Long before becoming President, Donald Trump has had a public hatred of windmills. Chris Cillizza takes us through Trump’s feud with an inanimate object.
Fears over Trump's golfing plans
Wind farms will kill tourism, says Donald Trump
Threats to Birds: Migratory Bird Mortality – Questions and Answers
Donald Trump’s might and money are no match for the will of the Scottish people
The story of Donald Trump’s feud with his one true nemesis: Windmills
Scottish government wins Donald Trump wind power legal costs
Trump's war on windmills now includes wild cancer claim
Trump claims to know 'a lot about wind' in bizarre anti-renewable energy rant during rally speech
Trump was supposed to give a speech on energy. He went way off script.
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Lauren Dezenski
Editor: Steven Sevilla
Producer: Arielle Sacks
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Hey, Chris here — what is an everyday object you constantly fight with?
Don’t be so hard on yourself. I thought it was pronounced “Don Quick Soat” TOO.
CNN has ZERO credit! MSNBC apologized for the Russian Hoak! When will you?
Fake news cnn fake news cnn
No news, just an emotional fat fairy telling fibs!
Hear that Texas? Trump hates your successful and growning wind power program.
@Uncle Goat THE ONLY fake “news” comes from “Fox”….except for about two men in the ACTUAL news division.
Mostly EVERYTHING else on that propaganda channel is complete BULLSH!T. And the fact that you lap it up so
easily just shows your intellectual dishonesty. But, this story is really about how UTTERLY STUPID tRUMPski-von-Putin
actually is…he demonstrates it every single day!
Sarah B Wasnt aware that legally purchasing land was illegal.
@Uncle GoatSay Anything to support Trump right? They will improve with time. We had electric cars in 1909 ffs. But they chose not to pursue them. Can you imagine 120 years of research into electric cars. We would have batteries that could last 1000 miles ny now. We need to work on renewable energy period. But hey, let’s go back to the 50s right?
Grey Area Nothing is getting stolen.
Windmills cause Cancer…DJT
When Trump says…”it’s true” you know he’s lying.
When Trump opens his pie hole you know he’s lying.
To Trump there’s no such thing as the truth or lying. He just says whatever comes into his head, whilst telling us how great he is.. One thing you can’t say about Trump is boring. The guy’s a regular comedian.. All you have to do is prefix and end every request with the words, ‘Trump is our savior’ and he’ll do anything you want… Why stop at Greenland, why not make an offer for Canada?
I think you meant CNN.
When he opens, you know he’s lying!
Donald J. “Quixote” Trumptrash.
Please give the person who made the thumbnail a raise
*_Donald Trump attacking the windmills is basically Don Quixote in the nutshell._*
Trump is delusional af.
Damn….feel so stupid now to have 44% of our energy coming from windturbines in Denmark! “If it doesn`t blow”??? Has this idiot never heard of batteries??? I wonder how you store electric energy in the US? Does your cellphones run on coal too??
This should, without a doubt, show the world how big a liarand imbicil this thing is!
Green peace has a sailboat too. With twin turbo diesel engines below in case wind doesn’t work.
Literally the stupidest person online…
He knows alot about wind all right!! He’s full of it and a load of
You mean wind mills don’t cause cancer
@Ronnie Allen That comment is dumb enough to make me think that you are a 100% Trump supporter. Am I right?
@Murphy’s Law You are the dumb one to believe that Democrats will help America when in Democrat controlled states like California illegal immigrants are flooding in,poverty rates are high,and people are getting high taxes
@DGM That comment is dumb enough to make me think that you are supporting the black population to wipe out by black women joining planned parenthood to have abortions done on them
If -45 thought the “windmills” would keep out illegal migrants, he would be sure they are all up and down the border!!
The “wind” that causes cancer and brain melt is coming from HIM!!!
Democrats also wanted a wall in the past too,so i guess that they are nazis https://youtu.be/v6denkE_Cxk
@Ronnie Allen did stop trying to cover for trump
He is such a great comedian, why doesn’t he just go and become one? His life is already a joke!
He has hated them ever since he got stuck on hole 5 on a mini golf course when he was 8
*Hey wait, I got gangrene on my eyelids from being near windmills …*
That’s some funny stuff
Seriously the fact that anyone can look at this moron and take anything he says seriously is just sad
LOL…”I know a lot about wind.” LOL..yep. You do a-hole.
If Danny say it is BAD, you better believe it is good, really good for everyone else.
Well, they are bad for birds and bats… Next-gen nuclear power ftw.
It’s to do with the windmills of Trumps mind.
Lyin’ Don should put his beloved coal burning pollution factories next to his resorts.
Then get cancer from it, and see what they do to his property value.
Trump dislikes windmills
Brilliant I support Trump 10x more cant wait to vote for him in 2020
HIGH ENERGY dude your sad, open the door get outside get a life