CNN's Don Lemon responds to President Trump's new immigration policy that would cut the number of legal immigrants allowed to enter and stay in the US. #CNN #News
Don Lemon: Statue of Liberty would hang her head in shame

CNN's Don Lemon responds to President Trump's new immigration policy that would cut the number of legal immigrants allowed to enter and stay in the US. #CNN #News
How’s that sexual assault charge coming along
You mean all the pussys trump grabbed
@Tombond Crispy Nope, Mr Lemonhead is currently being sued by a bartender for sexual harassment!!! But nice try though.
@Tombond Crispy I mean is that a problem with Trump when he said you could do something? Or is it a problem with the place that allows it. HMMM
@Tombond Crispy Never Grabbed Pussies. Another Uninformed Idiot.
Its a problem when trump has 20 charges against him. But when one guy gets one. Yall wanna pitchforks out.
Don, did you wash those stinky fingers yet? Stanky Lemon & Fredo Cuomo: Jeff Zucker’s gifts to humanity. You’re doing a great job kid.
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Fredo got every republican tuned into CNN today.
Americans are fun.
I’m here for the laughs.
White man bad
Yes we are! why not ? We are FREE

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Fake news
Who liked red flag laws to begin with?
youtube algorithms are hilarious
look up “cnn lemon fredo” and it will give you results of the tow idiots together three months ago
SPEAK Engrish!
Hey lemon head bring on Fredo!! Lol haha CNN you are comedy gold!!!! Been giving me the best laughs for the last few years! Better than comedy Central!!!
Better than Saturday Night Live?
It’s actually not funny what they’re doing with their media machine it’s quite despicable but you have to laugh because these talking heads/communist actually deserve to have their throats slit and bled out like a stuck hog , that would be just.
@Christian Cresser CBS news beats SNL.
Don “smell my finger ” Lemon, wheres Fredo?
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When did you ever go off evidence fool.
Where is Fredo? i need someone to throw me down the stairs.
Fredo is busy right now sniffing Don Lemons fingers at a nightclub.

Getting slapped around by Moe Greene. Or maybe running some Mickey Mouse nightclub or picking up somebody from the airport.
Hahahahahaha… BTW: Your avatar is great… RADIO, RADIO, RADIO– Yes, Yes, Yes!
I was just wondering….
CNN=ClownNewsNetwork… people like Don Lemon and Fredo Cuomo have helped run this network into the damn ground !!!
Exactly! That’s what happens when you don’t tell the truth, or you only tell bits and pieces!
People tend to *”ACTUALLY”* like to hear *THE TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH,”* but they don’t know how to do that.
A hell of a ratio on this vid, huh?
Worst journalist of the year
Don Lemon
Worst journalist of the year
*of all time
More people died in Chicago,

but you only hear crickets on that black on black crime.
Alex C Judaism is NOT a race you imbecile. You can’t call it “racism”. Please learn your facts.
Marcos Rodriguez Because Black thugs are hypocrites, and blame a certain race (white) for their problems without looking at themselves in the mirror
People and Folks Nation of Chicago Then explain how there was about 87 different shootings in Chicago, from just the last 2 weeks, confirmed by the CPD, and not one of them have been reported for the fake news media
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@Alex C how you doing with that IQ of 3?
I’ll give CNN some respect for usually leaving their comments on and not disabling the like bar. But that’s it.
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They just shadowban the comments they don’t like.
*You Come To The U.S.A. To Make Things, Not Take Things!*
@Imaperson why are you so angry, why are you calling people names, do you personally know this person you seem to know a lot about their personal life. And this world would be a lot better place if we did give care about everyone.
@Joseph you must also know this person as well, and their family, just like Imaperson perhaps you know each other. small world after all
Don is such a smug putz. How’s that ratings crash goin’ there, Putz?
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@Alexandro Nichols btw CNN has you believing the president is a racist, nobody other than them has stated “Make America White again”. People like you fell for it. The truth is i love everybody, but my people are with my nation, theres one way that America stays dominate. Its not by giving everything away neither.
@Imaperson actually I’m too smart to be conversing with you, the ignorant and uneducated…
@Alexandro Nichols people let their emotions get the best of them.
@Alexandro Nichols what policies rip children from their parents?

CNN review:
3,000 down
1,000 up
The public does not agree with gun confication.
They want our bill of rights protected.
Not ended by EXECUTIVE ORDER!!
Kids on youtube are not “the public”, wingnut.
We need guns outlawed and the insane Asylum back open
Watch out Don, Fredo is throwing people down the stairs!
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Hey Don is your boyfriend suspended for his roid rage? YOU GO GIRL….STAND BY YOUR MAN!