Retired U.S. Army lieutenant Col. Alexander Vindman thinks Trump has ‘blood on his hands’ over what Russia is doing in Ukraine.
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lol, I was wondering, when Brandon & Co. will start blaming Trump for Ukraine.
@Pat Savage ohhhh…. that makes sense now!! Thanks for clarification
Paid Russian troll
@skate metal if it’s not fascist, rascit, it must be Russian right?
If Trump in charged, Trump will invasion Russia
All you have to do is listen to the words that come directly from trump. You must be deaf?
Lol gotta blame trump for everything.This card is getting old.
@Areola Grande Tassel Technician He isn’t to blame. He is not the President of Russia. Putin is.
@Dann Marceau What “big picture”? He is NOT the President of Russia.
@Lance Musashi remember when joe held aid for investigations against hunter…
@Lance Musashi remember when joe said hunters laptop was Russian disinformation…lmao
@Lance Musashi Trump did not withhold aid to Ukraine…… Biden actually bragged about withholding aid to Ukraine on live TV.
Wow not even trying to tell the truth.
I wish Trump and Harper would STOP SCREWING THINGS UP!!!
What does Harper, prime minister 2006 to 2015, have to do with the Russia’s invasion of 2022?
@Ian Berg exactly
Yea!! Blame him!!! Not my buddy Joe!!!
“It’s genius, savvy” — Donald John Trump
Putin should not be under estimated.
Definitely not related to the board member of a certain Ukrainian energy company and a certain judge
seriously, are you all soooo pro Putin that now you find it appropriate to complain about Ukraine?
@borasca0107 didn’t know being anti-corruption was pro-Putin, your doublespeak is deafening
Biden took a page out of Trudeau’s hand book…Blame the previous leader….
Hahahahaha hahahahaha
lol .. excuse me? What are you doing here? Did they let you out of a psychiatric hospital for a Sunday walk and you grabbed someone’s phone to still remind everyone that Trudeau must go? The only one I see here that really seriously MUST GO back is you… apologize to the nurses for your unplanned escapade from the psych ward and promise you won’t do it again
—— you really don’t have to remind everyone that trumpsters invaded Canada… WE KNOW 
borasca0107 cry a little harder, maybe then we’ll believe you
Why is his family being so disruptive during such a serious interview?
Bro what…! and what is The current administration doing exactly?
I mean Russia bad, don’t search on YouTube Joe Biden on Ukraine Billion dollars… You’ll have to somehow find a way to blame trump or Russia for Biden holding back billions in aid to Ukraine until the prosecutor investigating Burisma was fired…
@skate metal Joe Biden withheld billions from Ukraine until the prosecutor investigating Burisma was fired
@J 4 Um, Russia is invading Ukraine. Um, yeah. Russia bad. For real. That’s not hyperbole. Wtf is that supposed to be a gotcha?
Are you gonna give excuses for the Kremlin as if it were some sort of natural force that has no free will of its own?
@Lance Musashi No, I expected this when Biden came into power… It was obvious from the start, but Trump going to start WW3?
Why did Putin take Crimea while Obama was in power and wait 4 years till Joe takes power to invade again?
It’s horrible that the civilians are involved, there’s been a civil war for 8 years….
I have no dog in the fight, only questions…
Like who is the Azov battalion and what kind of ideology do they possess?
More than trump ever did in 4 years.
Clout chaser
He doesn’t even say how he reached that conclusion. The entire “argument” is “Trump is bad mmmmkay”.
No, really… are you seriously this clueless?
borasca0107 i am. Please xplain. Ill wait
Which he is. “Putin assured me he hasn’t invaded Ukraine. I have no reason to believe he would have” DJT.
TDS much?
Demons with ‘blood on their hands’. No doubt!
Better see col lindman on the ground with the troops if you support something support it 100% go enlist.
this is ridiculous. when trump was president. putin did nothing
Better see col lindman on the ground with the troops if you support something support it 100% go enlist.
Trump did it. Otherwise we have to blame the Butler. Yeah that’s it, the Butler did it.
Gonna talk about the 77 year old dimentia clown running the country into the ground ?