President Biden rocked a tan suit in an effort, some speculate, to troll the GOP after they slammed Obama for wearing a tan suit during his presidency. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ).
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#MSNBC #Obama #TanSuit
It wasn’t the color of Obama’s suit they didn’t like…it was the color of his skin.
Say no more. you hit the target. but those heaters would eat rocks, cause God don’t like ugly.
Chris Powers

They wouldn’t have minded Obama’s skin color if he hadn’t been so uppitty.
Imagine, Obama thinking he could actually win elections and 2 terms as president!
@marushka He didn’t know his “place”. I’d heard people berate Presidents before but never heard anyone say “He’s not my President” until Obama was elected.
“this confirms he’s a marxism…”
I just can’t anymore.
@Jeremy Backup Tomorrow, Biden shows off his Brownshirt
You apparently felt an overwhelming need to leave a comment, but you got the quote wrong (you wrote “marxism” instead of “Marxist”) and the part of the comment you wrote is nonsensical and isn’t a sentence (“anymore” is not a verb). When did words become so difficult to use? Between people misappropriating existing words, omitting words from sentences, inventing new nonsensical words and phrases, and using “txtspeak”, it’s really no wonder that society is becoming dumber every day.
@No More No more what? Brains? Balls? Freedom? No more… DEMOCRATS!
@No More Your female folds are showing.
@Jack Meoff I must be female because I want people to be able to communicate? Or is it because I have eyes and ears and can see society becoming dumber every day? You’ve clearly shown your intelligence level with your comments, so thank you for providing conclusive evidence of my point.
“This confirms he’s a marxist!”, the far-right is insane

They were cool with drumpf’s Russia red tie though.
These goons were just being their normal hypocritical selves. So glad I ditched them years ago.
The far left are communists
@Rose Geaber wanna talk about how pos biden allowed thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrants here then blames American citizens for spreading covid?
Oh,wait the hypocrisy doesn’t end there sorry
@BATMAN 65 or we can blame moronic Republicans for not getting vaccinated.
Love it, he’s absolutely trolling! Lol
“This confirms he’s a Marxist” says the guy in a tan suit next to someone else in a tan suit.
First thing I noticed what a bunch of losers

I had to go back and look, but you’re absolutely right… I wonder if anyone pointed that out to them after the show?
Lizard people really do wear Khakis LOL.
They were mocking him…clearly
Republicans wanted to impeach , imprison and remove obama for wearing a tan suit .is so sad and bizarre.i wouldn’t be a Republican if you paid me!!!!!no way!!!
@H H lmao. Let me guess CNN reports? Lmao. Look you can start the process of impeachment but it wasn’t passed. And ask Pelosi why she refused national guard for the 6th but had plenty for Joey bribes. Why did she tell them to stand down. Why were barricades moved aside by guards. Where was she during that time. Why wasn’t the fbi involved until after even tho they had a warning of this. Hmmmmm…..makes you wonder.
@Gary Bowman Pelosi doesn’t have the authority to order the National Guard…..the president does. That means that the Donald was the person who had the authority….and he basically ordered them to stand down
@Beverly do you know her role n responsibilities while she is in the capital building?
@Gary Bowman donate give me a break. Drop in the bucket compared to the amount he ripped off the US gov. In taxes. Every past Pres. provided their personal taxes but not Trump. He’s still fighting to withhold his taxes in court. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. He’s a white collar thief.
@Dave V coming from the party, the same people who voted for a border wall in 2006 are now yelling against it while denying the crisis that’s going on. The horrors you guys are ok with……everything you guys say is evil n lies.
Obama and Biden look healthy and handsome in their tan suits!!
Joe and Barrack looks so good in their tan suits, both so handsome,
If you youtube prez obama tan suit you will see left media talking shade about it too, nice try.
Also remeber Melania jacket scandal about border crisis? How right was her jacket message now that there is a real humanity crisis there? “Media dont care and neither do you.”
@neb oh yeah, I remember Mailordia’s jacket. What kind of psychopath broadcasts the fact that she doesn’t care about children. No wonder trump was a one term wonder.
@Leonie Romanes no if you would have heard melanias explanation on her jacket message she said it was a message to the media that they really didn’t care about the suffering of the illegal aliens, and neither do the medias viewers.
And based on a real border crisis today, I guess she’s right, as kids may be put into steel pods desined for then with bars. Is anyone calling biden hitler and his voters nazis?
@neb That’s got to make you sick when you lap up that foxxxxx entertainment network vomit, simply because You Have No Facts to regurgitate.
“tAn sUIt!!?!?!?!? thAT’s A maRXisT!” – GOP when Obama wore a tan suit.
“Meh” – GOP when Biden wore a tan suit.
Biden should have borrowed Obama’s Tie !!! LOL..
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“The apparel oft proclaims the man.” Shakespeare. President Biden looks crisp in his summery tan suit – a nod to President Obama. Both decent, honourable and empathetic men.
@Semyon Budyonny What commune are you assigned to?
@neb All of what you have said is simply not true. Its hyperbole. In addition the former guy’s administration was inhumane in its handling of immigration. I also repeat that until the root causes of the problem are addressed, it doesn’t matter whether the right or left are in power – people will still flee poverty and violence by any means necessary. Also, the real pressing crisis at the moment is the pandemic. That should take precedence over everything.
@Miki Lynne that comment was for neb
@Miki Lynne I mentioned how Republicans give by far more and you laugh?
Wow well go to the “US generosity and philanthropy almanac” website to graph 14 and read the truth. Again you have to read the paragraph for that section. Democrats is seem scored to close to zero that they excluded them from the graph. Sad not funny. Empathy?
@Joy Cliffe no what i said wasn’t false the numbers on immigration could be easily googled. All media covered it.
Yes Trump could have done things better if you based that logic on that he could have negotiated the “stay and file process from the beginning.”
And yes our focus should be the covid right now and congress should have hearings about holding the communist state accountable for their mistake.
Fox News wasn’t worried about the “color” of his suit….
I agree with you James, with one slight adjustment, they weren’t worried about the colour of his “suit”.
It was never about the suit, they had nothing to do, Mr Obama is black
President Obama was half black. His father was Black his mother was white and father abandoned the family early on. Obama was generally raised by his white grandmother. It’s all in the book. Obama is half black.
@T. R. Campbell he is black
@T. R. Campbell ok
reagan also wore tan suits and he wore shorts in the Oval Office.
Anyone with half a brain knows it was all about race, not tan suits.
The problem wasn’t the tan suit, it was the tan man.
By the start of this week’s trading session, moving between losses and gains on its neutral weekly outlook which makes it a tough decision for investors to decide how best to utilise the current market; as for me it can’t be more obvious that tradlng Bitcoin is way more lucrative than just hodlng and waiting for the price of Bitcoin to skyrocket. I didn’t think it was possible to make constant win from tradlng till I came across Daniel Wright program for people who lack understanding on how tradlng Bitcoin works, to help them recover loss from the crash and also stack up more bitcoin, since January till date I have made over 23 BTC from 4.7 Btc with Daniel’s help. You can easily get to him on Talegrem(@Danielwrightfx)..
@Angela Lenna no one cares. the bitcoin thing is a sham. Anyone sticking money into that will go broke.
That’s clear as Day
@Judy Lind The tan Obama suit did compliment his skin tone rather well.
President Biden is trolling Republicans and Fox hosts by wearing Tan suit.
I remember Ronald Reagan wearing a tan suit many times during his eight years in the WH and never heard a disparaging word from anybody, especially those goops from the right.
That’s because Reagan was the “right” kind of Marxist.
I love the tan suits. He doesn’t sport camel toes, like his predecessor.
Haha so true. And he doesn’t need to stand like a long armed duck to hide his KFC gut.
Funny they never had a problem when Reagan and McConnell wore tan suits.
The mistake Obama made was being black AND being president…that’s all. Nothing more. That’s why all we got today from FOX and OAN is the ‘sound of silence.’
Not for long, ..they will come out with something ridiculous.. like maybe it’s a communists secret deep state color..or the infamous ” he looks weak compared to Vlad…””