Watch in full: Donald Trump addresses supporters at a rally in New York after being elected President of the United States
Donald Trump speaks after being elected President of the United States

Watch in full: Donald Trump addresses supporters at a rally in New York after being elected President of the United States
what the actual hell?
Jaleel Collins sore loser much
Billy Ford what loser of what, stfu
Josh Cassidy we need this civil war coming
trump is a mad
drunk too
rip USA
+Richard Maestas / Ramheads

So weird, he starts off almost sounding good, but then it sort of goes
Wait! Did he just say “rebuild the infrastructure” that’s crazy expensive,
good start
We do have to re-build a ton of bridges, and if Congress can pass a useful
bill it’d be a great start to his term and about time. We can put Christie
in charge
N Marbletoe yeah, I get that there’s parts that don’t need fixing but
that’s still a lot of repairs
We should do upkeep/repairs right away. That will save money over the long
term. Deferred maintenance costs 3x as much as keeping up with repairs. I
bet we could find 500 things like that. Don’t know if Trumpy is up to it,
but the government really does have to think more businesslike.
N Marbletoe fair enough, won’t argue with that
This guy will make sure the next Call of duty is so good it will be real.
HT devils haha
Will makes bigoted white America great again!!!
Feeling sorry for Americans
The Roast of the United States…
This shows how racists Americans are
tell me 5 good reasons that Donald Trump is racist?
Racist Against Muslims against Mexican Fat Women Black Ppl(Calls Them the
Black) Also He Made Fun Of A Disabled Person
5:21 that boy (I have no idea who he is) looks so impressed
It’s Baron Trump, Trump’s son from his current marriage.
+e1337prodigy ahh I didn’t know I live in England so he is not mentioned
I think he was holding back a yawn
Kim Seokjin so do I. it’s on the BBC website who is who
Trumps hyper active son Don who didn’t get his daily dose of Adderall
well done to mr trump.finally someone with balls who will run the united
states how he see’s fit……..
Divided states of America
Great speech. We defeated the demon and saved our country. She was unable
to steal the election after stealing the nomination from Bernie. Many of
his supporters made this possible. God Bless America.
Sheerkat7 Trump is the demon and half the nation will fight your half this
nation is now fubar and we need to break away and start the republic of the
west coast states
Metallica made a good song about today hard wire
He won so live with it. Hillary lies and showed through.
I feel bad for Trump’s son he is so scared of the number of people watching
USA! USA! We didn’t have that when Obama won.
YoshiPeach Mario because the Obama voters weren’t patriots
well Canada’s population is increasing at an astounding rate
Donald Trump….A man’s man…A man who will never give up.