Devlin Barrett, National Security and Law Enforcement Reporter for The Washington Post, joins Ayman to discuss flaws in the FBI's methods of monitoring domestic terrorism. "The system isn't really designed…to keep [individuals on the FBI terror watch list] from traveling, it's designed to let the government know where they are and when," Barrett commented. Aired on 01/14/2021.
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#DevlinBarrett #FBI #MSNBC
Dozens On FBI Terrorist Watch List In DC On Day Of Riots | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC
Dozens of terrorists on the terrorist watch list made a terrorist attack on the US Capitol.
@adil apha Nothing? 6 people dead.Police officer killed with extinguisher. People shouting directions for their fellow invader where to go indicating they know the floor plan. People chanting “Hang mike pence”.Invading capitol in search of congress with zip ties in their hands. Hmm what could they possibly need zip ties for?Taking spears, guns molotov cocktails with them to the “riots”.All to do what? Stop the certification of election vote.Yeah definitely “Nothing” right.
@adil apha Get your own country.
@adil apha Yes because you know beating a police officer to death raiding the Capitol Hill and trying to overthrow the United States government is nothing. Judging from your name I’d say you’re not American so where you’re from this is probably common but where we’re from they are terrorist
@TrappenWeisseGuy ; But just the top end. (I hope.) We’ll have to see where all this goes after Merrick Garland is installed as Attorney General. I hope they bring back some of the people that Trump purged from the Justice Dept.
This just sounds worse and worse. Wtf were the FBI and other law enforcement doing?
Standing down to allow it to happen hello – this is chess not checkers wake up.
Sitting on their butts, picking up their pay checks.
So … metal detectors at the Capitol but NRA says armed teachers and armed guards at schools?
How exactly does that logic work? Do you see the evil in capitalsm yet?
Two apprehended cops admitted that some capitol police let them in!
We saw them live on the news, no denying it, lock them all up.
Imagine that. Cops protecting cops when they’re breaking the law.
It is recorded.
It was recorded multiple times, from multiple angles.
It is a bygone conclusion that they are being studied now.
@Real Talk76 you seem about as surprised as I am! On a lighter note Leticia James is suing NYPD over their treatment of actual “peaceful protestors”, some accountability there will be refreshing and possibly start a trend!
“In the United States, the COINTELPRO program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation included FBI agents posing as political activists to disrupt the activities of political groups in the U.S., such as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the American Indian Movement, and the Ku Klux Klan.
New York City police officers were accused of acting as agents provocateurs during protests against the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City.
Denver police officers were also alleged to have used undercover detectives to instigate violence against police during the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
Also in New York City, an undercover motorcycle police officer was convicted of and sentenced to two years in prison in 2015 for second-degree assault, coercion, riot and criminal mischief after an incident at a motorcycle rally. In 2013, the officer, Wojciech Braszczok, was investigating motorcyclists by blending in with a crowd during the rally; at some point another motorcyclist was hit by a motorist, Alexian Lien. Braszczok is later seen on video breaking a window to Lien’s car and assaulting him with others in the crowd. His actions were investigated by the NYPD and he ended up facing charges along with other members of the rally. Braszczok was eventually convicted on some of the charges laid, and received two years in prison.” –
“False flag attacking is a kind of psychological warfare. The motivations and effects have been analyzed within the framework of regality theory, which is a branch of evolutionary psychology. People will develop authoritarian, intolerant, and xenophobic attitudes when they perceive that their social group is under attack, according to this theory. This is called a regal psychological reaction. An attack that is successfully blamed on outsiders will lead to such a regal reaction.
The result is that people will be more likely to support their own government and military. A collection of historical examples of the fabrication of collective danger by false flag attacks and other kinds of deception has identified the following motives:
To create psychological support for a planned war
To pave the way for a transition to a less democratic form of government
To consolidate a government when its power is dwindling
To defame an enemy by blaming an attack on them
The effect may be the opposite if the deception is disclosed and the attack is blamed on an internal elite rather than on the alleged outgroup.”
come on FBI, no need a rocket cop to find the 12 senators and 90 house rep that supported this rebellion…..just get the sergent at arms apprehend them for killing a police officer
Just how deep does this rabbit hole go?
Everyone who entered the Capitol should be put on the no-fly list.
Agreed. What people don’t realize is it comes up when local police search your info, it’s not open information unless they search the Federal database. So they’d better not do anything illegal so a local cop has to talk to them, or their local cops will know they’re on a federal list.
@Constituent A it has a fist on it
Give them a one way ticket to North Korea since they love ruthless dictators so much.
That may be the least of their upcoming problems. Many carried cell phones that transmitted their identities …
Ttis that
oh wow
That terrorists watchlist suddenly got a whole lot bigger after last week.
You can add Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks and Andy Biggs to it.
@Muru Roa

@jdc31947 to trump followers: please disregard our comments if they make you lose your mind, ignore your future and the shame of your families, and compel you to commit sedition, or murder people who are just living up to their oath to defend the Constitution.
@jdc31947 So dude, tell us, were you there? What did you do?
Ytis that
oh wow
After trillions fighting terrorists in other countries while they’re growing here? Thanks Republicans.
@Silent Wisdom unfortunately, you are correct…
@Silent Wisdom I’m 40… There are a lot of kids in their 20s that know that information… But they had to learn it outside of school because Public Schools are nothing more than Republican Indoctrination Centers. (In Red states)
@Silent Wisdom okay boomer, because history classes suddenly ceased to exist when meme became a thing
@Zombieboss2002 The funny thing is that the memes been around alot longer than I have. It’s mostly a dig on how the point gets across through a picture and a couple words. It’s more efficient sure but it takes all critical thinking out of the end user and is lazy in it’s nature that way.
Ttis that
oh wow
The list is useless if it ‘s not used BEFORE a criminal act!!
This was truly an INVASION!
The Party of Lincoln has forgotten the words of Lincoln…
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution”
~Abraham Lincoln~
Ttis that
oh wow
These people had no problems assaulting police officers so you can only imagine what they would’ve done to members of Congress.
Of COURSE the Proud Boys helped organize and execute this attack. Anyone investigating why their leader posted that he was called to a secret meeting in the White House just a few weeks ago?
Anyone wonder why they call themselves boys instead of men?
Lately The Proud Boys: “Stand Back and Bend Over”
It’s not easy to keep the country, the Constitution, democracy, etc safe from Republicans. The terrorists are inside the house…
Basically, everybody on parler is on the FBI watch list.
There is no such thing as parlor anymore Trump broke it
Sure they are stupid.
Have you ever been on Those are the cultiest of all the cult members.
The Deplorables ….
I guess they weren’t being watched too closely.
I was really saddened of what hàppened to a policeman Brian . he served the courntry. Went to Iraq…and serve again in WH just to be killed by fellow American… Rioters should be punished
Here’s a novel idea: put people on the terrorist watch list on the no-fly list. Crazy idea but it just might work.
FBI: Heads up everyone there’s going to be more attacks on the country and we’re just letting you know because we’re not going to do anything to stop it.