Rachel Maddow shares passages from a law journal article by Donald Trump federal court nominee Steven Menashi in which he argues democratic countries work better when everyone in the same ethnicity.
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Donald Trump Nominates Advocate Of 'Ethnonationalism' For Judgeship | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Trump tried to appoint a ghost hunter? I’m not that surprised. After all he loves conspiracy theories and Alex Jones.
Moscow Mitch makes me sick!
@don g blyattiful
@Alex Ocasio-Gomez Please go on.
@Alex Ocasio-Gomez Cmon it’s late you said something, I have no idea what you meant beautiful?
@Alex Ocasio-Gomez
Those are not conspiracy theories. Read the Meuller report.
Clorox doesn’t produce enough bleach to wash the shitstain of this administration from America’s boxer shorts
@Ash Roskell Tsk, tsk, tsk, …still going on about Russia?! …and “Nazi this, Nazi that”?
Understanding the World is not your forte. Try philately or a biscuit tin collection.
Well tell us about Russia Comrade Freshener!
@Crimdor Bullsh*t. Ethno means race; a nation based on a homogeneous race.
@I’MPEACH ha ha ha
Illegally nominated by an illegal president and therefore illegally confirmed. Our Next president , a Democrat should remove all of them including the 2
put on the Supreme Court.
Shariq Torres The appointment was a consequence of obtaining the EC votes and subsequently taking the oath of office. Whatever crimes he committed before and after taking office do not invalidate his appointment, much as I wish they would.
Impeachment will not change that he was president, nor undo any of the actions taken. In the cases of most of the judges appointed by his administration, there is no real case for impeachment. Impeachment is and always will be a political act. If there were 67 democrats in the senate, then they could impeach and remove anyone they wish. It would be a truly horrible precedent to set though. Most of those judicial appointments will have to stand, since the only objection to them is political stance.
@Progressive Humanist Confession is Good for the Soul. You are on your way! Great Move! Toward Character building.
Unless he’s super human,God alone knows that! Dont matter what weak man Lies about.
Wow! Moscow Mitch’s traitorous corruption is boundless!!
@Marti Waterman they think he’s Santa Clause
Secured 200 Million Investment and Thousands of New Jobs for his Sate, …oh he must be the epitome of Evil!
Meanwhile, the left completely ignores their own ties to China and Russia.
@Mind Freshener
Sucking on the nipple of callifornia taxes and russian oligarches.
If kentucky believes in self reliance,maybe they should make their own money and create their own jobs,like coastal elites.
But to the really stupid point,
improving the economy and being good, are not synonomous.
Just ask hitler.
Trump has to appoint as many Republican judges as possible and secure purchasing Greenland because he does not want to die in prison. Republicans know that he will not be re-elected.
What did those poor people in Greenland ever do to deserve that?
Now people, you are slowly beeing set up with Nazi sympathizers in the courts. You must vote!
Oddvard Myrnes so everyone who does not agree with you is evil.
Beware the “state rights” cry.
@Oddvard Myrnes: “Now people, you are slowly beeing set up with Nazi sympathizers in the courts. You must vote!” This is awesome! Can’t wait for the riding boots and the ultracool uniforms to arrive. Do you have a list of Nazis we should vote for?
@SekretZdzicha ..Ok. What about this: Israel courts have sanctioned eviction of Palestinians from east Jerusalem. Demolished houses on the west bank while themselves erecting illegal housing on strategic points on the west bank. They have stolen land from the Palestinians, legalized it with supreme court decisions and violated every international law there is. How many FN resolutions have Israel violated and how many have they avoided by America veto them in the security council. What about immigration laws for non Jews? Maybe Israel is good place for you, but it sure is not for non Jews. You defend a fascist state.
@Mind Freshener ..Why do not you run? You seem to fit the bill.
The denegration of the American Justice System
If you’re black you’d know it was always filled with racists. America is the only country in the world that nominates judges. Hence the corruption! It has never been a meritocracy, it has always been fascistic by design. America is the most corrupt country in the world and maybe in history. It is also the poorest first world country….yes I know they have some of the richest people! But for every rich person there are thousands of poor people, some homeless!
Your system is just utter crap… Politically appointed judges are ridiculous, unless you like authoritarian regimes. The Republicans are just using a bad system to their advantage…
To some degree it’s the same in many societies wherein the rich can buy the justice they want but the gap in the US is astounding those at the top isn’t even trying to pretend nowadays. You think about it, I agree that it didn’t start with Donnie but if one is honest compare the American society before him and now
Dave St. Clare Jones wa wa wa everything the republicans do is evil.
Trump got the Evangelicals by the … pool boy pics with the Falwells and at least some Republican congressmen in pics with little girls thanks to Epstein… One leader for all of us to obey
I’ll say it again, Mitch McConnell is the de facto President and Stephen Miller is the Director of Immigration.
And Trumpy is just the clown we’re all supposed to be looking at while they go about their business. Seems to be working.
Jamaicula they’re the new Cheney and Rumsfield
You are right. tRump didn’t want to do the job. He wanted Pence to do the work while he became Bloviator in Chief. McConnell actually did it. *SMH*
@Some Guy It wasn’t just Mitch McConnell, it was his entire party. They’re letting Trump happen — even championing him — because they want certain things.. much of which have to do with appeasing their imaginary deity, and little to do with the science of running a planet. But, also, much of it can be explained by their love of money. Interesting, that warning should come from the very book they preach from!
this is sooooo sickening ….DUMP THE TRIMP
this is sooooo sickening ….DUMP THE TRIMP
If they ever get around to impeaching Trump, and he snd Mitch go to jail, all these invalid court seats, including Kavenaugh, need to be revoked
@Maharajji NKB No case for removal of Kavanaugh? Slept through that “installation” did you? What a laugh. Just another corrupt raping frat boy with powerful friends. Oh, and he fakes outrage and tears real good. Great qualities in a supreme court nominee. Talk about a shill.
I remember the line up of accusers the Democrats trotted out, one after the other. I remember the images of the lunatic liberals clawing at the locked doors of the Senate chambers.
@Maharajji NKB Will the Liberals wheel out the dried mummy of Ginsberg for the next session of the Supreme Court?
@Maharajji NKB I think you are thinking of your fever dreams. Sorry, but your reality doesn’t match actual reality but, hey! live the dream, or, with this traitor tRump administration, the nightmare.
They need to be undone period.
Coming from halfway round the world, a multi-ethnic nation — the Philippines — this is the saddest day for me as an academic and hear about this paper.
I can’t understand the US political system that gives one person so much power! This is asking for corruption.
There are limits to the power of the presidential office. There are ways to censure the president and ways to remove them. There’s already been a censure motion carried in the house of representatives against the president. Impeachment is the next step.
I was actually referring to Mitch McConnell and his ability to prevent a vote in the Senate
Well, we wanted a king, we just didn’t want to call it that. And if you think I’m full of it, just count the calls for “leadership”. Free people don’t need leaders.
Yea, I don’t know how or why he is so much more powerful than everyone else.
WoW just WoW . . no words . . living in a dirty horror story per Donnie Swamp
Looks like the installation of an authoritarian regime.
Yep, methodical, widespread, systematic installation into the most important (but not necessarily realized) positions within government.
Corruption and nepotism taken to new levels.
Ethnonationalism? Can someone tell me the difference between this and nazism
Just to be plain, there is NO difference. The two are exactly the same.
Very real anti-semitic nazism has rebranded itself 17 times in the last 20 years. This is just one of those .
Yes, there is a difference…
Ethnonationalism practice Ethnocide (Trump vs the Hispanic groups), Nazism practiced Genocide!
Same difference between a prune and a plum.
In 2020, don’t vote for any Republicans, vote them all out.
A vote for repugnantcans is a vote for Russia and we already have a Russian stooge occupying our White House
Lifetime positions are unethical and should be banned immediately.
Gawd! One look at THAT face and you know is sister/ Mama must be proud. Pure Inbreeding. Must be their idea of “pure” race. Good Lord. Keep it the Family. How far have we fallen.
Zenithx3 you would not say this if a democrat appointed them.
What? And play political ping-pong with the judiciary every 4-8 years, like we do the executive?
Zenithx3 I can’t agree more. ESPECIALLY a judgeship, Supreme Courts in other countries operate perfectly well with TERM LIMITS. THIS OBNOXIOUS BEHAVIOR must be put to heel. MOSCOW MITCH has done EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to subvert Democracy. ITS TIME FOR MOSCOW MITCH TO GO.
Toni Sumblin HA ! I just said the EXACT same thing. he looks Ike the son of his mother’s sister wife ! WHO do these people think THEY are ? THEY need to take a GOOD HARD LOOK IN THE MIRROR at themselves first !