CTV Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Abdu Sharkawy breaks down the news that U.S. President Trump is being brought to Walter Reed Hospital.
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*3 hours ago:* Trump has mild symptoms
That escalated quickly.
i wonder what the news is tommorrow
@Giovanna Cool story, Karen.
larry johnson I experienced that but never went in but battled a 103.7 fever for days
i dont see any rushing…
@Jordan Fisher I couldn’t stop laughing…Awesome! That said, if he had any illness, I’d still be praying for him. He stands between freedom and Marxism. GO FREEDOM!!!
If he isn’t tweeting he must be sick.
We’re all sick of him tweeting. Finally the vaccine has arrived.
Just a little sudafed and he’ll be fine
Your silly response says a whole lot about your character in spite of your attempt to assassinate his.
Not concerning, questionable or relieving.
no its definitely relieving. He might die
@King Of Otters Don’t be heartless.
King Of Otters why do you think he should die? I hate joe Biden with all my heart but I don’t wish death upon him.
You really need to check your soul. Obviously you are a dark person, I am so thankful I don’t have to walk in your shoes. One day you to will face the uncertainty of how you will exit this earth and where you soul will end up . Right now I think you should really check yourself and I pray that you find a more meaningful and peaceful way.
It’s just a little kids guys
Here come the arrests
Can you explain?

@E norma Stitz He’s talking about the elites who are involved in the child trafficking ring
@E norma Stitz tRump’s a crock.
Two buckets of cheeseburger soup and a round of mini golf.
don’t forget the lysol and uv light in his arse
It’S gOinG t0 diSapPear by ApRiL.
his body?
@eduardo clavijo well no, but I’d keep an eye on his body, in case there’s a fake bottom in that casket. If he lives, we at least want too see him brought to justice.
there flying in a bucket of chicken!
If polls don’t budge in Trump’s favor, over this, expect a full recovery in 2 weeks.
I’m not a trump fan by no means but I don’t wish any harm on him praying he and his wife make a full recovery
Biden 2020
im glad others share this sentiment
Nice of u
I am a Trump fan, I would like to thank you Kim, you are a true American. We all , as North American’s need to respect each other, so we can move forward and lift one another up.
Thank you so much for that. We may be on opposite sides of the fence so to speak, but I am so thankful you are adding your prayers to the President and his wife’s health. Very classy of you.
I honestly feel the same way.
Trump is elderly, and over weight. The virus can act many different ways. It wouldn’t be surprising if it did escalate that quickly.
But he could still walk fine so
what happpens….if he dies????
Don’t church it up- he’s obese.
*morbidly obese
@Daniel Ukockis morbidly grotesque.
Not a trump supporter at all but hope he’s ok
Something is going on here
I agree
Strategic way to sabotage the election he ain’t dumb but he is Evil ,
George if you are talking about Trump, you are totally out of reality
This work from home thing. Even the Office Betting Squares can happen online, digitally, as it turns out.
I selected the Oct 31 square. We just used the October calendar. Whoever organized it isn’t even giving Trump until November, for crying out loud.
He might not even have anything. He will come out in 14 days and strike on his ” it is just a fluuuuuuuuuu” campaign again.
Yup. I agree.
No he is going to attack Chyna even more.
It’s like the flu. He’s building herd mentality.
Hahaha fave comment
Hes in isolation gee thats too bad
I hope a speedy recovery for Melania. She’s a nice person with mortality.
Shouldn’t everyone around him there be on hazmat suits or something? He’s infected.