President Donald Trump’s success as a businessman was a focal point of his 2016 campaign, as he touted his hiring skills. So why has he fired and badmouthed so many of his previous staffers? Chris Cillizza explains how Trump’s “best people” promise didn’t exactly pan out.
Donald Trump makes terrible hires, according to Donald Trump
Mattis quits, says his views aren't 'aligned' with Trump's
Price out as HHS secretary after private plane scandal
EPA chief Scott Pruitt resigns amid scandals, citing 'unrelenting attacks'
Donald Trump only hires the best people (at generating unhelpful headlines)
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
Editor: Steven Sevilla
Producer: Arielle Sacks
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#CNN #Cillizza #PresidentTrump
Hey, Chris here — can you name any current members of the President’s cabinet?
@Ke Mo _the similarity between communism and capitalism is , both the bottom and the top feed from the middle._
The only arguably reasonable statement you posted here. The rest is pure horseschitt
Moby Trump 2020
All Hail The Orange Whale
@raindr0p Moby Trump 2020
All hail The Orange Whale
But please clean the orange stain
Off your blue dress
Cruella DeVos
President Trump made a big move to help children in foster care by signing an executive order that aims to strengthen America’s child welfare system in three key areas:
1. Improving Partnerships: This order will encourage robust partnerships between state agencies and public, private, faith-based, and community organizations.
2. Improving Resources: This order will improve access to adequate resources for foster and adoptive parents.
3. Improving Oversight: This order will improve federal oversight of key statutory requirements.
Trump 2020
Hey Chris, you know I love you right? I just can’t help but troll ya

We have to influence the world from inside us, not let the world influence us from the outside..
And you are a fake person!
Starts by stop letting people control our News or Media!!!
Well it effects other countries cause we have to trade with them mmm
He did drain the swamp….. straight to the white house.
Right. No more alligators. They’re extinct like dragons now
More like drained the swamp and replaced it with the sewage of New York.
@Jose Martinez tRump thinks all Mexican’s are rapists…how stooopid do you have to be to defend him?
Oh, don’t forget to go get mexico to pay for that wall.
It’s a most now…LOL
No one wants to work with a narcissistic sociopath. I know I wouldn’t. I’d fire myself if he was my boss.
@Drunken Joe Typical Trump supporter…not wanting others to have a different opinion. Do all of y’all hate the Consitution or is it just you? Lol
and you elected him 44 potus, obomnuts
@TheRadioman1947 WHITE We get it. Obama is black and could read. No wonder you’re mad. Elected a rich white man who can’t read. Murica. Why don’t climate science deniers care about their own children? Weird
I don’t think you’d get hired!! TRUMP 2020!
@Tony G Trump doesn’t hire decent people.
I’ve noticed this for the last 3 years how does trump keep putting people that are supposed to do the job he wants, but failures at then at the day ??? It starts at the top as trump’s says. Sooo Trump should be fired right!?
artie lusk “Donald Trump is not a politician” True. He’s also not good at anything else either.
Vaughn Besley they are trying to take out the Traitors from last couple of administrations that nearly destroyed the country. Trump was put in as president because he was the only one that couldn’t be bought…..DO SOME REASERCH
Mitchell Deliman you idiot…those dead people and animals all vote Democrat every year.._they are needed

artie lusk

Jangus Roundstone bet he has more money than you and lives a better lifestyle bahahahaha
So many of the best people
DeVos is a top drawer education secretary.
Yeah right
@LiS Wright it wasn’t koolaid, it was hydroxychloroquine
@King of America
are those tax payer funded like the police, who are the most egregious abusers of the nanny state??
Don’t forget the surgeon in charge of housing
@Fitawrari Fitness
The NBA partially are, mostly from state governments building courts for them.
@King of America Save money on your sisters contraception. Stop touching her.
Hiring problem? You don’t say. Next you’re gonna tell us he cheated on all his wives and went bankrupt 6 times.
Only six times? That ma be on the financial side. Try moral bankruptcy
Ahhh he has three wives, 9 bankruptcies , casinos crashed and burn, university also crashed and burned, and other businesses also crashed and burned and many more.
TRUMP”I only hire the best people”
TRUMP”You will be tired of winning”
@Mueller Time Mr Flynn must have the pee pee tapes
@Mueller Time The man who pled guilty? That Michael Flynn? Fired by two presidents…if Trump is considered a president.
@Super Saiyan Thanks for telling us what you sanction.
@Domepeace_ltd productions
Yeah, that was a dumb thing Biden said and apologized for.
Now…let’s see how many dumb, asinine things tRump has said.
…then again, that would take hours…try Google.
trump : “i only hire inept people… i’m such a genius… plus, i didn’t hire myself.. so… i’m definitely not the moron here”
There has been a parade of over rated generals, mentally unqualified, dumb as rock senior officials being fired from this administration.
It’s time to fire the bozo who keeps hiring these horrible people.
And if they turn out to be smarter than him, they get fired.
Alternative title: Donald Trump has a problem.
A God/ mein Furer/ dictator wanna be COMPLEX..
It seems more a personality disorder. I would advise to do some psychiatric tests before allowing being candidate for president.
a test on the constitution, history, geography and science should be required.
@Guido D.G. I agree, it’s not exactly what my comment says (I was paraphrasing, because it’s not just hiring he’s terrible at). To me, we suffer from his Narcissistic Personality Disorder (he doesn’t suffer from it at all, until things catch up with him, that is…)
“success in business??!” with all those bankruptcies and fraud charges? I don’t think so.
@crook on the run ___YES, help the others to understand it!!..06/25/20
@Annie Warbux __Your problem is deep!!.06/25/20
@F C __Yes_ many other bus a good d. Cash flow
@lch jr __Lots people on here talking about what they don’t know!!. He’s 74 still A Billionaire, gets no president salary, far from the poor house , still got assets he doing something right all these years!!.
@lch jr __Think about it financially who’s better off you or
Best quote ever on you tube
“If trump wanted hilary jailed he should have hired her ”
@King of America The king of fools falls this November.
She is working for him, as an evil example of the Democrat cabal…she steers those that love their country right to Trump.
Ke Mo

She better then him for sure
“I know the best people”
Don the Con

You should wake up.
ADRENOCHROME Hollywood Gates Clinton’s Obama Epstein island flight log Catholic Church feeds on children red cross sells blood WWG1WGA
@Jeremy Wittekind you skipped bush jr..

He knows how to expose the corrupt! I can’t wait till OBAMAGATE comes out.
The turn over couldn’t be because those terminated were not brown-nosing “yes” men, could it?
It’s difficult to hire…when most are corrupt.
Yep it’s not like they place that on their resume.
Most of the sheeple that follows cnn will NEVER COMPREHEND what you just said.

Yeah, Trump is not corrupt himself? Spare me with that nonsense..
Best quote ever on you tube
“If trump wanted hilary jailed he should have hired her “
Where’s Hillary now btw
Most under rated comment.
Watch the video: “Unfiltered: ‘The left practices tolerance in the most superficial ways’ ” (by Yahoo Channel) #WalkAway
@foxy brown Watched the video. Cliffnotes: some liberals were mean to this liberal dude and were dismissive, so all liberals are bad, and that automatically makes conservatives good. I hate to break it to ya, but shitty people exist everywhere. As do good people. Both of these groups have literally tens of millions of people in this country, so the idea that one group is good and the other is bad is fucking stupid.
@Bruh Moment Not in prison.
People are disposable to him. Why has pompeo been around so long? He’s a horrible person.
A ‘very stable genius’ … what a dope and fraud.
I heard someone bought Boltons book. Probably him.