Doug Ford says “severe” penalties coming for convoy protesters | Full press conference

Ont. Premier Doug Ford announced he will be invoking emergency measures aimed at ending protests in Ottawa and at the Canada-U.S. border.

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Doug Ford says "severe" penalties coming for convoy protesters | Full press conference


  1. “Very small groups” if they are so small why are they an issue? Stop trying to down size things and speak them as they are

    1. @Clever Username They are so small….. that without their hard work, the grocery shelves will be bare in a week and arrogant Liberals like you will starve to death.
      They are so WRONG in what they are doing…. that the entire world is inspired by these Canadian truckers to stand up and do the same to their corrupt governments.

    2. @glenn hankins every one of those jerks can and will be replaced. This I’m sure. You are mistaken that they can’t be replaced and so should they. I wouldn’t have them working for me because they couldn’t be trusted. They put themselves above others.

  2. Sorry doug but no penalty you’ll impose will be more “severe” than already losing my job, apartment and future education. Bring it on you criminal, We wont back down.

    1. @Delaney 12 I hope you are forced one day to do something against your will.

      And then we’ll talk about choice.

  3. 7:57 “While these emergency orders will be temporary, we have every intention to bring new legislation forward, that will make these measures permanent in law. ” Let that statement sink in, and reflect what it means. They are not even hiding their authoritarianism anymore.

    1. @Robert B Its more like a camping party then a protest, have you gone and seen for yourself? Children are with their families having fun and learning about how daddy wants to keep his job

  4. Isn’t there a number of “Ford Plants” shutting down due to the “Chip Shortage?”

    I never see that mentioned. I wonder why?

    1. @On The Fly Unacceptable Fringe Trudeau , the company has been cleaning up making covid signs and decals. Dougies net worth before covid in 2019 3 million , Dougies net worth in 2022 50 million

    2. @Gordon G Grey

      Explain there was a chip shortage BEFORE this all took hold and Ford, along with many OTHER manufacturers were shutting down plants due to this?


  5. “Faced with bouncy castles and free hotdogs, the violent shoveling of sidewalks and insurgents guarding our national monuments free of charge this weekend, we are forced to arrest anyone we can to pay for my snowmobiling trips. Please don’t come to our city… hurts my feelings!”

    1. @Ben B thank you for your continued commitment of “ruining America by the useful idiots”. Look up the defected Russian KGB guy, Yuri something or another. He can tell you exactly who you are. (Assuming you are just a dummy)

    2. @jon I’m pretty sure hes being sarcastic but it wouldn’t be surprising if he actually thought that I suppose.

    3. @jon I’m so sorry. I meant that satirically. Because if that were true… nobody would be that calm. I admit the sarcasm wasn’t very thick.

    1. Sounds like they will call upon the Canadian Mechanized Engineers to clear up the blockades (they will get it done) since tow trucks refuse to do it.. This is gonna get ugly..

    2. @Clever Username It is if the public health measures are authoritarian and have not been justified in their use. Get a brain.

    3. @Clever Username Please read George Orwell’s novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four”….
      You sound like one of the villains from that novel.

    1. Sounds like they will call upon the Canadian Mechanized Engineers to clear up the blockades (they will get it done) since tow trucks refuse to do it.. This is gonna get ugly..

    1. I don’t think Doug is intelligent enough to get his mind around your statement, and that political dunce Trudeau, well, his narcissistic ego wouldn’t let him ever back down on this.

  6. Meeting with the protesters would have been easier you politicians are not listening what violence are you willing to do rather then even a conversation is a unforgivable crime

  7. This is the speech that will go down in history as the one that Destroyed the PC party of Canada, awsome job Doug! Now go have some beers with Justin and celebrate!

    1. @Rodeo Ranger Wow are you still walking around with a blindfold on? Oh well at least it matches your mask. If you haven’t had your eyes opened after this. You can gett a job with the stasi

  8. Didn’t realize protests, especially peaceful ones, had a time limit…and this is probably the most peaceful protest the world has ever watched.

    1. @Tomasino Romano if the blm riots were mostly peaceful then this protest is the most peaceful protest in history

    2. @Tomasino Romano yes there is, cuz it’s words, and government already destroyed our economy, we are just catching up to it

    3. @Tomasino Romano it’s called inflation and that was set in motion from BOC printing money like lunatics during covid, you don’t understand what’s happening and that’s okay

    4. @Buck Rogers The economy is doing great and politicians don’t care what’s happening to you because the billionaires give them money so they do what billionaires want and that’s both parties 💯

    5. @Tomasino Romano the economy is doing great???? Record inflation is great??? Record unemployment is great??? What are you saying? Can you support ur argument???

  9. Fun game. Make a list of the things he accuses the protesters of, then go back and check to see if he literally just spent the last two years doing these exact things.

    1. dougie was to busy making 47 million from covid , 2019 Dougies net worth 3 million, 2022 Dougies net worth 50 million

  10. “Disrupting people’s lives? Causing economic carnage? That’s our job! Not yours!” – The government probably.

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