‘Don’t define my experience’: Sajjan criticizes questioning, defends handling of Vance allegation

Federal Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan is justifying his handling of an allegation of sexual misconduct levied against former defence chief Gen. Jonathan Vance, stating any involvement by him or his office would have been direct "interference."


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'Don't define my experience': Sajjan criticizes questioning, defends handling of Vance allegation


  1. Sajjan: let me answer this directly
    goes off-topic to avoid the question while trying to convey a victim profile

    Trudeau has taught his staff well.

  2. Can someone make this a criminal investigation and get Sajjan and his cronies to testify under oath?

  3. He didn’t want to look at it because the “architect” is right in the middle of the problem! No doubt about it.

  4. Trudeau knows all about sexual misconduct he experience things differently and we’ll likely never know his sexual misconduct as a teacher at West Point Grey Academy.

  5. Seriously?.. (I’m confused?..It Sounds Like He thinks he can just sound off, about something completely unrelated, and just because he’s upset “you should just Leave me alone “. Baffling..

  6. Unbelievable. Not sure how, but I expect our “transparent” liberal government will somehow sweep this tiny, little problem under the rug again, or come up with something to try and take the attention off their buddies.

  7. “Don’t define my experience”..hmm..sounds similar to, “she experienced things differently” said by our PM who committed sexual assault and got away with it.

  8. Typical Liberal Minister, talking in circles and playing the victim card. None are qualified for their jobs obviously. Sajjan is extremely rude as well.

  9. He’s really trying to make this about himself……. as a victim? This guy is a disgrace to our military

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