Donald Trump leaves White House and Andrews Air Force Base, heading to Mar-a-Lago.
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#trump #whitehouse #usatoday
Man, those last 4 years just flew by
Why was this under my “extraterrestrial life” recommendations?
@Violet Linnington No! Not Poochie, too.
How old are you? I hope your not over 25 because this is one hell of a childish remark:)
@Hope why? Because I simply asked why this was in my pool of extraterrestrial recommendations? Didn’t fit.
@PositiveLastActionThey create their own world and then accuse you of violating it. Head spinning isn’t it?
Because Trump declassified lots of information in the last few weeks.
10:43 has the best

Has the best what
@voltaik it’s a bot boah


That’s the first time I seen his wife smile!! Lol she’s happy to leave!
She did nothing besides stand around…. She was worthless
@Sharrie Miller why don’t you do a better job then if you can
@Erna M It has nothing to do with me and if I can do a better job. Im not the president. Im not the one voted into office and failed the American people. Why would I ever want or say I could do a better job. Im not the elected official am I. All I sumply said is……He failed.
@Sharrie Miller if you can’t do a better job at something don’t talk
@Erna M Take your own advice. Dont talk.
Sounds like a yuuuuge crowd

Can’t get too close with 30,000 in security presence
One of the great crowds the world has ever seen.
@Bubba_G_Gaming I was referring to the fifty or so that Trump had at the airport.
Lolol. A croud of dozens
@Johnniee Larue they were paid to show up!
This clip should win an award for “Best Sound Performance”
Best TechCom LeaderSHIP ´s Takin´ConTrol of Everything
He deserved much better
@Robert Boles , America deserves better!
A £200 action camera could have live streamed a better video then this!
Lol, I thought that my speakers were not working
Aww, why’d they cut off the song at the end. Another exit to ymca,

No budget
no artist wants their music associated with the orange turd
5 minutes later in the helicopter:
-I want the divorce.
@Nick Turncoat since you so well verse in typing in your android, can you come and fix the blinking 00:00 on my VCR?
@Dirty Fingers As I’ve told the police, I can do whatever I want. You need no credibility with me because you can’t even speak English; never mind explain the intricacies of how capitalism benefits the less fortunate. You’re not a disgrace to me, but you are to your own culture. Shame on you, sir.
@Nick Turncoat I speak enough to serve this great country. I didn’t know I need perfect English to write gibberish on a YouTube comment section. I didn’t know comments send a signal for debates. Comments are not comments of someone opinions? Who would figured? Man, I am ashamed! I ashamed you and others like you let this great country get taken over by your blind ignorance!
@Nick Turncoat responding on your capitalism comment, you know you can always move to a country that has your government type you favor. My family did so why can’t you?
@Nick Turncoat I just reread some of replied comments. The audacity to require someone to speak perfect English or else they should ashamed is just plain dumb. Really, you hold yourself to that standard in your life on every aspect. Let see how it turn out for you.
Thanks for airing this. Not too many others bothered.
…..Because it’s fake news! The real presidential aircraft has at least two other decoy aircraft that fly with the President at all times. We had to lock the doors and windows when staff realized he’d returned. He’s currently still pounding on the kitchen door demanding to be let in, shouting “Stopthe Steal!” And “Prezzy want’s a veal parm hoagie!). So, so, so embarrassing!!
What’s the size of the audience?
Tens of people
@rhett c

I don’t know but as he said veterans ratings are up up up
He wont be missed. Looks like just the janitors showed up.
“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.”
I spend time viewing your profile… you seems amazing I know it took you time getting your profile so interesting and exceptional. Keep it up my dear I love your profile… HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU.
Are you tired of Suffering from Poverty? Do yo wanna make the World a better place for everyone or you have a Dreams that have not yet be Fulfilled?, Do you want Power Fame and Riches ? join the brotherhood Illuminati today and become that which you Desire and Live a free and normal life like every other person on earth the Illuminati is Inviting you now we this Great Opportunity to become a Member of the Light and let your Destiny and Purpose on Earth be Fulfilled
@Vivian Micheal
Good one
A very little man with absolutely no class !!!
Joe Biden moment
Did he have anyone to wave to besides maintenance people and the janitor?
Titanic song on this would have been amazing!
Is that the red carpeting from the presidential bathroom?
He’s going back to his luxury life and leaving his rioters in jail.
Yeah he’s a real loyal guy, that one.
He will live better life than you.
Every good thing he (his admin – his team) did is forever overshadowed by the way he got out of Dodge before sunrise.
“I will be back in some form… have a good life”. Will someone please explain?
Trump might plot a comeback in 2024.
Hope he left the toilet unclogged, bed free of bugs and wifi password unchanged