"Good luck"
Ont. Premier Doug Ford says he won't be campaigning for Erin O'Toole in the next federal election.
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The headline is taken out of context. He won’t campaign for ANYONE. He’s not singling out Erin.
@Phix It’s completely accurate whether it has the whole story in the headline or not.
Made In Alberta CLOWN TV
Not the way I read it. But than I’m not from Alberta. I can comprehend!
You are what you eat…Albertan!
he is afraid he knows he cannot compare to Erin
BC Liberals had that position. He will work with whoever gets elected in Ottawa.
“Why not, why not” pathetic journalism!
@ET Himself 1:55 the journalist sounds like a 4 year old having a tantrum
@Colin Cooper Sorry, I thought u were referring to Ford
@ET Himself Exactly
You didn’t need the word “journalism”
So misleading, he didn’t say he wouldn’t campaign for Erin, he said he wouldn’t campaign for anyone. What a joke.
Erin won last night and is a Conservative so that’s what matters and is was exactly what he was asked about.
@Josh Rimer He had already said he was not going to campaign for any ANyONE but she insisted on asking again.
He is Premier, not Prime Minister. Of course, he needs to put the interest of Ontarian first.
You’re just supposed to mindlessly attack other parties! With lots of exclamation points!
interest of ontario yes! but as soon as he said he thinks the world of shriek witch i almost barfed don,t tell me he is turning
@john15008 Let,s not get distracted by the pandemic. The corrupt Liberals are taking advantage of it! The latest scandal, with the WE charity, Trudeau is trying to sweep under the carpet! That,s why he closed parliament yet again. To hear Ford speak, he is in awe of Trudeau and Freeland. He is supposed to support the Conservative party. He seems like a Liberal lover now! He does not impress me at all! The problems Trudeau has created for this country , has to be dealt with, as our country is in crisis due to Trudeau idiotic decisions.
But he is called as the Prime Minister among Franco-Ontarians.
The Chuckness Right. In French, the Provincial Premiers are called Prime Ministers and while in English it is more archaic and not as popular, we could still call them Prime Ministers.
Doug Ford doesn’t want to alienate Justin Trudeau & lose out on federal benefits for Ontario because he knows Katie Telford would whip up a smear campaign against him like she did against Jody Wilson-Raybould.
you got that right!
Shouldn’t youtube be fact checking this title from this msm propaganda..?
“Show me the money” …
That was probably the greatest two answers I’ve EVER heard from ANY politician. Colour me impressed.
..and if you ask Trudolt a simple yes or no question…all you get is psycho babble and verbal diarrhea.
Are reporters deaf? They constantly ask the same question twice in row.
They’d be great at Jeopardy, asking the question after the answer has been given and elaborated on.
But… might be that one could say it’s the Globe and Mail; Only stuff I’ve seen from them in last many years has been nonsensical. Shrug. At least they ask decent questions, although in a funny way.
Great response from Ford. Too bad about the garbage, misleading headline
“Always remember Jerry – it’s not a lie….if you believe it….” (George Costanza)
So is the virus gone now? I see they are not wearing masks….
Garbage headline from a garbage reporter.
It was a great response but how is the title of the video misleading? He was asked if he’d campaign for O’Toole and he said no, due to his focus and commitments. The headline didn’t imply a reason..just stated that Ford won’t campaign.. sooo…?
Nuff said, yup. Gotta love hearing “why not” after he just finished giving an explanation.
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Quite telling isn’t it!
Lol…well duh. Fords popularity is up…if he tosses his support at this point to the federal conservatives what does that give him?…dropping poll #’s and a federal government that isnt going to be so…”helpful”.
The question was simply bait to allow smear stories to follow and Ford is smart to realize that.
Doug Ford excellent answer sir …taking the high road!
It’s actually a longstanding tradition for Canadian premiers not to campaign for federal leaders, regardless of the political party. This tradition took a beating in the Harper/Trudeau era, but thankfully this level of sanity is being restored.
This is a bit low-handed, no? Mind you, I say this without being a CPC voter.
I.e., both the misleading title and the effort to create (1:55) some fake animosity between Ford/O’Toole for clicks (or, even if real, make it more than it is).
The reporter would be great at Jeopardy! She knows how to ask the question immediately after the answer has been given.
I do agree he had a very crafty answer but HEY DOUG let me remind you how JT won ontario by picking on you and only you
Public opinion of Doug is now much different from the last election though
And that is why he should dump all over Trudeau.
Sell out.
Doug Ford in the Trudeau honey money
pot .