Donald Trump Jr. takes the stage and delivers a forceful rebuttal to the Democratic message from last week.
RELATED: Republicans spend much of the first day at the RNC defending Trump's coronavirus response.
As one of the last speakers of the first night of the Republican National Convention, the eldest son of Rpesdietn Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr. spoke about the ways the Democratic agenda is a threat to the United States. He says the election pits "church, work and school against rioting, looting and vandalism. Or in the words of Biden and the Democrats, 'peaceful protesting.'"
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#RNC #TrumpJr #GOP
Right! Thanks!
Mary needs to come out of his closet.
He made the same exact gesture with his right hand 41 times in the first 40 seconds.
Why don’t you listen to what he says instead of childish remarks. Listen to the message. He’s not lying. You haven’t heard truth for so long you don’t recognize it.
He’s not a career politician like your idols.
@janis panizza im trying to listen but all I heard was ‘he did this’ and ‘the he did that’ instead of hearing ‘we did this’ and ‘we accomplished that’.
/If ever we needed The LORD before-we sure do need HIM now.
(“PRAYERS destroy the enemies plans.”- (Pastor Stephen Darby):
“Focus on GOD-and not your problems.”-(Pastor Charles Stanley), pass it on:
GOD’S message to ALL believers is/and herein lies our POWER:
Then if MY people, who are called by MY NAME will Humble themselves, if they will PRAY and seek ME and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will RESTORE their land.
(HE did it for the righteous kings in the OLD TESTAMENT.) (KJV )
HE can surely do it for us.
GOD will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you (HIS people.)
Omg he needs to stop with the hands and the mouth… It’s to much his dad.
janis panizza
@Devon Holmes Lmao there’s always one man…
@Devon Holmes oh yes you are just as pathetic.
So nothing on what he’s saying?
@Devon Holmes acting is not his strong point …. come to think of it his strong point might be acting like a spoiled trust fund baby, maybe because there isn’t much acting involved
Rich calling Biden the Loch ness monster of the swamp when his father has appointed more millionaires in seat of power than any other president in history.
Trump turned the swamp into a toxic dumping ground CESSPOOL
@Devon Holmes Superfund size toxic cesspool
@Devon Holmes forget it Devon. You’re a zombie.
Why is Jr crying? Perhaps he knows once Trump is voted out the prosecution’s begin.
lol! the prosecution has begun – only it’s the FBI agent that pled guilty to lying for Obama in fisa court – dude, never believe Commie News, it’s always the exact opposite. See, the bad guys make that stuff up to try to get away – but it’s not workin… I bet they didn’t report that on your favorite channel. It’s over. They may not give in right away but they know they’re done.
@janis panizza remind me who shut down their charity for cancer for financial mishandling and is now never allowed to start a charity again?
Where are those Carrier jobs Trump promised to keep? Where are all the coal jobs Trump promised? Where is the check from Mexico?
Baby Don hopes one day he will inherit the *Dictatorial rogue States of Papa Don* from his dad.
Dumb and Dumber Jr
That’s not bad
Very accurate
There is no douth that Trump and his family member are sharp , without Heart , without any feeling for the humanity. For this family, love , humanity , kindness , connections , religion , rule and law all and all , is money and business. I am very sorry that this family and it’s most member got very empty spirit.
in my 2000+ researched fracking web page searchs over the last 20 years ive found a known issue which causes “all problems” known to air, water, land, pollution, greed, corruption, betrayal in fracking…, this is known as “slurry or slurrey cement”, its a watered down cement 1 cent on the dollor because of the estimated 1 million fracking wells being planned after world war iraq 1 and 2 and the outer cement “support” designed to enforce the protection of the gas, liquide or out at sea drilling silo ship to shore which carrys this cement mixed different to each well drilled is a look into, when slurrey or slurrey master has his 1 million watered down cement 1 cent on the dollor to ordinary wells which need the full cement for protection we all know who is lying, why there lying and what the epa issues with public, life, health, inscurance, land, drinking water, and the effects on a “recall” is based on profits gdp after costing in corruption, cut backs, miss guided short cuts and human health issues caused by slurrey cement to all issues mentioned b4, in saying this heres
8.53sec in from Timothy James Malseed Depew
what… what……
Wow! I was blown away by the brilliant RNC!!!!! I’m a life long JFK Dem who walked away from the current racist Dem party of communism, hatred, violence & division. The DNC was truly a cringe worthy train wreck in slow motion. No policies, No ideas,No apologies, No stance,No inspiring speeches, No wisdom…Just bash Trump, Blame Trump, Play the victim ADD NAUSEAM. The dismal ratings of the DNC and the successful turnout for the RNC says it all!
Get out weirdo
@noah shields no u
187 K Americans Dead! Blood is on the hands of every Republican!!!
@Gigi Holy Chit..The Dem convention was cringe worthy…I’m beginning to think the DEM
(train wreck in slow motion) party secretly works for Trump. Was this
intentionally disastrous? No policies, No answers, No solutions, No
apologies, No NOTHING. Please tell the good masses that you have more
than Cardi B, Big Mike,Commie TRAITOR Bernie,Jussie Smollett’s Auntie enabler, LOSER Whitmer, A handful of corrupt RINOS & dementia ridden
PEDO Joe!!!!!
How do these people sleep at night…!
Well we sure know how Donald sleeps
Next to a super model wife president of the United States sounds pretty good
mason is homeless Also with little girls.
@Dillan Carloss who? Biden because if so yes.
Whose line (of coke) is it anyway?
Looks like the beard grew a face

Anaconda has darche outbound 1400 bags for $50, I know the rules only if we have the outbound 1400 see you on the sand in Mexico in 2 months
Who’s interested in your opinionated views, junior?