President Donald Trump confirmed that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in a US military raid in northwest Syria. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh shares analysis while Jake Tapper discusses with Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX). #CNN #News
Donald Trump announces ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead

This man KEEPS DYING !!!!!?!!!!!!!……..
@Wolfinpanda Fluffy He literally said his pull out from Syria had nothing to do with this. Which is pretty big of him because that pull out created a lot of confusion for everyone which could easily have attributed to this victory yet he chose to not at all couple the two. Why don’t you stop being ignorant and watch his speech before you assume.
@Wolfinpanda Fluffy and there needs no excuse to leave Syria.. we shouldn’t be there in the first place.. those people have been killing each other since recorded history started and we never signed up to be there indefinitely to keep these people from killing each other, we are not the world’s police and I know how much you Democrats love war and death because it’s so profitable but smart Americans who have a stable brain dont want other Americans around the world killing and being killed just because other groups of people cant stop trying to genocide each other.. not our fucking problem
@Rachael umm they were there for hours and no one ever said they found out in 15 min it was him by dna did they??.. and the government has technology that is like 50 years ahead of what we have.. they 100% have a hand held DNA scanner that can compare two samples quickly, may not be 100% as accurate as a lab test so it might not be able to be used in court or it’s just secret technology they dont want the public to know so the rape kits would be irrelevant because they wont help no one if it’s still secret tech
@Truthbetold First it’s normal for president to be attack by the other side of the party, just look at Obama. The Rep complain about Obama birth place, so saying Dems are Kooko for CoCo Puffs isn’t really a one K.O since it’s very common on our two party system. Second his new trade deals aren’t even significant because he has ethier taken away and replace it with the same Deal, or taken away and haven’t solve it at all. Like the one with China and Iraq and you’ve seen how that’s going right. Third, the economy has been decent but only because it was already been fixed during the Obama administration, all he did was polished. And even then most worst president in history were there for the “richest” economy, Hoover and G. Bush. So again, how would he win in a landslide. It’ll be a race but like trump poor health, he going to run with heavy breathing to pass the finished line.
Trump thanked Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Kurds in the region.
@Migfra Danmark lmao you would rather believe in middle eastern propoganda than your own prrsident and media smh

CNN cut that out. Doesn’t fit their narrative.
@RejectedSpiritX How is he a traitor to the US?
They already replaced him. Just like all criminal organizations.
He was a CIA/Mossad agent, much like Bin Ladin was!

@Donald Trump

XerXes if he was he probably wouldn’t kill himself.
Please also see the comments from all the national security experts below:
@Migfra Danmark let me guess, we’re all sheeples?
@Tj Brett Loo at George ush.
Or not watch it. That simple.
Its a jeep thing?
Near the end of the speech: “He died like a dog”.
That is sooooo Trump – the super fundamentalist Islamists absolutely despise dogs – not quite pig fat on the bullets, but not a bad approximation.
Maha Tiki Cat, your delusions are showing. Take your meds in hopes of bringing you back to reality, hun.
United States Of America, I’m making fun of you trump puppets. Are you that stupid to NOT know that? DUH!
William H, homophobic much? You’re a sad, little, small minded feather brain. That makes for a great conservaTARD.
@Sask Sun seekers Enjoy Trump until 2024 and build the damn wall!!!
He died like a coward lol he died like a dog.
@William H I am not a liberal and what is pathetic is you. Always with the gay sht! Seek help, freak!
@Jay Luck I am going to join on reporting the A hole. I had enough of that piece of sht!
@Grim Reefer good argument, baseless and unspecified meaning, did your masters tell you to say that???
@L L You mean to say that a cowardly draft dodger has someone killed,and all you think of is “good” (because the lying draft-dodger told you it was an evil person)?
He died like a dog y’all
@Tessmage Tessera Yes, dragging your three children into a tunnel and then killing them all while you blow yourself up is SOOO courageous. SO brave. Barf
@Tessmage Tessera He didn’t cut his throat…. He just removed the clip!!
Don’t forget a coward to…….LOL
@curtis grissom He killed himself before American troops got to him like a coward… you’re HOMOSEXUAL right?
This is Al- Baghdadi’s 4th death, I do not know what to trust anymore
Al-baghdadi killed himself apparently rather than be taken prisoner. He wore a suicide vest. They will confirm dna results.
Kind of convenient this is the big news story when cadet bone spurs is about to get impeached.
His big show came out at the same time as meet the press. He thanked Russia first.
@Debbie unknown
DN what ??
You really want someone with bone spurs backing you up in combat
Give it a rest libtard.. Trump has done more for this country then your whole family going back generations
He lived like a dog and he’s died like a dog
@Jace Tomorrow No stupid…US Army Special Forces did that. No one does things like that with a “Bone Spur Letter” from thier bought and paid for doctor.
@Thimble no, you definitely aren’t as wealthy or intelligent as myself. Low IQ inbred pedo liberals are in every way inferior.
@Jace Tomorrow yo dawg! Trump is Americas savior.
It’s crazy to see that people are not happy that a a terrorists that rapes kids is dead Baghdadi deserves to die and he did like a dog in a big hole if you don’t like it then piss off am going to Celebrate
with a
the only sad thing is the coward killed his our kids that’s how messed up he was he was a Monster and a coward
My sincere thanks to our troops and intelligence officers. Well done
Actually it’s Iraqi intelligence who helped .
Finally someone gives the credit to the people who did the work!
Just add this to the Yuge list of accomplishments.
Dar Mar what accomplishments…..?
SHAMEFUL cowards bhagdadi dragged his own 3 chlidern and detonated his vest bomb.
Yea probably killed some of our dogs too booo
@Kevin Goldstein
No only one dog was injured but not killed.
@Mandy Rain talking about Abu again?
Think so?
He will be looked on as a Martyr by ISIS and their supporters.
Many will try to replicate this in crowded areas around the world (especially on the anniversary of his death).
It’s just what they do.
“He died like a dog. He died like a coward”
-President Trump, 2019
@PapaShuffler your ability to fantasize about the president’s death should be reported.
Benzai -I- it could have been worse he could have dodged the draft 5 times
Benzai -I-
“Who is Baghdadi and where is the Middle East?”
– Trump, October 27, 2019.
M Perez the greatest what? Just after Hitler, Kim, Putin, Stalin, Mao and the rest of the gang, right? And as to the empty space between your ears… no brain there!

PapaShuffler you’re so pathetic. We get the most wanted terrorist in the world and you still can’t get over the 2016 election. Go watch baby shark because it’s evident you’re too young to look at politics.
*“He died like a dog, he died like a coward. The world is a safer place.”*
Lived for far too long.
@hiphopcroaks24 he did not kill the man.
@hiphopcroaks24 Did your Froots stick to your crotch when you woke from that dream?
In the end, Trump will be impeached, resign, and slink off to Saudi Arabia to live out the rest of his life. Trump will die like a dog.
@Steel Castle Exactly. I find it counterproductive to have announced his murder.
He lived by the bomb
So he died by the bomb
how will CNN survive this heartbreaking news for themselves ??
Ikr thats what i said
How many times they going to say he’s dead

and now hundred percent defeated I bet
@Evil Avocado ever hear of sarcasm ?
@Tommy Donald Sr exactly
yes it looks like they are going to cry, so sad. I bet the squad will be in mourning . “How dare that orange man order the killing of that poor soul” will be thier next chant from the left
He died because he had information on the Clinton’s. Facts
Bagdadi thought it was the light switch.
How is he dead during the time modern warfare releases