Donald Trump reacts to Woodward releasing taped audio

Donald Trump lashes out at journalist Bob Woodward for releasing hours of raw audio from several interviews Woodward recorded with the former president. The tapes include Trump sharing his views on Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un and the Covid-19 pandemic. Woodward tells CNN's Wolf Blitzer that Trump's self-assessments are "off and dangerous."

Donald Trump reacts to Woodward releasing taped audio


    1. But..Trump/Ukraine deal… I think it would have gone down like this: Trump was a businessman, not a war monger, but he would have put boundaries on Putin, suggesting dire consequences if he reneged on the deal. The deal would likely have involved giving the Donbas to Russia (the people of the Donbas wanting that anyway, and having suffered enough under attacks from E. Ukraine for the past 9 years). He would also have renewed the promise to keep NATO out of Ukraine as long as Putin honored the deal. Putin would likely have rejoiced with these takeaways–the wins he wanted in the first place. In exchange, American oil companies would begin drilling in Ukraine, and dealings for cheap oil and agricultural products would flourish. There was a measure of respect between Trump and Putin, as calculated as it was by each of them, unlike with Biden who foolishly handled the situation from the start with taunts, insults, and a war machine sent to Ukraine. Back to the deal: Zelensky would recognize the benefits of growth and wealth potentials for Ukraine, as well as eventually realizing the troublesome Donbas issue was finally resolved, and off his plate. He would welcome stronger ties with the U.S. and the oil deals would cement them, and call for greater protection of Ukraine because of those interests. There would be no stopping Nordstrom 1 and 2, so Europe would gain, as would again Russia. Trump would not like that, but would recognize that every country wins, and would revel in the hero worship. He would redouble his focus on the U.S., especially with efforts to bring manufacturing back to America. He seemed personally chaotic, but was always strategic with big moves. Afghanistan would have been a whole different story as well, with a carefully planned exit and talks with warlords-again setting boundaries firmly with them on what would happen with noncompliance. Sometimes a reputation as a half crazy bully comes in handy.

    2. Just like when he was in office…always the victim and doesn’t realize he is the victim of himself. He offends himself daily but can’t admit that.

    1. @Biden is Garbage losing to Biden after losing to Hillary is pretty embarrassing too 😅 trump is the biggest loser in american history

    1. @Andy Your poor English is hard to hide. Are you a Russian bot, you whose account says “Joined Mar 2, 2022” That’s right after Russia invaded Ukraine. Coincidence? Here to influence the elections, hmmm?? Here to lead more MAGAts even more off-course? BTW it’s space force, not space “forth”. And do you really think garrassed is a word?

    2. @bookoobeans My “poor English” doesn’t bother me. A lot of times computer just picks up the words and put them in sentences, you know that. Interesting fact that you check when I ” joined ” in order to make your idiotic conclusions. I’m an American who admires the President delivered all of the promises he made on the campaign trail, I also admire the President who collect 10 or 20K People when he speaks and not in office for two years, I admire American People ( the one you call a “cult” ) who interrupt President’s speech and sing NATIONAL Anthem. You the one who admires brain dead old man who left $90 Billion worth of military equipment to the enemy, let 4.5 Million illegals into USA bringing crime and drugs, who just added $3-$4 Trillion to the national debt by loan forgiveness and wiped out $4 Trillion out of $401K last mo. That’s what should bother you and not when I “joined”. So go and continue to drool about piece of paper found at the bottom of Trump’s toilet in his house, that was great news with perfect English put just for you “educated” ones. And one more thing, if somebody corrects you with spell or grammar on non related subject means this somebody lost the argument.

    3. @Andy Yep, the most honest and effective president in history. LOL. However, I agree with you when calling this sick man “president TRAMP”. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. I will be the best prisoner ever, the greatest prisoner, no one will have ever been a great a prisoner as me. They love me, they all love me in the prison

    1. @sissy murphy Find fuel?Um,Its called,the Gas ⛽ station!LOL!😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂🙂🙃😉😀😃😄😁😁😆😅🤣

    2. I miss the peace and prosperity under Trump. Life was better – low gas prices, low inflation, low crime, and China and Russia under control!

    3. @Test “Peace and prosperity”?under trump?LOL!!!😀😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂🙃😉😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣

    4. I don’t think it would have made a difference. People who watched and listened already knew how dangerous he was. People who did not will not listen now either.

    1. @Wendy Wardlow Every time Trump opens his mouth, it’s the same garbage I’ve heard from loudmouths in bars or CEOs of failing businesses. Precisely the same gaslighting, time-wasting, self-serving BS they vomit while truly they believe everyone in the room is eating it up with a spoon.

    2. But his supporters like that about him, that’s what’s so horrible about the whole thing. If you are going to embrace narcissism in a leader you are going to make a whole nation sick. Both sides, and ultimately nobody wins. Except the narcissist getting the unlimited supply.

    3. Never again trust TRUMP or BIDEN.. we Americans need a real president. One that will reinstate the promise and security to protect our human constitutional rights.. these two just lie and never address the real problem in America.

      Us govt has the world illegally trafficked through mind control and victims are unaware and tortured all becasue of their mind control satellite technology

      Everyones peace of mind is being forcibly corrupted by cia govt mind control.. inducing persistant daily 24/7 bodily electromagnetic torture and death threats repeatedly about one father ones own son and mother and brothers
      ,there problem is they are insane envious and full of unreasonable hatred.this is exactly how the govt treat us citizens.. know we have to not allow the govt to lie to us, they are terrorists!

      Biggest threat that imposes bodily injury is cia electromagnetic torture.
      The cia mk ultra is mind controlling everyone completely..remote neural monitoring satellites.. your brain is being manipulated.
      CIA agents are using electromagnetic torture on innocent civilians.. everyone need to file lawsuits against them.
      the psychopath cia mk ultra agents who practically illegally and inhumanely mind controlled the entire world through satellites electromagnetic manipulation .. theyd be the ones who are doing this the citizens.
      targeted individuals like us are targeted regardless anyplace on this earth .. the satellites are pointing at the entire earth so everything in it is covered.
      The us govt electromagnetic torturing with satellites have already spread to the rest of the world.. thats what the u.s government wanted for their Nwo agenda. smh👎🏽
      Screw em all bunch of organized crime murderers from the damn u.s govt.(cia/ mk ultra)
      They also followed me all the way to peru with no problem, i was targeted just as much even on the plane ride to Peru… smh… plane flight was scary experience bcuz of them electromagnetically maneuvering the poor plane. To speed up and descend and similar flight harassment.
      CIA agents are using electromagnetic torture on innocent civilians.. everyone need to file lawsuits against them.
      the psychopath cia mk ultra agents who practically illegally and inhumanely mind controlled the entire world through satellites electromagnetic manipulation .. theyd be the ones responsible.. only way to prove it and make the presidents stop bsing us is by having the entire population sue the cia for all the mind control human trafficking/sex trafficking and broadcasting even like “disney” pedofilia on children.. they violate and dont respect their own constitutional rights. Where is the truth?, they have NONE.
      Donald trump does NOT !!! Give a damn about the goodness of this country.

    1. But..Trump/Ukraine deal… I think it would have gone down like this: Trump was a businessman, not a war monger, but he would have put boundaries on Putin, suggesting dire consequences if he reneged on the deal. The deal would likely have involved giving the Donbas to Russia (the people of the Donbas wanting that anyway, and having suffered enough under attacks from E. Ukraine for the past 9 years). He would also have renewed the promise to keep NATO out of Ukraine as long as Putin honored the deal. Putin would likely have rejoiced with these takeaways–the wins he wanted in the first place. In exchange, American oil companies would begin drilling in Ukraine, and dealings for cheap oil and agricultural products would flourish. There was a measure of respect between Trump and Putin, as calculated as it was by each of them, unlike with Biden who foolishly handled the situation from the start with taunts, insults, and a war machine sent to Ukraine. Back to the deal: Zelensky would recognize the benefits of growth and wealth potentials for Ukraine, as well as eventually realizing the troublesome Donbas issue was finally resolved, and off his plate. He would welcome stronger ties with the U.S. and the oil deals would cement them, and call for greater protection of Ukraine because of those interests. There would be no stopping Nordstrom 1 and 2, so Europe would gain, as would again Russia. Trump would not like that, but would recognize that every country wins, and would revel in the hero worship. He would redouble his focus on the U.S., especially with efforts to bring manufacturing back to America. He seemed personally chaotic, but was always strategic with big moves. Afghanistan would have been a whole different story as well, with a carefully planned exit and talks with warlords-again setting boundaries firmly with them on what would happen with noncompliance. Sometimes a reputation as a half crazy bully comes in handy.

    2. @Delicious Chest Hair no one ever suggested that but the media and you believed it!! What does that say about you? Suppose you forgot Trump was instrumental in the Vaccine you took!

    3. @Delicious Chest Hair Malcolm X said “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent.” Media has the power to influence ideas, behaviors, and attitudes of the masses.
      Being a Victim of Propaganda you must be humiliated !

    4. ​@FISIX Thank you FISIX! Great answer to Jody.
      I have also heard both Obama and Biden take responsibility because they were the sitting president and ‘The buck stops here.’ Something we all know tfg would NEVER do. He takes no responsibility when things go bad but he’ll damn sure take the credit for something good – even if he had nothing to do with it!
      It’s a ridiculous statement Jody and there’s plenty of proof out there.
      BTW – Biden took responsibility for the withdrawal in Afghanistan. Personally, I understand why he did (because he’s the president) but I blame the withdrawal on the military experts who put the plan into action. Which, BTW – would have been the same military that would have done it if tfg had followed through with his promise to withdraw. The exact same thing would have happened except tfg would definitely not take responsibility. He’d be condemning the military leaders involved and we all know that.
      The manchild has no shame, no scruples, no honor, no empathy and zero class. He’s a waste of air.

    1. @Mattadork yes sir. Now I have the upmost respect because you told me to. No wait a minute, I have absolutely no respect for you because you voted for Trump making you an ignorant person too. He lied to Americans 30570 times while in office and you voted for him again. He held super spreader events and you voted for him. He tried to overthrow the government because he lost. So f**k off

    2. @Mattadork Heh. People who got that worked up over masks will always baffle me. If you *really* dislike the “performative political theater” then you must also dislike disantis’s (rather expensive) political stunts. I find those quite a bit more distasteful than the “wear a mask” business. But that’s just my opinion.

    3. But..Trump/Ukraine deal… I think it would have gone down like this: Trump was a businessman, not a war monger, but he would have put boundaries on Putin, suggesting dire consequences if he reneged on the deal. The deal would likely have involved giving the Donbas to Russia (the people of the Donbas wanting that anyway, and having suffered enough under attacks from E. Ukraine for the past 9 years). He would also have renewed the promise to keep NATO out of Ukraine as long as Putin honored the deal. Putin would likely have rejoiced with these takeaways–the wins he wanted in the first place. In exchange, American oil companies would begin drilling in Ukraine, and dealings for cheap oil and agricultural products would flourish. There was a measure of respect between Trump and Putin, as calculated as it was by each of them, unlike with Biden who foolishly handled the situation from the start with taunts, insults, and a war machine sent to Ukraine. Back to the deal: Zelensky would recognize the benefits of growth and wealth potentials for Ukraine, as well as eventually realizing the troublesome Donbas issue was finally resolved, and off his plate. He would welcome stronger ties with the U.S. and the oil deals would cement them, and call for greater protection of Ukraine because of those interests. There would be no stopping Nordstrom 1 and 2, so Europe would gain, as would again Russia. Trump would not like that, but would recognize that every country wins, and would revel in the hero worship. He would redouble his focus on the U.S., especially with efforts to bring manufacturing back to America. He seemed personally chaotic, but was always strategic with big moves. Afghanistan would have been a whole different story as well, with a carefully planned exit and talks with warlords-again setting boundaries firmly with them on what would happen with noncompliance. Sometimes a reputation as a half crazy bully comes in handy.

    4. @Val Kimura nope Trump would have helped putin in every way because Trump is putins puppet. We will never know because Trump lost the legitimate election bigley

    5. @Matt Slash What is your rationale for thinking someone as self motivated as Trump would give everything over to someone with far less power?

    1. @My Name Friendly old Brit: Don’t be surprised if he does know him as the guy he defeated by growing bone spurs and avoiding Nam.

  1. when saying to his son “they should have let it be known that it was a problem 2 months ago.” it was March. HE WAS TOLD 2 MONTHS EARLIER!! on Jan 28th!! HE couldve cut travel from Europe, but didnt! A LOT of people died because if HIM!!

    1. @Dr retardo Trumps Ex-Wife Ivana. ‘Oh, the old Lady fell down the stairs and died. Nothing to see here” No external injures?

    2. @Sophie Robinson That’s what I think. Highly doubtful he had any talks with his son about anything important.

    3. IF ever this conversation occurred his own teenage son had more concern and awareness about COVID than himself.

    1. Unreal you yanks Pennsylvania Fettermen is a re.tard who has brain damage and dems say he’s the man for Senate floor lol 🤣 😆 😜 😉 😂 😀 🤣 😆 😜 😉 😂 pmsl lol lol pmsl

  2. You gotta admit it’s just amazing how someone can tell a reporter everything that he’s done, and then go and cry I’m the victim, because I didn’t think he would say anything,

    1. When I think about how stupid the average person can be, and know that means half of the people are even stupider, I have no trouble understanding that over 70 million people voted for trump. Fortunately over 80 million voted for Biden. Remember that.

    2. @Richard Theriault Because Biden is so intelligent he ruined the economy and put the world on the path to nuclear war? Yes, sophisticated voters who understood that the real issues were diversity and inclusion instead of all those bothersome vital issues put him in office.

    3. Never again trust TRUMP or BIDEN.. we Americans need a real president. One that will reinstate the promise and security to protect our human constitutional rights.. these two just lie and never address the real problem in America.

      Us govt has the world illegally trafficked through mind control and victims are unaware and tortured all becasue of their mind control satellite technology

      Everyones peace of mind is being forcibly corrupted by cia govt mind control.. inducing persistant daily 24/7 bodily electromagnetic torture and death threats repeatedly about one father ones own son and mother and brothers
      ,there problem is they are insane envious and full of unreasonable hatred.this is exactly how the govt treat us citizens.. know we have to not allow the govt to lie to us, they are terrorists!

      Biggest threat that imposes bodily injury is cia electromagnetic torture.
      The cia mk ultra is mind controlling everyone completely..remote neural monitoring satellites.. your brain is being manipulated.
      CIA agents are using electromagnetic torture on innocent civilians.. everyone need to file lawsuits against them.
      the psychopath cia mk ultra agents who practically illegally and inhumanely mind controlled the entire world through satellites electromagnetic manipulation .. theyd be the ones who are doing this the citizens.
      targeted individuals like us are targeted regardless anyplace on this earth .. the satellites are pointing at the entire earth so everything in it is covered.
      The us govt electromagnetic torturing with satellites have already spread to the rest of the world.. thats what the u.s government wanted for their Nwo agenda. smh👎🏽
      Screw em all bunch of organized crime murderers from the damn u.s govt.(cia/ mk ultra)
      They also followed me all the way to peru with no problem, i was targeted just as much even on the plane ride to Peru… smh… plane flight was scary experience bcuz of them electromagnetically maneuvering the poor plane. To speed up and descend and similar flight harassment.
      CIA agents are using electromagnetic torture on innocent civilians.. everyone need to file lawsuits against them.
      the psychopath cia mk ultra agents who practically illegally and inhumanely mind controlled the entire world through satellites electromagnetic manipulation .. theyd be the ones responsible.. only way to prove it and make the presidents stop bsing us is by having the entire population sue the cia for all the mind control human trafficking/sex trafficking and broadcasting even like “disney” pedofilia on children.. they violate and dont respect their own constitutional rights. Where is the truth?, they have NONE.
      Donald trump does NOT !!! Give a damn about the goodness of this country.

  3. It must be so humiliating, so enraging, for a narcissist to get an accurate glimpse of how he will be seen by historians, generations later.

    1. I still wonder if he’s a narcissist, or just desperate for attention. The whole being the best thingie seems to be just business for him: it works in the minds of other people. I’ve never heard of a narcissist who was so inconsistent and full of contradiction. His style seems to be more about the spotlight, than it is about being the best. Similar thoughts on him being so insecure. His orange face and combover is similar… Droves of people say he looks ridiculous – but they talk about him!!! His twitter rants had the same quality.

      He’s the dude in class who does crazy stuff once authority leaves the class room. Jumping on tables and stuff, just for kicks and attention.

  4. I have spent a lot of years working in psychiatric therapy and taking psycho active meds. Trump and I have tow differences; he has lots of money and he doesn’t take his psych meds

  5. WTF did Donald Trump think Bob Woodward, a world renowned journalist, was going to do with the recordings?? This is how I know Trump is out of his mind. Wow!

    1. @RMW He thinks he’s great at everything, he’s delusional. I honestly find most of this hilarious. A lot of things he says are so ridiculous that I just burst out laughing, because I know he believes almost all the nonsense he says as well.

    2. Trump loves any kind of attention. He’ll bring a lawsuit against Woodward just to keep America focused on himself.

    1. He didnt care about “running the country”. All he cared about was filling his pockets and grifting the braindead sheep in his cult. He was so utterly useless, he even managed to destroy Obamas amazing economy. He ran the country just like he runs all.of his businesses… into the ground.

  6. Trump is un-embarassable, without any capacity for personal regret. He probably actually enjoys listening to those tapes, and is delighted when more people get to hear the sound of his voice.

    His constant “lashing out” seems like another way of keeping his name in the news.

    1. The people who need to hear this news will never see or hear it, not this, not the committee hearings. They won’t watch these channels.

    2. But it makes pleading the 5th less effective…and probably makes claims of executive privilege even more ridiculous.

    3. Your comment is exactly right…my son had a leopard gecko for many years, the only thing it seemed to understand was when its food was dropped in front of it 👀🙄

  7. The simple fact that Trump is losing his mind over having his own words spoken in his own voice released to the world speaks volumes.

    1. @Search Wikipedia Fallacy All that drivel you just posted was nothing but “whatabout, whatabout, whatabout..”, but nothing in there to either agree to, or rebut my comments. You just dodged around it all with “whatabout this” and “whatabout that”. Every time I get into it with one of you, that’s what you do. Either that or you revert to insulting and name calling.
      So again, where’s the big southern border wall Trump promised and that the Mexicans would pay for?? Where’s that at?? He promised to repeal Obamacare, but didn’t. Why? He promised to “lock her up”, but didn’t. All these big issues of 2016 he promised and which why you and your friends elected him for, he didn’t deliver on. Where I come from, if one doesn’t perform on what we hired them to do, we show them the door. Again, what did your “great” president do in his 4 years other than talk and tweet and bad mouth Democrats?? That’s all he really did, seriously. Other than that, as far I can tell he did nothing. He certainly didn’t deliver an ANY of the things he was elected for. So go on, give me some more “whatabout” this and “whatabout” that, because you don’t have any solid answers.

    2. @The Map Maker He built the wall as much as he could do in his capacity. He could not repeal Obamacare because of war hero(loser) McCain. It’s a good thing that he did not try to lock Hillary up as that would be a third world behavior and not good for democracy and stability.

      I won’t respond any further as your words and actions don’t match. You don’t believe in character. You just hypocritically want to talk about it. I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I know a failed government needs to be replaced and its power needs to be curtailed. Current, government is a failure in every front which is not being exposed by the wings of the dem party: cnn, msnbc,nyt,wapo etc.

    3. Never again trust TRUMP or BIDEN.. we Americans need a real president. One that will reinstate the promise and security to protect our human constitutional rights.. these two just lie and never address the real problem in America.

      Us govt has the world illegally trafficked through mind control and victims are unaware and tortured all becasue of their mind control satellite technology

      Everyones peace of mind is being forcibly corrupted by cia govt mind control.. inducing persistant daily 24/7 bodily electromagnetic torture and death threats repeatedly about one father ones own son and mother and brothers
      ,there problem is they are insane envious and full of unreasonable hatred.this is exactly how the govt treat us citizens.. know we have to not allow the govt to lie to us, they are terrorists!

      Biggest threat that imposes bodily injury is cia electromagnetic torture.
      The cia mk ultra is mind controlling everyone completely..remote neural monitoring satellites.. your brain is being manipulated.
      CIA agents are using electromagnetic torture on innocent civilians.. everyone need to file lawsuits against them.
      the psychopath cia mk ultra agents who practically illegally and inhumanely mind controlled the entire world through satellites electromagnetic manipulation .. theyd be the ones who are doing this the citizens.
      targeted individuals like us are targeted regardless anyplace on this earth .. the satellites are pointing at the entire earth so everything in it is covered.
      The us govt electromagnetic torturing with satellites have already spread to the rest of the world.. thats what the u.s government wanted for their Nwo agenda. smh👎🏽
      Screw em all bunch of organized crime murderers from the damn u.s govt.(cia/ mk ultra)
      They also followed me all the way to peru with no problem, i was targeted just as much even on the plane ride to Peru… smh… plane flight was scary experience bcuz of them electromagnetically maneuvering the poor plane. To speed up and descend and similar flight harassment.
      CIA agents are using electromagnetic torture on innocent civilians.. everyone need to file lawsuits against them.
      the psychopath cia mk ultra agents who practically illegally and inhumanely mind controlled the entire world through satellites electromagnetic manipulation .. theyd be the ones responsible.. only way to prove it and make the presidents stop bsing us is by having the entire population sue the cia for all the mind control human trafficking/sex trafficking and broadcasting even like “disney” pedofilia on children.. they violate and dont respect their own constitutional rights. Where is the truth?, they have NONE.
      Donald trump does NOT !!! Give a damn about the goodness of this country.

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