Warmed by ocean currents, Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier could collapse in a few years causing a sea levels to rise by several feet, researchers say.
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U.S., U.K. and Swedish researchers deployed underwater robots close to the seafloor of the Thwaites Glacier to retrieve data, said Dr. Alastair Graham, a geological oceanography associate professor at the University of South Florida. Graham led the study released Monday.
“We've essentially found Thwaites has a speed limit that's higher than what we expected it to have,” Graham told USA TODAY. Experts say what they've learned about its ability to quickly retreat raises concerns for the future.
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#glacier #sealevelrise #climatechange
Does an ice cube cause your glass to overflow?
Yea by up to 10 ft.
Lmfao! Be scared of everything!
@Mary rose would you happen to be single, have no kids, and be looking for a serious relationship? Let me know, I’m practicing my psychic skills.
Let’s send it money. That should fix it!
Oh no! 2 ft rise! Thats only happened 1,000,000 times before in earths history. It only happened 10,000 years ago and humans survived as well! What will we do
This is just plain stupid. Go to a beach and see how high 7ft is and just step back to see how far the water will go WITHOUT a weather event or high tide
My give-a-shitter is broken.
I already built my ark.
Propaganda time…
If that’s true, then why did the Obeezy’s just buy a mansion on the edge of Martha’s Vineyard?
The movie The Day after Tomorrow is feeling more like a documentary each year that passes
Despite the economic downturn,I’m so happy
. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $10,000 investment every 14days.
I support the current thing
@Dominion Paul i know
I’ll worry when all the politicians start selling their beachfront properties.
Its ok. As we pump oil and gas out of the ground we have been pumping water deep into the ground for fracking. We’ve been pumping ALOT of water deep into the ground