Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins deliver a COVID-19 update (LIVE) | USA TODAY

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, hold a briefing as coronavirus cases continue to surge in many states.


Several states are now adding far more coronavirus cases daily than the entirety of the European Union. Deaths in Florida, Arizona and Texas have been edging upward since late June.

The U.S. has seen almost 2.9 million confirmed cases and more than 130,000 deaths, according to John Hopkins University data.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins deliver a COVID-19 update (LIVE) | USA TODAY


  1. Knowing human nature, the question is sure to arise in some stakeholder’s mind, ‘shall I dump this vaccine or shall I make sure that the vaccine trial outcomes appears to be favorable.’

  2. No other Virus has forced all humanity into subservience… But, we lay before Covid… Neck arched.

  3. Del representante de Dios en los mundos
    al presidente de la república popular de china Xi Jinping
    ¿como osan ser altívos y arrogantes sobre el representante de Dios?

    Aquellos ganaran su parte del castigo, los engañados por su propio orgullo mientras son muy pequeños ante Dios no tienen peso alguno, de acuerdo con las palabras de Dios el Altisimo:

    {¿Acaso quien estaba muerto y lo devolvimos a la vida dándole una luz con la que camina entre la gente, es como quien está en oscuridad y sin salida?
    Así es como hacemos que a los incrédulos les parezca hermoso lo que hacen. (122)
    Así, hemos puesto en cada ciudad a los más pecadores de ella para que intriguen. Pero, al intrigar, no lo hacen sino contra sí mismos, sin darse cuenta. (123) Cuando les viene un signo dicen:
    «No creeremos hasta que se nos dé tanto cuanto se ha dado a los enviados de Dios».
    Pero Dios sabe bien a quién confiar Su mensaje. La humillación ante Dios y un castigo severo alcanzarán a los pecadores por haber intrigado. (124)}
    [Sagrado Coran Capitulo: El rebaño ]
    Verdaderas son las palabras del señor

    {أَوَمَن كَانَ مَيْتًا فَأَحْيَيْنَاهُ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُ نُورًا يَمْشِي بِهِ فِي النَّاسِ كَمَن مَّثَلُهُ فِي الظُّلُمَاتِ لَيْسَ بِخَارِجٍ مِّنْهَا ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ زُيِّنَ لِلْكَافِرِينَ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ ﴿١٢٢﴾ وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلْنَا فِي كُلِّ قَرْيَةٍ أَكَابِرَ مُجْرِمِيهَا لِيَمْكُرُوا فِيهَا ۖ وَمَا يَمْكُرُونَ إِلَّا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ وَمَا يَشْعُرُونَ ﴿١٢٣﴾ وَإِذَا جَاءَتْهُمْ آيَةٌ قَالُوا لَن نُّؤْمِنَ حَتَّىٰ نُؤْتَىٰ مِثْلَ مَا أُوتِيَ رُسُلُ اللَّهِ ۘ اللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ حَيْثُ يَجْعَلُ رِسَالَتَهُ ۗ سَيُصِيبُ الَّذِينَ أَجْرَمُوا صَغَارٌ عِندَ اللَّهِ وَعَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ بِمَا كَانُوا يَمْكُرُونَ ﴿١٢٤﴾ }
    صدق الله العظيم [ الأنعام ].
    Mientras tanto los soldados invisibles de Dios siguen librando su guerra mundial de forma continua, Día y noche durante las 24 horas del día y sin descanso ni debilitación, y son de sus soldados ocultos, invisibles a simple vista debido a su pequeño tamaño, y son lo que ustedes llaman el Coronavirus o el Covid19 y realmente no es de la familia Covid de los virus sino que inicialmente les había engañado su aparición en la forma exterior con los demás virus que conocían anteriormente, mientras que son diferentes en genética y actitud de forma conjunta, pero el primer nombre era Corona como al principio habían creído se publico en todos los medios de comunicación y en todas las lenguas del mundo (CORONA) mientras que es diferente a todos los virus. Pero son similares en la forma exterior mientras que genéticamente son diferentes, De hecho les juro por Dios aquel que no hay otro dios salvo él el único el Poderoso que es un ser vivo que se rompe y se divide, y lo que esta por venir es trágicamente calamitoso, más intenso en daños y globalmente extendido, y todos los médicos de los humanos le darán la espalda (huyendo) , y es un nuevo ser vivo para los humanos que destruirá toda la física de la medicina científica, y hará que el conocimiento humano en cuanto a la física de la ciencia medica sea un (cero) a la izquierda porque originalmente lo desconocen por completo.

    Pero el Virus robusto que esta por venir es más poderoso, más intenso en el impacto y de un castigo firme, he aquí donde se van a desesperar, y no solamente atacara a nivel del sistema respiratorio, sino que no hay puntos de comparación entre EL COVID-19 y el Virus Robusto que está por venir oh presidente
    (Xi Jinping )
    de la república popular de china!!!
    Oh, quienes afirman tener bajo control el castigo de Dios, el señor de los mundos Glorificado sea él, el altísimo el exaltado más allá de toda medida, y ellos saben muy bien que realmente son unos mentirosos.

    Y De aquí les anuncio a todos los ateos de China asi como a todos lideres Criminales del mundo, iguales a ellos todos
    (y Todos los malhechores corruptos)
    Una nueva especie de virus, es el virus robusto, el león de los virus, el más intenso en el impacto y el más intenso también en daños causados, De hecho no hay forma de comparalo con el que llamáis Covid-19, y es el mismo del que huirán todos los científicos médicos dando la espalda sin darse la vuelta completamente derrotados, todo el ejercito de los médicos humanos del mundo todos sin ninguna excepción, y luego LA ORGANIZACIÓN MUNDIAL DE LA SALUD se desvanecerá COLAPSANDO, de nada os servirían para alejar el castigo de dios, más bien no y nunca podrán protegeros ni protegerse a si mismos.

    Escuchad, entended y comprended lo que les voy a decir:
    Estos virus tienen un grandioso líder que no estáis a su altura ni le sois equivalentes, y sus pequeños soldados reciben ordenes directas mediante la inspiración divina de dios, y estos ejecutan las ordenes provenientes del origen de las operaciones del Líder supremo. Ese es Dios, el altísimo el señor del reino universal y de la creación les revela ordenes, directamente a los ejércitos de sus pequeños soldados, que harán y hacen lo que se les ordena y está con ellos con las palabras de su poder glorificado sea él. Ese es verdaderamente vuestro Dios,
    el señor de los mundos aquel que profanáis
    Oh presidente de la república popular de China
    Quien le declaro la guerra a Dios y su religión y su libro el Corán y a los musulmanes en la china de forma abierta y a plena luz del día sobre los muslámenes en China y oso cerrar las casas de Dios (MEZQUITAS) en la china, e incluso que también les prohibió a los musulmanes rezar en sus propias casas y cogió al libro sagrado de Dios el gran Coran e hizo quemar al libro sagrado de Dios el gran de forma Coran opresiva e injusta.

    Escuchad y Comprended lo que con la verdad te voy a decir oh presidente de la república popular de China
    Juro por Dios el grandioso que abriréis las casas de Dios (MEZQUITAS) siendo vosotros de los muy pequeños y todos los que osaron cerrar las casas de Dios, cometieron injusticia con sí mismos al cerrarlas con la excusa de las medidas preventivas
    Dad por hecho que las abriréis y os escapareis a ella en busca de refugio y os soy sincero y que ya lo sabréis.

    De todos modos oh mis queridos partidarios selectos en las diferentes regiones de los países del mundo, que haya un enfoque exclusivo para la distribución de las tres declaraciones-explictas, y en primer lugar la declaracion-explicita cuyo titulo:
    (La declaración decisiva y seria
    sobre la verdad acerca del Corona virus..)
    Fin del título.

    Y que sepáis a ciencia cierta que contiene la cura para lo que hay en vuestros pechos y guía y misericordia para los creyentes,
    Que la paz esté sobre los enviados mensajeros de dios.
    Alabado sea Dios ,
    El Señor de los mundos.

    El representante de Dios y su siervo;
    El Imán Al Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
    El Imám Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
    A las 12:20 pm

  4. I was taught, freedom co-exists with personal responsibility, thoughtfulness, and taking responsibility for educating yourself.

  5. Effective cure for those infected with coronavirus:
    “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, if You do not forgive us and (not) have mercy on us we certainly would be of the losers.”. And after repenting they should say: “Oh Allah, I am Your servant, I ask you by the fact there is no God except You, and by the fact of Your mercy that You ordained upon YourSelf, and by the fact of greatness of the Bliss of YourSelf’s good-pleasure that is greater than the bliss of Your heavenly-garden that you heal me from the chastisement of corona or remove it away from me surely I believe in the true caller from You. Oh Allah, remove Your chastisement away from us and from every entrance so we would follow the path of Truth from You, and to make us steadfast on fulfilling what we promised You — O Who comes between man and his heart, surely we do not have except Your mercy that You ordained upon YourSelf. Indeed, if You do not forgive us and (not) have mercy on us we would surely be of the losers. Oh our Allah, You have said in Your decisive Book: {And your Lord says: Pray to Me, I will answer you.}Truthful Allah the Great [Ghãfer] 40:60. Supplication-prayer and turning (close to Allah) is from me while responding is from You. Indeed, You never violate Your promise. Our Lord, glory be to You, surely Your promise is ever True and You are the Most Merciful than all who have mercy. O our Allah, make us steadfast upon fulfilling what we promised You to follow Allah’s global caller khalifa of Allah in the land; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni. O our Allah, make sending him as favor upon us and not affliction against us because of our turn away from the true call of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni”.
    Coronavirus and the decisive explanatory-statement, and it is not a joke.. 19 – 05 – 2020/ 06:37 pm

    1. My God says your God sucks and he wants his $5 back. He said it was a fair match, Allah lost, and now he needs to pay up. Not my words, it was the words of my God

    2. @Timothy Rogers What do you say we invite you to Islam and to the book of God, because what you call Corona virus is torture from God so that you can return to it and the next one is greater

  6. O president of China Xi Jinping listen to and understand what I will say with truth, I swear by Allah, the Great, that you will open the Mosques and you are of the humble. And all of those who closed the Mosques with the excuse of the ‘protective measures’ have wronged themselves and will surely open them and run to them, indeed I am truthful and you will come to know

    Anyway O the righteous forerunner supporters from all countries, focus solely on publishing our three statements about Corona virus, most importantly the statement I wrote titled ‘Corona Virus And The Decisive Statement That Is Not To Be Taken for Amusement’

    And know you with certainty that
    therein is healing for what is in the chests, and guidance and mercy for the believers

    Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds

    The caliph and the servant of Allah, Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yemeni”

    Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
    29 – Ramadan – 1441 AH
    22 – 05 – 2020 AD
    12:20 pm
    According to the time of Macca (Mother of towns)

    From The Caliph Of Allah Over The Worlds To Xi Jinping The President Of China


  7. 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇮🇪🇳🇿🇨🇦🇦🇺🇿🇦🇳🇬🇨🇲🇰🇪🇿🇼🇯🇲🇧🇧🇹🇹🇧🇸🇬🇾🇵🇬🇫🇯🇬🇧🇺🇸…
    Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al Yamani:
    The cure prayer for the coronavirus
    O decision makers, leaders of the humans and their people altogether in various regions, I exhort you only to one thing that you rise-up forGod’s sake by twos and singly, then ponder who is the one that God fulfilled to him the challenge with Truth upon the actual reality in regard to what they call it coronavirus? Is it the challenge of the human physicians or the challenge of the Awaited Mahdi servant of God and His khalifa the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni?

    That’s in order for you to know the sure knowledge that by no means and they can never encompass knowledge from Allah except by what He pleases; glory be to Him above what you associate (with Him) and apostate because of what you have from modern science have deceived and (Allah) encompassed you with what the ancient ones did not have, then what you have from science of the technical data and the knowledge in various fields have deceived you, for that (Allah) challenged you by what you do not encompass knowledge and from the tiniest soldiers of Allah until He made your data zero on the left (has no value) O community of whom they rejoiced with what they have of knowledge and they thought that they indeed have power over everything then Allah insulted your ability and humiliated your arrogance and removed your conceitedness by the smallest soldier from His creation; not seen by the naked eye for its small size and that’s in order for you to know the worth of yourselves, as well in order for you to know the sure knowledge that Allah’s chastisement; the strangling disease of what you call it coronavirus that could never remove it from you other than Allah, Him Alone. Verily, they must repent from the major sins, indecencies, oppressing people and the wrongfulness of association, and to say: “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, if You do not forgive us and (not) have mercy on us we certainly would be of the losers”. And after the repent let them say: “Oh Allah, I am Your servant, I ask you by the fact there is no God except You, and by the fact of Your mercy that You ordained upon YourSelf, and by the fact of greatness of the Bliss of YourSelf’s good-pleasure that is greater than the bliss of Your heavenly-garden that you heal me from the chastisement of corona or remove it away from me surely I believe in the true caller from You. Oh Allah, remove Your chastisement away from us and from every entrance so we would follow the path of Truth from You, and to make us steadfast on fulfilling what we promised You — O Who comes between man and his heart, surely we do not have except Your mercy that You ordained upon YourSelf. Indeed, if You do not forgive us and (not) have mercy on us we would surely be of the losers. Oh our Allah, You have said in Your decisive Book: {And your Lord says: Pray to Me, I will answer you.}Truthful Allah the Great [Ghãfer] 40:60, so from me is the supplication and turning (close) yet from You is to responding, indeed you You never violate Your promise, our Lord, glory be to You, Surely Your promise is ever True and You are the Most Merciful than all who have mercy. O our Allah, make us steadfast upon fulfilling what we promised You to follow Allah’s global caller khalifa of Allah in the land; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni. O our Allah, make sending him as favor on us and not affliction against us because we turned away from his true call (to Allah); for the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni”.

    Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    26 – Ramadan – 1441 AH
    19 – 05 – 2020 AD
    06:37 pm
    (According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

    ..Coronavirus and the decisive explanatory-statement, and it is not a joke👇👆

  8. What about the death count ! It shows we are having fewer deaths ! Why are they not talking about this ?

  9. This idea that people cannot tolerate staying home for a few months or even 6 months or a year or even if it takes a year and a half!!! ,the idea that you can’t stay home to avoid contracting this and spreading it tyo others is just unreal. The death count is going to be incredible if people do not accept what genuinely needs to be done and that’s everybody staying home for about another year. Yes that’s what I said. Anyone with any brains knows this. . If you think that you need to be elderly or to have pre existing health conditions to have a devastating outcome after contracting this then youred just uninformed of just plain silly??? You’re 1 or you’re the other 1 ok. Nick Cordero just spent like 95 days trying to overcome it. He lost a leg and STILL tried and just could not overcome it. He was a Broadway actor. I’ve got NEWS for you, Broadway actors are athletes folks. If you don’t already know that then here’s your clue. Not only did he not have pre existing conditions, he was a specimen. All singer/dancers are. Imagine the lung capacity you need to have to sing and dance at the same time and do so live in front of an audience. He just died from covid19, this Nick Cordero, acclaimed Broadway actor, 41 years old, everything to live for including a brand new son and an absolutely stunning wife. Please take this seriously people.

    1. That’s part of their Agenda. That’s all they talk about day in and day out it’s called brainwashing at its finest

    1. LOL I picture you in the corner with a dunce cap this VIRUS is the biggest joke when they tell you it’s serious you know it’s the opposite. Just like a child when you consistently tell them that they’re bad day in and day out they’re eventually going to believe it. You’re brainwashed.

      Unfortunately you’re incapable of critical thinking

      They rebranded and renamed the seasonal flu to a scary name covid-19 the Novell coronavirus. OMG OMG! IT has the ability to fly through air and leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look up in the sky It’s a bird it’s a plane No! It’s the NOVEL Coronavirus!!

  10. in november we gonna have 1 million per day,..so far it was just a test, either you get it or you dont,…

  11. you can have the best people in the world but if people dont listen you will never win

  12. I work in the restaraunt industry and was told to go back to work, with customers unmasked. Scared of bringing the virus home to my family. We on the front lines in the restaraunt industry are the most worried. Does our safety mean little to our Gevernment and to those allowed to come in unmasked for abvious reasons. Shouldn’t our Governement put us on the front lines with unmasked customers in another category? Mandaotory n95 masks or better as in the health industry? Wht isn’t the media talking about this. We matter less than health care workers and?

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