Atomic scientists set the "Doomsday Clock" closer to midnight than ever before on Tuesday, saying threats of nuclear war, disease, and climate volatility have been exacerbated by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, putting humanity at greater risk of annihilation.
The "Doomsday Clock," created by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists to illustrate how close humanity has come to the end of the world, moved its "time" in 2023 to 90 seconds to midnight, 10 seconds closer than it has been for the past three years.
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I waited 90 seconds and nothing happened. Bad clock, probably broken.
2012 was a let down too, wasted all this money on a Chevy pick up from the Superbowl commercial for nothing
They’ll announce 60 seconds to midnight when Trump gets re-elected.
@Norman McCollumlol
But what time zone is the doomsday clock in? I want to know if I still have time to finish this book I’m reading? ( Also I find it funny that it’s scientists doing this very unscientific thing )
@xryanv this was desigened as a tool to alert the public to the political closeness of a war involving nukes. with Putin at the helm of Russia and his major desire to recreate stalinist Russia along with his willingness to do anything to attain his personal wishes, the statistical likely hood has increased exponentially of that happening. now ir you are a nuclear physicist or a statistical mathemetician, this may not be a tool you would use but for the average person, it says how dangerous to the entire world that bald twit is.
Newfoundland time
I think it’s more symbolic than anything.
Lol lol
I’m not sure if that atomic clock is right even 2 times a day
Yeah, but it only needs to be right once…
It will be midnight in about one year(or less).
Michael Scott would have a field day with this one
I just watched Threat Level Midnight, today. Might go do some drugs now…
I’m back. Those drugs really hit the spot.
That’s what she said!

threat level midnight !
Since our birth, we all have a clock that is slowly approaching the end.
I took like 3 poops today.
@Use your Brain I did a poop and a pee at the same time
Cringe. you’re not smart or wise for saying something we all know just slightly different words
For women, it’s called a uterus and ovaries. For men, it’s called a prostate

@Beth Jim
I made it through Y2K so i think i will make it through this one! Oh ya i also survived the AZTEC callander too! Oh ya plus RASPUTIN’S end of days!
There’s some cheery news for the day….

The comedic timing on the blanket and the silence. Gold.
Is this a play?
Yeah actually was kinda funny for some reason.
That’s alot of mights
Sure, give Putin what he wants, and he will be satisfied and never ever ask for more.
And we wonder why the next gen is as neurotic as they are.
I was hoping this was an elaborate RLM prank and that there would be a wheel of the worst under the blanket.
When I was young just before Y2K I asked my great Aunt if the world will end. She said it ended 5 times since she was born. Lol.
Who made this clock, who has been making sure the world doesn’t forget about it
Well, my internal clock is never wrong, and it says we are more like 45 seconds to midnight! Metaphorically speaking, of course >.>
And everyone around me say “meh,…nothing like that will happen!”
The Doomsday Clock is the debt ceiling for Preppers.
And if everything changed tomorrow and stayed that way for 2 decades … they’d still find a reason to move it forward.
I’m 78 yrs old and have been through so many doomsday scenarios …….
I thought they were going to wait the full 90 seconds.
I remember the school drills for the Cuban missile crisis (duck and cover under the desks). Put it to a world wide vote on the internet, and you are much more likely to get a meaningful setting.