Dr. Anthony Fauci talks to CNN's Jake Tapper about the US effort to ramp up coronavirus testing and what we have learned so far about the Covid-19 virus.
#Fauci #CNN #News
Dr. Anthony Fauci talks to CNN's Jake Tapper about the US effort to ramp up coronavirus testing and what we have learned so far about the Covid-19 virus.
#Fauci #CNN #News
Give me a Fauci 10 minute interview with jake over 10 Trump breifings from now on please.
@SteveTerada lol even if I give a ton of articles collaborating it, you’ll never believe it. The beauty of money being transferred there’s a paper trail of evidences that can’t be denied. You can’t deny the fact Fauci’s org, gave 3.7 million to a Wuhan lab. Up to you if you still want to deny the obvious. Stay blind.
Rudy Giuliani explains it without the medical description: “Back in 2014, the Obama administration prohibited the U.S. from giving money to any laboratory, including in the U.S., that was fooling around with these viruses. Prohibited. Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory. And then even after the State Department issued reports about how unsafe that laboratory was, and how suspicious they were in the way they were developing a virus that could be transmitted to humans, we never pulled that money.”
Dr. Buttar says Fauci “broke the law,” but he “more than broke the law:”
@SteveTerada fact – Fauci’s NIAID Gave $3.7 Million To Wuhan Lab
Give me a 100 trumps I’ve one Fauci any day your talking about someone who gave 3 something million dollars to the virology lab in Wuhan China in 2017 then comes out and says trump will encounter a pandemic during his term
@Steven peacock ya, a global pandemic has been wafned about for awhile. You fund labs fir research, thats hiw vaccines are made? the CDC does it too. Coronaviruses have been researched since the days if sars and mers. But ya take your 100 Trumps, theyre akl yours. He gives amazing medical advice, take it. What do ya got to lose.
@david bias And you sound like a 5 year old on a playground
You have to admire how they can deflect responsibility and treat every news conference like it is a campaign rally. At this crucial time in history we literally have no leadership.
We haven’t had leadership since the pharaohs
We are alone
I’m surprised americans haven’t realised that they’ve got a fake president.
You should realize you are admiring a man that actually started this virus way back in 2015. Dr Fauci isn’t really what he seems. That man has more skeletons in his closet that you haven’t realized yet. It’s actually him who brought this outbreak to us.. He was the one who started this virus. He gave 3.7 million dollars to a Wuhan Lab in 2015 to fund this virus long before this outbreak. Trail led to him.
This interview was telling Fauci is clearly distancing himself from trump and dr brix
@Diane Young If you think Fauci is trying to save lives, you have no idea what the man has been up to his entire professional life. He is a killer. See what he’s been up to with Tedros in Ethiopia. Please.
@Joy Phillips You’re on the right track. You have internet. Use it to uncover what these ‘doctors’ have been doing with their lives; not just in the last 4 months. You must think for yourself. Believe no one else, please.
The reason he is distancing himself from them is in order to get more of the limelight for himself. This little man has an ego the size of — Ethiopia (hint, hint).
@Mike Miller I think I love you. A man who actually uses his brain. Sweet. Tell it like it is, man.
@Mike Miller OK. I see it now what you believe in. Hmm… You believe Covid 19 isn’t a new born virus, right ?
Infection already happened back in September !? Really ?
Do you take a conspiracy theory as a fact much ?
And do you forget something, Covid death cases, the number you see happen in one and half month, you know that right ?
And where the hell 0.1 rate come from ?
62000 death in 6 month equal 59000 death in 1.5 month. How !??
It sounds like the Fed is not willing to help the States.
open your eyes, if you are willing; the democrat led states have been exposed. F …em. “its all about being SAFE, and saving LIVES”. Nooooo, its about profiteers Fauci and Gates and transforming America into ….heres the new one, a “new normal”. F …. em all, especially CNN
@Sam Bullock dem states have bigger cities and population so its kinda unfair to compare NY to Kentucky
@Sam Bullock the republican president failed us all its disgusting
How any of you have the nerve to call out Trump on his stupidity is mind boggling.
Robert: California has far and away the best response and lowest death rate! Up to the minute official stats: California has the 22nd highest death rate of 55 states or territories. Who is lying?
Sam Bullock We actually have People in these states because where you live sucks……
*George W:* I’m the worst president in U.S. history!
*Trump:* Hold my Lysol on the rocks with a twist.
Testing does NOTHING… they’re flawed and there are too many false positives… You can test negative then touch a door handle and get it…
If you think Trump currently is worse then Bush then you are a moron. Maybe if he gets reelected but the gap is way too wide for them to be compared.
@Randy R
Don’t call someone a moron when you don’t know the difference between “then” and “than”.
@Creator my careless vocabulary is in testament to your low-tier shitposting.
@Randy R
That sentence does not make sense. You can’t spell, that’s on you, bro.
Stay safe American people ! With love from Belgium .
Thank you, but unfortunately Americans are NOT as “united” as rumored
Rita Van Haevere Thank you ! You too
Positive vibes from New Hampshire and remember to be kind to each other and yourself during this pandemic
Thank you, Rita!
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a central entity to help coordinate things in a national emergency?

There was and the orange god dismantled it …shame
Like.. maybe… the federal government and the offices that Trump dismantled!
I love having “a sceptic” in the group. It is how we get better.
You notice he had to get away from Trump to be allowed to be a skeptic? Disturbing.
Be skeptical when the Fauci vaccine comes out in the fall he’s already warned us of this outbreak and he’s warning us again…due to the vaccine??
This is what an address to the nation regarding a medical crisis should sound like.
I trust Dr Fuchi a lot more than that woman,I think she could be easily swayed by Trump.
That’s why I watch and listen to the docs. The great united states is now a 3rd world country. I’m surprised no one has attacked us while we are down
XXX – it certainly shows how uncoordinated and easily influenced the US Government is right now. I don’t think ANYONE will look at the USA the same way again for a very long time.
– breaking treaties
– breaking trade agreements
– shaming allies
– leaving allies behind on the field of battle exposing millions of CIVILIANS to war, expulsion, and devastation.
– being the LAST Country to develop precise testing kits and implement them effectively.
– having a president who nobody capitalizes the first letter for anymore when referring to. trump embodies the stereotype that most people think of when referring to lazy rich Americans.
He spends most of his time watching T.V., immediately believing what he hears IF it fits in with his core narcissism and money making philosophy. Then he spouts out said half baked idea telling everyone it’s absolutely true because HE SAW IT ON TV!
When not watching TV, being on TV, or speaking to a group of people that will definitely NOT CHALLENGE his ideas,(Reference ‘The Emperors New Clothes’), trump is on the golf course with people who let him win.
Viruses do not vanish! Ask any virologist. They are still here and the majority of people have built up an immunity to them. Why is the cold and flu virus still around? Viruses always will be with us. I did a genome sequence using BLAST from NIH and this genome is a 90% match to SARS and 99% match to a strain of bat virus. Why don’t you ask Dr. Fauci about SARS and H1N1, as he was in charge of NIH then and these two viruses are more deadly this one. Ask him why he did not say we can never go back to normal again when those viruses broke out or why he did not say we can never shake hands again when those two viruses broke out? Ask him if he thinks our immune system is too weak to defeat any viruses? Do you have any faith in your own immune system? If we are never exposed to these viruses are immune system will never have the chance to work like it should to defeat them. HAVE FAITH IN YOUR OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM!
I feel like there’s a whole lot talking than actual doing this is shameful
My god he looks tired Wouldn’t wanna be in his shoes
He is a fraud. Read Dr Judy Mikovits’s book.
M P Keep drinking the CNN Koolaide
@Mr Mark D you are blind to the truth oh your trumpturd
actually I think he looks like he’s doing better than he was a few weeks ago.
the WhiteHouse swears we’re at war… & we ARE… it’s the States vs the WhiteHouse!
And CNN is doing such a great job!
@princeoftidds spreading truth is fear mongering? There’s a paper trail of evidences leading to Fauci as the mastermind. You just don’t want to see the truth because you rather be brainwashed by this propaganda news owned by oligarchs. Truth is in the open if you seek it, but you rather be a blind sheep.
@Jimmy BaGG wtf does CNN have to do with it?
@Michael spreading truth is not fear mongering, no. Baseless claims with fake evidence from fringe conspiracy theorists that you peddle because you don’t don’t have an understanding of how to source a story would be pathetic if there weren’t so many dimwits eager to believe nonsense. You’re not responsible for the climate of loons but you gain nothing by spewing disinformation.
So you can find damaging articles on Fauci but what you see in real time, live, in video, from the horse..oops… jackass’ mouth -yet you cry fake news? Dumb don shows his lack of integrity, honesty, intellect, & decency every day but you turn a blind eye.
I like when he explains technical things in a way that lay people like us can understand.
Viruses do not vanish! Ask any virologist. They are still here and the majority of people have built up an immunity to them. Why is the cold and flu virus still around? Viruses always will be with us. I did a genome sequence using BLAST from NIH and this genome is a 90% match to SARS and 99% match to a strain of bat virus. Why don’t you ask Dr. Fauci about SARS and H1N1, as he was in charge of NIH then and these two viruses are more deadly this one. Ask him why he did not say we can never go back to normal again when those viruses broke out or why he did not say we can never shake hands again when those two viruses broke out? Ask him if he thinks our immune system is too weak to defeat any viruses? Do you have any faith in your own immune system? If we are never exposed to these viruses are immune system will never have the chance to work like it should to defeat them. HAVE FAITH IN YOUR OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM!
The problem the caronavirus takes 7-14 days to show up, flu virus 2.5 days flu virus are person to person where caronavirus can infect 3 people they infect 3 more people and it takes time to show up 7-14 day’s where flu shows up faster…about 40% of people in the usa has some health issues…
@Michael Michael is either a Chinese government sponsored person that spreads disinformation OR he’s actually a low IQ gullible flat earther who believes in all sorts of conspiracy theories. Either way I feel sorry for him because these two types of people are never happy.
@vrnc M Hey idiot I don’t think you understand why we are being quarantined it’s so people who are sick don’t spread it and people who aren’t don’t get it and since we don’t haven tests we don’t know who is sick and who isn’t. You literally sound like a 5 year old
Give this guy credit, he hasn’t given up on us!
His boss however? Dumpster fire!
lol wakeup.. It’s actually him who brought this outbreak to us.. Fauci got caught. He was the one who started this virus. He gave 3.7 million dollars to a Wuhan Lab to fund this virus long before this outbreak.
His boss is putting us deeper in trouble.
@Ken Mahoneyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu2Ftcv6u3w
Straight from the horses mouth.
Question really, how did he know their will be a surprise outbreak?
@Sheez Nutz you are nutz.
We learn more in two minutes listening to this guy than listening to ten briefings from trump
This guy is a traitor , and should be treated as one he sent over 3.7 million dollars to China during the Obama presidency after he was told no and to stop that work on this virus served no purpose to our country and was extremely harmful so he did it illegally if anything he is one of the reasons why it’s here , he was also caught on video 2years ago stating that Trump’s presidency will have a pandemic issue and boom here it is does anyone need it stamped on their for heads ?.? Damm it look it up if you don’t believe me ..
@Snoopysails AMEN, thank you for saying that.
@Rebecca Mays ur welcome
@Jason Reed 1st) y’all use of the word sarcasm is actually the wrong adjective 2nd) he was seriously asking birx a “real” question
@Terry Portis
Any vote for someone other than the party nominee is a vote for the opponent- please be wise with your vote.
1 million cases I thought we only had fiveWho is the president
Is this what you call making America great
No it’s the results of the left doing any and everything they can to stop it
This has absolutely nothing to do with President Trump, or making America Great Again!! This is about the American people doing what’s right for our Country! Listen to the guidelines, use common sense, USE OUR GOD GIVEN MINDS, WEAR YOUR MASKS, AND WASH YOUR FREAKING HANDS; GOOD GRIEF, WHAT’S IT GOING TO TAKE YOU F*****G IDIOTS!! Stop busting out President’s Balls already!!! You want to live?? Then stop acting like infants, and get on with your lives, stupid asses

Rhonda McBath while I understand how you would think that but the truth is it has everything to do with destroying Trump and anything else they can to further their agenda. The proof in the pudding is that there have been a half dozen other threats like it in the past 20 years and this is the only Pres that they have pushed it to these ridiculous measures under. This is the real threat and the virus is only their means to do so.
SARCASM: But, Trump said everyone who wanted a test could get one.
you need to watch next news vvvvv he just put out about fauci trump need to talk to this woman NOW HE LET 10000000000 OF PPL DIE
@Ryan C here a link https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2020-04-09/how-did-coronavirus-start-where-did-bats-get-covid-19-from/12132312?utm_source=abc_news&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_content=whatsapp&utm_campaign=abc_news
The catch about tests, when and where they are available, are that they are not free, I am hearing they’re over 100$.
Elaine Johnson : It’s interesting that right across Europe right now, the next headline, right after the main story in each respective country, is the news that, “America’s Death Toll Surpasses that of Vietnam!” Most developed countries are saying, “Well, at least we’re doing way better than the richest, most powerful country, with the, ‘best healthcare system in the world,’ right now.” America PLC must make money. And, that’s Trump’s bottom line . . . Smh
“ what do I know I’m not a doctor” – Donald trump
“ I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?” – Donald Trump
“It won’t be coming back in the fall..” – Donald Trump
“We will have coronavirus in the fall, I am convinced of that.” – Fauci
“Red field was misquoted” – Donald Trump
“I’m accurately quoted in the Washington post” – Redfield
This is who you guys vote for!
I learned more from this interview than from all the briefings together.