Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman is escorted from the White House after Trump signals his intention to seek revenge against those who testified in his impeachment investigation. Aired on 2/7/2020.
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Donald Trump Signals His Intention To Seek Revenge Against Perceived Enemies | Deadline | MSNBC
I knew he was going to not stop till he was the most impeached President EVER.
@ValkyriemBDO I don’t follow MSM, and I think he is an enormously problematic person. Meanwhile, you seem to be repeating some lies.
Whether the Zelensky knew or not is immaterial to the fact that Trump withheld the aid, and did so illegally (per the GAO).
Obama’s Ukraine aid – You’re repeating McCain’s easily verifiable lie, resurrected by Trump and most recently Pompeo. Not only was Obama’s administration the architect of the aid program followed by Trump, by March 2015 Obama had committed more than $120 million in security assistance, and pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, 230 Humvees, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies. In 2016 Obama committed another $200M to fight corruption and improve energy security.
As for the QPQ – Joe Biden was one part of a broad, bipartisan, public and international effort to remove a corrupt prosecutor. Shokin, the prosecutor, investigated Burisma in 2010-12, two years before Hunter got there in 2014. There was no overlap. Removing Shokin actually increased the chance Burisma would be investigated again, because the lack of investigation is explicitly why so many people say Shokin as corrupt and wanted him removed. Further, using official power as leverage for the benefit of everyone in the country is normal and legitimate. Using it as Trump did—illegally, in secret, for personal political gain, and at the expense of our national security, did not meet that bar, and was a textbook example of an abuse of power.
As for Hunter, we agree he does not seem qualified to have been there. I despise nepotism and dynasty, which is why I didn’t support W or Hillary. That said, does anyone seriously think Hunter Biden, the son of Trump’s primary political rival at the time, justifies the withholding of almost $391 million in aid to a critical ally, to the exclusion of all the other legit corruption in the world? This is not a viable justification for what Trump did, even if he had done it above board.
I’m not a Democrat, but I can see that Democrats have done, and have tried to do plenty more for the country. You are incorrect that they’ve done nothing, and I challenge you to read into any of the almost 400 bills Democrats in the House have passed, which hold real benefits for the vast majority of Americans, on issues and using methods that vast majority approves of, only for Mitch McConnell and the Republicans to refuse to even vote on them. Look no further than Republicans blockading numerous and meaningful bills desired by the American people if you want a real scapegoat for why not enough has happened—btw, you’ll notice this fabricated idea that the Democrats have done nothing for us dovetails nicely with the Republican story that big government is bad, and that their political strategy is actually what works to convince people that this is true. Government can work pretty well when people engage in good faith, as they’ve done for most of our country’s history.
No one is trying to overturn the 2016 election. Pence would have been president, not Hillary (which again, would be unfortunate in other ways). The founders and framers of the country explicitly included Impeachment by the House as a check on presidential power. You may not agree with whether or not the procedure was warranted, but it seems a little specious to decry the use of a clearly provisioned tool that most of the country, and even a Republican Senator, heartily agreed with.
Yogurt is banned in 7 country’s but you still eat it… study nothing so you know nothing….get it?
Stacy Gagnon the first?
Besides what makes you say it’s more about getting rid of trump over the people? Could it be both concurrently? Are the people not interested in getting rid of the president? Would working for the people, if going after trump was not in the interest of the people as you suggest, be more effective in remedying whatever ails them the most? I’m interested. 
@Michelle Maher your feelings seem to have little power over the rules…
What a sad, squalid mess the US has become
1) electoral college, 2) plurality voting, 3) broken Senate.

We moved abroad when he won. We knew this was coming.
@Frost Legacy – And Far Beyond Wait till the arrests start
@LTC BAMA Can you amplify on that? Are you saying that the Democrats made up the stories that were the subjects of the impeachment? If so, then why did several card carrying conservative Republicans provide the basis for the charges, under oath in the House? Check your facts.
Call it what it is people…a crime.
18 U.S. Code § 1513.Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant
@spliffsperlunk STOP SAYING LIES.
@Imo Lax Yeah, and it failed – Trump is now totally exonerated and free to FIRE anyone who serves at this PLEASURE. Vindman was a threat to National Security. He deserves to be court marshaled.
@Will Ganness You do know that he is “Impeached” – that doesn’t go away just because the Senate Acquitted him. (It’s exactly the same as Bill Clinton)
The word Exonerated has nothing to do with it
100 Senators in the US.. How many people live in the US? I think we outnumber them. The people need to wake up.
Smaller government leads to fascism. Government needs to be split 50/50, so no party gets complete control. They create policies in a bipartisan manor, then vote. Best policy wins
@Dizzy Duke Yeah, a smaller government doesn’t lead to fascism. Dictatorial regimes lead to fascism, doesn’t matter the size of the bureaucracy underneath it. Also having a 3rd party with enough representation would be better for getting the best policy. Right now the dems and republicans are a political dictatorship, even controlling who can debate on TV.
Vote libertarian or green party or whatever, it’s not wasting your vote to show that the status quo is not good enough.
@Duane Brubaker Trump’s rallies, draw 175K. The Democrat’s can’t fill a coffee shop.
What does a sociopath do when there isn’t anyone around to keep them in check…guess we’re about to find out!!
@Douglas Crimes? You mean Obamas back?
@J SMARTIN The Democrats favorite color seems to be white.
@J SMARTIN White men for Mexicans for Trump 2020!
@bertha yellowfinch unit behind who? Hahahaha.
In case you still didn’t know what “deplorable” means…now you know
@Cisco Zerratano You’re a Walmart shopper and a Messican?! Hope you’re wearing Kevlar
@Michael Schwartz yes I wear kevlar in my second job. White liberals can be dangerous. They do more than just spit at people that disagree with them . Thank you for caring for me. Mexicans for trump 2020
@Cisco Zerratano in trumperica you need mpr than three jobs.
la trumparachas, la trumparachas
ya no puiden razonar
At least Lieutenant Colonel Vindman SERVED His Country Honorably.
@Justin P Yes. Testifying against the president for trying to get a favor out of the Ukranian makes the guy a political actor. Stop it. #Windmillscausecancer
@Justin P dude get help. Special boy
@Justin P you mean because trump was doing something illegal? Is that what you mean by “disagrees with the policy decisions”?
Night of the long knives is upon us
lil Donnie boy has such thin skin. Poor lil boy.
God willing
You democrats talking about night of the long knives. Are you admitting that you tried to over the government of Donald John Trump. Be careful what you admitt to. I researched this event. Hitler went after those people after a attempted overthrow of his government. Not saying Hitler was a nice guy but any government that you try to overthrow won’t get you a good response in return.
@American Lost it’s happening. Wake up!!!!!
@JC Kyhn Parnas had to say that or he just admitted to being an accessory
Hilarious! Never thought in my lifetime I would witness the United States of America, “bastion” and great so called promoter of democracy around the world, turn into a 20th century communist style fascist state…Putin’s job is done LMFAO
@Justin P There isn’t a single poll that has him at 50%, not even Rasmussen, Liar.
Very funny. Or ignorant if you are not making a joke. Communism and Fascism are polar opposites and did battle against each other.
So much democracy, please no more

@Kelvin Adcock because he has driven every one who might have tried in the past out of his way because he is a mad man and only tolerable for a short time.
When info on Trump and Epsteins relationship became more evident, Epstein was murdered.
Trump through Epstien out of Mara lago …… Clinton shared a season … doppy
@Tronald Dump God dam you’re dumb as rocks. Trump broke ties with Epstein many many years ago after he realized what he really was. The Clintons never did.
Looks like Susan Collins didn’t learn her lessons!!!! Morons are leading and we’re all in danger folks.
That is deplorable to you. Oh intelligent one.
Senate 2020
Well, only two options now. Not sure if we should wait to see how the election turns out. That’s the first of two options.
@Rodney Boehner you people are such a disappointment. Not trying to be mean. Not a full blooded Democrat or far left wacko…just an average American. I ask you honestly is there any point where you won’t defend this demagogue?
Vengeful Orange Turd
Mexicans for Donald Trump 2020. The alternative really sucks
@Cisco Zerratano No true Mexican would ever disrespect their people
and ancestors by being a disciple/follower of trump since that would make him/her a “Racist Sympathizer”.
John Wheaton, Iowa… Hahahaha
Bonespurs! A truly vindictive, childish A**hole!!
@Dave Waldon There’s alot of IDIOTS who like him. Your just one of many with their heads stuck up his as.
@jeff mcgowan And AMERICA LOSES!
@jeff mcgowan For fkn IDIOTS.
Dave Waldon , you must be really STUPID to like the most vindictive bully immoral racist evil pathological liar.
…and so it begins
Same thing happened in Russia when Putin was power grabbing and ultimately he jailed some powerful Russian oligarchs and now everyone knows to him.
Night of the long knives has begun!
yup. if i were an american, i would prepare to emigrate. escape the dictatorship that is about to be rolled out
@kongsvik skole Fleeing is not an option. Fighting is.
Stay strong Mr Vindman!

You made the righteous choice.
Rofl, the big fat liar got fired lol.
Trump 2020
Yes, stay strong Vindman. We promised you things to say what you did. Don’t call us. Expect something in the mail. Sorry about your career. We forgot to mention, president is suppose to solicit cooperation from foreign countries for investigating international criminals and leveraging USA aid for that purpose is perfectly acceptable.
You put a baby in the White House, What do you expect? Mentally deranged evil baby.
“The Bad Seed” grew up and is living at the White House!
yeah, 15 times. LOL.
Ha, sounds good
And that’s actual election day. Ha, lol, yes, flush the turd. Best slogan ever!
we’re trying… but the democraps are so full of nuts, lol… rough ride, lol…