Donald Trump Picks Nikki Haley as U.N. Ambassador 11/23/16
Donald Trump has picked Governor Nikki Haley as Ambassador to the U.N.
Donald Trump News – November 23, 2016
Donald Trump Picks Nikki Haley as U.N. Ambassador 11/23/16
Donald Trump has picked Governor Nikki Haley as Ambassador to the U.N.
Donald Trump News – November 23, 2016
What happened to Farage Damn it?
Louloe De’Palma, Farange already has a job in England let alone he isn’t a
US citizen.
+Erin S. He quit his job when he accomplished his goals, and to be a
diplomat, I believe that you don’t need US citizenship to be a Diplomat.
You just have to pass the State department requirements. Which can be
fulfilled even where he is currently at.
Donald Trump is a racist that only helps white men!!!…..oh wait
and sexist… oh wait.
and against immigrants…oh wait.
CNN- “Let’s dig ourselves a deeper hole….it’s a good thing!”
Good luck with that-fake news central!!!!
World News Daily, please stop using CNN news products as a source. They
should be boycotted, preferably banned.
Yes #BoycottCnn
+klondike99 agreed. CNN is not a “news” channel at all. It is primarily a
venue for (mostly liberal) “journalists” to voice their opinions about
current events. There’s very little real news content.
klondike99 – agreed. Trump called them out too. Called them out for being
They may be using CNN’s own pieces like someone offering the rope to a
criminal so he may hang himself. It’s difficult for the American people to
be shown the disingenuousness of CNN when no one watches it anymore unless
of course they are in the mood for fairy tales.
What is with the white male crack……this is why CNN is not going to be
airing much longer if you don’t stop with the little bias remarks….yes I
agree if World News Daily insist on using CNN I will have to drop them from
my line up…….
Stop using cnn as source videos.
I have no problem with nikki haley, but Shirley as HELL object to mittmoud
for any reason in any capacity.
Fucking Clinton New Network vermin.
She flip flop..
It’s terrible that CNN feels they have to make even a good story about
trump a bad one.
Bad pick Trump
Maybe she got the job based on qualifications rather than genetalia or skin
pigment. Just a thought.
Swamp monsters. Lifeboats are in the swamp! No drainage needed now! He won!
Now he can finally tell the truth about further destruction of us, he must
have land in other countries too!
Stop using CNN! Please.