States to Her knees, and introduce the policies of the “NEW WORLD ORDER,”
ramrodded by Soros. Everybody forgets that Soros and Gates are on the same page as far as main-
taining their ideology of geting rid of the humans that they view of lesser importance, and because the
Communists/Democrats are desperate, and Soros is still a NAZI from growing up in Hungary, he is
perpetuating Hitler’s dream of global conquest, where Hitler failed to get rid of the Jews, Soros desires to
usher-in the New World Order, and to get rid of Donald Trump as our 45 POTUS, because he maintains
to get rid of the corruptiono that has infested our government, similar to how the Coronavirus has
infected planet Earth, and that is a “STAR SPANGLED GIVEN.”
SLYDOG hahahahah! Dr Fauci is an amazing doctor, Trump bot fans. Your stupidity is unreal and btw he just received another award for Public Service. Your Hydroxychloroquine was tested by many doctors but it’s for malaria, you idiots and it causes heart problems, it’s not allowed for Covid treatment! Keep talking! You Trump’s fans are just embarrassing yourself! Hahahaha!
SLYDOG you are complete IDIOTT! Hydroxychloroquine is NOT approved to treat patents with Covid-19 because it causes Heartt issues!!! The medicine is being tested Yet and so far used only to treat malaria, arthritis and lupus.
Hydroxychloroquine is still being tested by MULTIPLE doctors/scientists and it should NOT be considered YET for treating patients with Covid-19.
So STOP promoting your Dumb Presidents words and Listen to people with medical background you dumbb bottt!
@Camila Vega wow l suppose if these ‘experts’ (on the big pharma payroll) told you the earth was flat you’d believe that too.
Either you are incredibly naive, stupid or on the same payroll.
The general public is taken names USA today!. America is rising and you can’t arrest us all.
. We know the CIA controls you!
You evil man Fauci!
Nina lmaooo bot, he is kind and smart! Get lost, 50 cent bot!

JOY Lesile that’s you and Trump, you bot!
Y’all need to address his patents and how he profits off of vaccines that dont work
This money hungry troll needs to be removed from any kind of power or public say.
Thank you Dr Fauci! You are a wonderful person!
This man is of Satan seed. The devil.
I knew when I heard him hes evil in disguise…..
He’s evil
Ariana Smith that’s your TRUMP!
Wow… what a dangerous, uninformed person we hv (not) filling the office of President…
Hmmm… and where has our task force!!!???? Where is Fauci
Who has the most difficult job in America right now? Dr. Fauci by far, because he must attempt to educate MAGA Morons before they kill us all. You have my ultimate respect and support Dr. Fauci!
Unbelievable level of crap. What this put together by big pharma? I think so
That little man
this man is a liar he should be in jail for puting 26 million people out of work
Fas uci is a Traitor to humanity. Misusing a flu for his NWO goat riders mates.