Lawrence O'Donnell explains how the day after President Trump admitted that he has been lying about his tariffs and that his tariffs have, in fact, cost American consumers billions upon billions of dollars, the stock market crashed.
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Donald Trump Grapples With Self-Inflicted Economic Wounds As Markets Plunge | The Last Word | MSNBC
Trump couldn’t keep his own businesses alive and people expect him to run a country.
He’s an incompetent CLOWN.
You got the right J walsh
Donald Trump and the whole USA Corp. gang have already been declared illegal and prohibited by the Bretton Agreement conclusions under “President” John F. Kennedy. Please watch the weekly reportages from the world bank lawyer Karen Hudes here on youtube. She is responsible for the Global Currency Reset and also she declares the Trump “administration” as illegal as all “administrations” before him ! Don’t you think this is worth to think about !?!..
If this is a “stable genius”, what is he like on a bad day ?
I think Republicans are secretly goths, because they always tend to lead America into a depression.
Nice one!
Well they keep playing the same old tune and the the lead singer is Trump so the lyrics are
and it sucks big-time.
White makeup vs. orange makeup The cure vs. the illness
So much for Tariff Man am I right?

Yes it is really good giving away all of your jobs and businesses to the Chinese etc – and who owns the Stock Exchange and the Federal Reserve and the District of Columbia Washington that ran the US until Trump and the US Military took over – thats right the Vatican, Rothschilds and the Quuen etc. Amazing the ignorance and stupidity os a lot of Ameriacans who do NOT have a clue as to what is really going on in the world. Fortunately the world is waking up to what is really going on and you can see how worried the Deep State are becaoming as well as THEIR mainstream dedia as well because lots of them are going to be getting justice for their TREASON.
We know he’ll blame Obama, Hillary , The Dems, CNN, The Feds, McDonalds, KFC, His little mushroom, ect.
傭兵Cloud j

Trickle down never worked so the orange buffoon thought he would try trickle up instead.
It’s always been trickle up. WE, the serfs, are the only ones paying taxes and supporting the country! Our money flows up to the wealthy oligarchs.
The ultra wealthy are clearly Sociopaths, as seen by their mean behavior & unsociable greed…
Change that from trickle to sunimai
The best show, ahh love how Lawrence slowly destroys the trumpster, ah wait trump destroys himself
Donald Trump is his own worse enemy.
conservative personnel me to. And he does it with such eloquence. I love Lawrence O. Do you notice that Trump NEVER goes after O’Donnell or Rachel? He attempted to sue O’Donnell one time but no one knows the outcome. Whatever it was sure silenced Trump. What a coward he is.
Alasdair Blackmore

Alasdair Blackmore Oh Lord help us!

. You CAN’T be serious???
His cultists are totally on board with this explanation. They now believe by canceling his second tariff that he imposed that he has somehow saved Christmas. Can you imagine how colossally gullible and frankly ignorant you have to be to believe Trump. It’s so pathetic.
They are his devoted lemmings- blind loyalty.
He did previously state that now that he is president, we can say Merry Christmas again. He’s the Grinch who saved Christmas.
Larry Kudlow, Peter Navarro, and Wilbur Ross are nothing more than high ranking Juggalos in Trump’s Insane Clown Posse.
@Dave Schultz Remember the recession in 2008, then Obama’s president, then he got the country from recession, the Donald J Trump is president, he ripped up most policies put in place to help the people, environment, and the economy, now only two – three years into this incompetent presidentcy,the country is going back into recession, yeah the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer and the middle person still has to pay taxes, and the deficit is the highest ever, sad, he’s only helping himself, the people have no leader, he blames everyone, meanwhile it’s really him.
Absolutely correct. Kudlow has shown himself to be a fool, while Navarro is patently dangerous, and I mean damned dangerous, while Ross, as basically simply an investor known for his capabilities in short-selling, i.e., betting on stock prices falling, is simply an opportunist, waiting for the crash to make him even richer, notwithstanding his being investigated right now for investing miscues. His lawyers will handle matters like that.
@Dave Schultz no christmas for YOU

@Dave Schultz Do you also think its funny that one job used to be enough to raise a whole family and buy a house and two cars and put your kids through school, even a factory job was enough to live a good life but now its not? Trump fixed nothing, just took credit for the existing economy which he didnt create.
David J : well said!!!
If this economy bottoms out for the second time in two decades under two Republican administrations. The Republicans should be barred from governing on the federal level ever again!
If only!
Donald Trump and the whole USA Corp. gang have already been declared illegal and prohibited by the Bretton Agreement conclusions under “President” John F. Kennedy. Please watch the weekly reportages from the world bank lawyer Karen Hudes here on youtube. She is responsible for the Global Currency Reset and also she declares the Trump “administration” as illegal as all “administrations” before him ! Don’t you think this is worth to think about !?!..
@William Woods I will agree with you that there are elite powers behind the scenes at all times manipulating our laws. But, to literally say that this “deep state”, which it’s actually big corporations, NOT our governing bodies, which are doing all of the string pulling! So, yes, then BOTH parties take their lobby monies and influences into account when actually writing up the laws. So you are half right. Where you seem to have cognitive dissonance, is that this is a one sided issue…which it is not! lol
It is clear that a huge conspiracy the far right flings around is that there’s a “deep state” of ONLY Democrats, which is the most ignorant statement out there! Look at how many republicans vs. Democrats have been either indicted and jailed on various misdeeds or forced to resign because of corruption…why is that?? The fact of the matter is MOST, not all, politicians see holding office as a way to become rich or gain way too much political power! And the BIGGEST problem our country faces, is politicians selling out our country to CORPORATIONS in our own country!! We now live in a plutocracy where big pharma, the oil industry, g.e., banking cartels, run the country! The sonner you get this, the better off you are because currently you don’t seem to get the big picture. I’m sure you think “Q” is an actual person in the white house??lol This is how misinformation and lies are hurting this country. There used to be something called TRUTH, that you had to have before spouting off lies! Apparently, you didn’t get the memo. And lastly, Trumps tariffs with China now have top economists in fear of another huge recession since the Dow dropped it’s most in years, over 800 points overnight!! Yeah, the real problem is the “deep state” and not Trumps disastrous tax breaks on the corporations and entities I mentioned above. Like G.E. paying ZERO corporate taxes on billions earned! lol Yet, someone who earns $70,000 will have to pay around $10,000 or more in taxes….yeah, that’s fair, comrade!
Well said.
So Trump’s economic guy has no qualifications except being a reality TV version of an economist. What a surprise. Dumb and Dumber. You figure out who is who.
Joseph Bologne : Trump is BOTH. Did I win something?
Joseph Bologne he only picks TV jerks.
A large number of people in his administration are former Fox News, CNBC, and Fox Business pundits… an administration headed by a former reality TV show host. And 43% of America sees no problem with this.
Yep TV version of an enconomist and TV version of a president.
I’m not even American and I’m worried about your country and market
Can these tax breaks for the 1% be repealed when Trump is in jail?
Under Clinton we had surplus, Republicans president come in let spend this surplus… Obama inherited a mess had play bad guy get the country financial back in order. So now what…. another 4 yrs Trump stable genius or Democrat president. Democratic president going be villains by Fox news, trump supporter, and Republicans party for making the hard choice fix the Republicans mess once again.
Unfortunately….NO!….but he WILL be tortured to death on live T.V…….Be satisfied

I believe they can.
Of course Trump will blame someone else and his pathetic fans will believe him.
Im not sure how they follow a person who lie all the time and how do they think he is working when he is on Twitter all day tweeting about the news show he watch all day. When is he working?
It’s Obama’s economy that’s what he campaigned on midterms
@notheissue it was Obama’s economy the first year then trump policies took effect. His tax cuts to the rich and tariffs is running the show now.
Why be surprised…After all these are economic policies dreamt up by the creator of Trump University
Dmfp can’t even spell; university!
Don’t make him pull his smocking gun out on you!
US has never elected a clown as a President. Every where he went he makes a fool of himself. The greatest country on earth is now in danger of greatest collapse of the century. His trade wars with
China, his obsession with Huawei had seen him flip flopping all the way. This latest 10% tariff on US300 billion Chinese goods is a failure. The Chinese must be laughing their hearts out. Tariffs will just hurt Americans. The trade war is already hurting the American farmers.
Pathfinder Klux You must be new to the world and missed the W years.
Don’t forget about how he basically killed my island of peurto rico by lying about giving them billions of dollars but instead didn’t give em a cent
It started off good, until “the greatest country on earth” part. That hasn’t been true for 50 years dude. Wake up, your country is ranked below top 50 on most charts. Don’t fool yourself into believing you are better
@SpeedRebirth truth
Donnie is not a Clown as Clowns are funny. Donnie is just an overgrown child with a 4 year old’s knowledge of Worldly wisdom. He runs America like that.
@22steve5150 AKA Pennywise.
you are so right, so right!
Donald Trump and the whole USA Corp. gang have already been declared illegal and prohibited by the Bretton Agreement conclusions under “President” John F. Kennedy. Please watch the weekly reportages from the world bank lawyer Karen Hudes here on youtube. She is responsible for the Global Currency Reset and also she declares the Trump “administration” as illegal as all “administrations” before him ! Don’t you think this is worth to think about !?!..
To me clowns are frightening
And he poops himself
When you hear of Obamas former cabinet members, they are all now in very prestigious jobs. When you hear of trumps it is big brother reality show, jail or simply unemployed.
That’s called Karma!!!

Mary lowery on both counts,very deserved.
You mean Obama’s selling out to Wall Street after running on a populist message paid off for the liars, including Obama.
It’s funny when Trump learns new words. He just throws them into the middle of a tweet, completely out of context. No indication that he actually knows what the words mean.
If the press asks him about it he’ll babble out of control and switch the subject.
Trump is using the presidency to manipulate market, enriching himself as he moves market. Buying and selling stocks anytime. Trump is doing it purposely and making billions. Remember AOC made that clear.
And in the end trump and his criminal family members will loose everything beleive that!!!!
You can buy and sell stocks anytime too.
Take your phone. Download Robinhood. Transfer money. Buy STONKS.
Ez. Now you can show the world how smart you are and make it rich much quicker than that bad orange man

@Fred H The difference is that you and I don’t have the insider trading advantage that he has. Every single time he announces that he’s imposing tariffs on a foreign country, the stock market goes down. And every single time he announces that he’s either going to postpone the tariffs or no impose them, the stock market goes up. He’s in an ideal position to time his buys and sells based on his own manipulation of the market.
STOP GIVING TAX BREAKS TO THE RICH, it has never worked. This is the sole reason I don’t vote Republican.
@Fred H blah blah, you are enabling this.
facts remain, in the history of our government. ” trickle down economics ” or “Reaganomics”. Have not, and simply cannot work”. Every attempt has been shown to do the opposite. Recent example? Kansas. the Great Republican experiment.
How did that turn out?
yeah.. I thought so.
that is economics 101.
do you even tax code?
Donald Trump and the whole USA Corp. gang have already been declared illegal and prohibited by the Bretton Agreement conclusions under “President” John F. Kennedy. Please watch the weekly reportages from the world bank lawyer Karen Hudes here on youtube. She is responsible for the Global Currency Reset and also she declares the Trump “administration” as illegal as all “administrations” before him ! Don’t you think this is worth to think about !?!..
@Fred H Yeah… but the wealthy keep their tax cut, and the average joe’s tax cuts end in 2025. Also worth noting that while they cut tax – they also removed a whole bunch of deductions for the average joe which has resulted in *shock* paying more tax.
@Mr420Spy I’m not talking about “trickle down” or “Reaganomics” I’m talking basic math. And unless you can mathematically explain to me how 5% on 1000 is not larger than 5% on 100 everything else is null and void.
But sure. “Do I even tax code”
@Foniks Monkee so you want the tax cuts extended? Sounds good to me too. But even if they expire in the future, they’re in effect today for everyone.
Also, average American paid less in taxes last year.
Elimination of deductions are a good thing. Deductions are the “loopholes” everyone talks about. We need to eliminate more deductions so everyone pays what they’re supposed to pay rather than finding ways around it
Treasonous Trump for PRISON!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Hmmmmm….That’s gonna take FOUR walls!!