Doppelgängers — people who resemble each other, but are not directly related — still seem to have genetic similarities, according to a new study. CNN's Don Lemon speaks with a pair of doppelgängers who took part in a photo project, as well as the co-author of the study. #CNN #News
Doppelgängers lived in same city and kept being misidentified

This research greatly impacts our understanding of DNA this is very interesting and our medical science is going to be making leaps off this research.
TASAk 2022
TASAk 2022
Correction: This research could greatly impact our understanding of DNA if the majority of the country believed in science and evolution or DNA at all which they don’t.
Fund me your dad can get it

A friend of mine said he saw me driving a car the other day but it wasn’t me. Then I saw someone that looks like him 2 days later when he was with me
TASAk 2022
How do you know it wasn’t you driving that car the other day ?
In 1980 my sergeant stopped me in the hall before I could go on duty and said he had to speak with me in the interrogation room. I was not comfortable. He closed the door and handed me a wanted poster with a composite “sketch”. The picture was me. If I had sat for the image they would have used the exact same elements.
I asked if it was a joke and he asked if it looked like a joke. It didn’t because it had a current case number. I just stood there not knowing what to say when he started laughing and told me that the suspect had already been arrested and he actually looks just like me.
The rest of my patrol was watching through the mirror.
Funny prank on me.
But… not only could you have a doppelgänger, they can get you in trouble.
True story.
Good luck
you have good 

There’s a guy in jail because his doppleganger (twin brother) committed a crime and blamed him.
In my college days this girl and I were mistaken for each other. For some reason we never met each other but even professors were getting confused. Very scary
@Hijodelaisla Because if they do anything bad or commit crimes, you can be held accountable for it.
I look like Kumar.
@Lisear That’s very 1940s Hollywood plot line. i like it.
@Hijodelaisla Worse was creepy
I have a doppelganger. I never met him. What happened was I moved to western australia from tennessee and one day, in jb hifi, a guy was paying for his stuff in front of me. He turned around, surprised, and asked me when I got back from africa. I was never in africa and told him such. Get this, after talking a bit, he pulled out his phone and showed me pics of a guy he met on a safari trip in africa. It was me. Same size, same age, dressed similarly, even with my hat. It took a while to convince him that it wasnt me, that I was never in africa. One thing that helped was my accent. My doppelganger allegedly had an AU accent. Mine was southeastern US, appalachia. He at first thought I was faking the accent.
I do not deny how chilling the encounter was at first. Now, its just a good funny story. Glad to see im not the only one
@JHB17 scoring the bot is way less rare than your first story. That’s so nuts! If you ever find your doppleganger’s Facebook, you can use pictures in bars telling the heroic stories of your African adventures! Then write a book about it and retire.
People think that I’m from India.

your safe flight is safe 

CNY you can get a job at

Last fight
I had one in school. We decided to pal up and wear each other’s outfits and trade one shoe so we’d wear around two mismatched ones all day. Kids thought we were either sisters or twins. But it was so much fun. We’re still in contact as are most of the gang from high school are today. It’s uncanny how these two look so similar.
Our birthdays were mere days apart too. Weird how life happens sometimes.
That’s Awesome! I saw my Twin although it was a Male and ironically enough, we share the same birthday three years apart. We could be fraternal twins.

Find out how many new things will

Andy love you love miss love you love

Wait, you guys still look alike? I’m sorry if my question sounds dumb. You’re appearance’s didn’t differ from each other as you grew?
Last fight
Too bad he didn’t ask the doctor if these look alikes who share genetic sequences, do they have the similar alleles that would allow them to be bone marrow matches? He’s a leukemia researcher, this has probably crossed his mind.
TASAk 2022
I feel like I’ve met people that look and/or act similar, and they have the same first name! Interesting that genetics eventually start repeating itself to create similar-looking features, and in this modern world people are actually able to find one another.
TASAk 2022
In the time I’ve lived in a large city, I’ve been told by MANY people they thought I was someone else. We must be the same age as this is beyond a decade by now. I’ve never met them but apparently I have friends who have seen her. My last name is so uncommon, no one out of 40,000 people at my university had it so I doubt we are related. It would be fun to meet her one day but there’s 5 million people in this city.
TASAk 2022
I know I do. When I was 20. I saw a 13 year old with his mother in a mall. When they saw me and I saw him we just stopped. It was so creepy.
This reminds of a principal of chaos mathematics: in turbulent systems, , there are always little pockets of order in the chaos in which regular patterns can be discerned before the turbulence takes over again. These dopplegangers are orderly pairs that randomly assert themselves within the turbulence of radial evolution, in which DNA is constantly producing singular, one-of-a-kind samples.
One wonders, have any triplegangers or tetragangers ever been studied?
Also, we need to ponder why some of our dopplegangers live in the same town as us, and live close to us, and yet we never come across each other. Is there some kinds of cosmic magnet that attracts us to people we know, but repels us from each other so we never cross paths???
Last fight
To my secret doppelganger: My sincere condolences. Wish we had been born with better knees
I feel your pain.
I was just thinking I’d like to meet my doppelganger to see if they’ve taken better care of our body than I have.
OMG, i have bad knees, too. I now wonder if my doppleganger has the same ailments I do. * head explosion *
Thanks for reaching out to me! The knees suck but still we have the great looks…
Last fight
My doppelgänger story; When I was in my 20’s and hanging out in dance clubs a pretty young woman ran up to me calling some other guys name, throwing her arms around me and basically adoring me and planting kisses in my face. At first I didn’t protest too loudly, of course, but had to eventually let her know I wasn’t that guy. She was really excited to see me and couldn’t stop talking. It took me about half an hour.
Gunk you have your address to your

Last fight
Should’ve said–well, I changed my name.
I went into a Zoom meeting once and was wondering why I was seeing myself when I knew that my camera wasn’t on. It was so uncanny I had to say something to the other person. She was super nice and would reach out to me from time to time. Then after the fact I learned that she had died. It (of course) made me really sad.
In my mid-teens to early 20s I was repeatedly called and/or approached on the street with people thinking I was someone named ‘Ruth’. The resemblance must not have been as good as these guys because when they got closer they would realize their mistake and say “sorry’ and walk away. I never thought to chase any of them down and try to find out who ‘Ruth’ was.
I do! She lived 12 blocks over and another 10 blocked down from me, near the beach all of us hung out at all summer long, every summer, and I never ran into her once in the 27 years I lived in my hometown. However, people that I went to school with, and people who came out of my gene pool, ran into her and thought she was me so they started talking to her like she was. She was just as confused as I was after the night I met two of her mother’s friends (and then saw them again a month later somewhere else randomly). Both times they mistook me for my doppleganger.
Oh, and a school mate’s mother came to our house one day when in my early teens to tell on me for smoking. She claimed to have been driving and saw me out on some street smoking as I waited for a bus. I didn’t have to protest much because my mother, a life-long smoker, knew exactly how I felt about cigarettes and knew I couldn’t afford to smoke, so I concluded that it was my doppleganger three years later when I heard about her. It’s the only explanation.
Oh, and that mother refused to believe my mother, so I wasn’t allowed to be friends with her daughter or show up at her house ever again. She branded me as a liar. Oh, well.
What I find amazing is that they are also nearly the same age as one another. So over time, there may be many dopplegangers of one person throughout the ages.
I have a doppelganger who I saw very briefly many years ago. I was about 14 and on holiday with my family in Orlando, Florida going I think to the Marvel Studios theme park. My family are from and were living in London at the time so this was a big family holiday half way across the world.
I remember us being in a car queue to get into the theme park where there’s many cars all waiting in many different queues. As I look out the window about 4 cars away was me looking right back. Same build, same glasses, same hair, same everything apart from the shirt.
We locked eyes and didn’t blink for maybe was a few seconds, I’m sure he realised he was staring at his mirror image, but it seemed longer because it was so weird, I didn’t say anything as I was so freaked out, then my brother next to me said. Hey that’s you in that red car!
Moments after, their car pulled away into the theme park, before anyone else in our car had a chance to look.
I kept thinking I was going to bump into myself at the venue but we didn’t cross paths then or again nearly 20 years later.
In college I was told there was a girl that looked like me. We met in passing and honestly it was very strange, it was as if I was looking in a mirror. We had same build & dressed alike.
I have a co worker that looks almost exactly like my crush from way back, & I wasn’t sure if it was her until I asked her what her name was & it wasn’t her. Then about 1 month later, my crush WALKED IN the store after years of me not seeing her & the same coworker was also on shift and I was like woah.. what are the chances of that happening?!