Don Lemon slams Fox News host’s take on why Taliban won

CNN's Don Lemon calls out Fox News and some GOP lawmakers who embrace the Taliban takeover and use it for their own propaganda.
#DonLemon #CNNBusiness #DonLemonTonight


  1. The Afghan army ran, and the police ran. Their own president even ran and abandoned them.

    After 20 years, I honestly don’t know what more we could have done to help the Afghan people.

    At the end of the day, we didn’t betray the Afghan people, their government and their military betrayed the 20 years of sacrifice and commitment we gave them.

    1. Biden Administration Deploys Envoy of Social Workers and Tik-Tok Influencers to help Afghan citizens and abandoned Americans summon their inner penguins during Taliban mostly peaceful attacks. 📺🐑🐑

    2. @Joe Kasten I don’t need to know tax code … Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding involving a person or business that is unable to repay their outstanding debts. That IS NOT success. It IS failure.

    3. @Nick Lawson Trump would not have abondoned the Afghani government and the people of Afghanistan. The deal he struck very much included them but categorically excluded Al Qaida and Isis. The previous president of Afghanistan sat today with the Taliban and as far as I know he was instrumental in the negotiations between Trump and the Taliban as well. The withdrawal was meant to be orderly and peaceful, but Biden’s incompetence created the mess we are in now. Obama too wanted to withdraw the troops.

    1. @We Shall See! I believe you are actually quoting Biden at the press conference he gave. Sheesh…

    2. @Dean Foyle kind of seemed like you were conflating “GQP” with NAZIS and I was merely pointing out that they were proclaimed socialist, which is a leftist ideology.. I’m not here troll right or left but you were… so I asked you some simple questions, and now you don’t like it… call me what you want I don’t care I’m not as petty as you lol… its just sad the amount of mental gymnastics to defend or attack ideologies when they aren’t even in the same time line… you “obviously” don’t want a conversation you want drama and an argument, and you want to pick it with anyone who doesn’t think like you… kind of like the NAZIs where they slander anyone who didn’t think like them…

    3. @Retro Couture
      You are posting ignorant garbage.
      That ridiculous nonsense sounds like something the character Billy Madison would say.

    4. Biden Administration Deploys Envoy of Social Workers and Tik-Tok Influencers to help Afghan citizens and abandoned Americans summon their inner penguins during Taliban mostly peaceful attacks. 📺🐑🐑

    1. @Prinzezz QTPi good thing in America, you can believe in whatever you’d like, you just don’t get to act on them if they infringe on other people’s rights and aren’t based on proven facts. Beauty of America. 🇺🇸

    2. And as I recall, the gender studies had nothing to do with troop withdrawals or actual US taxpayer funding.

    3. @hello there no amount of time will convince reasonable people that men can become women. This is only possible inside the sheep like, estrogen saturated brains of white liberals

    1. Dude! We help create the Taliban, we put them in power the first time around! OF COURSE they were there the whole time as long as we were there!

  2. The Taliban won because they knew that our forces had to leave eventually, and because they had home field advantage, which is even greater in war than it is in baseball.

    1. @Blue Meanie are you kidding me ? You’re going to attack my character ? You have issues on many levels..
      You can have your opinion but, I’ll let you know it is one sided and poorly thought out..
      You come across as a selfish person who is thoughtless about the other side of this..especially when the military personnel are adults who made the decision to serve even at the cost of their lives..

    2. @J W Dude you can play politics all you want but to me Biden AND Trump brought my little brother home to his family so I have NOTHING bad to say about either in regards to that!

  3. There was no way we we’re getting out of that country without the Taliban marching right back in and taking over. Just sucks we left them so much American weapons’ and other equipment there for them to use…

    1. @Agnostic Atheist “THE BUCK HASN’T STOPPED” Just got worse…… What was Trumps ASNINE plan?

    2. Biden Administration Deploys Envoy of Social Workers and Tik-Tok Influencers to help Afghan citizens and abandoned Americans summon their inner penguins during Taliban mostly peaceful attacks. 📺🐑🐑

  4. Answer me this Don lemon you sob!!!!!!!!! The Taliban has seized all of our weapons and how in the hell does the Taliban leader has a Twitter account and Donald Trump doesn’t?

    1. @Anna MG so when is biden going to be impeached over a failed sthern border and this Kabul crisis he created if this had been Trump he be up for another impeachment not only are you hypocrites but disillusional to.

    2. @Being FRANK I think its time for your meds. Go take two pills with water and have a nice nap. Psychopath!

    3. Biden Administration Deploys Envoy of Social Workers and Tik-Tok Influencers to help Afghan citizens and abandoned Americans summon their inner penguins during Taliban mostly peaceful attacks. 📺🐑🐑

  5. This is one subject both sides, Left and Right can agree upon… We are tired of using the US military to fight ENDLESS foreign wars.🤨🇺🇸

    1. @Lp K It’s was about how Biden pulled out all the troops so abruptly. Wouldn’t you want to get all Americans out 1st & people who helped us? This is about poor planning to the highest degree.

    2. @Truth b Told again not his deal that’s what trump agreed to. BUT yes it seems really stupid… Idk who thought the afghan military was going to fight back but let’s be honest many Americans don’t even want the afghans who assisted us over there to come here.

    3. Biden Administration Deploys Envoy of Social Workers and Tik-Tok Influencers to help Afghan citizens and abandoned Americans summon their inner penguins during Taliban mostly peaceful attacks. 📺🐑🐑

    4. @Lp K Want me to get you an appointment with a good shrink?

      I did refute your last comment. War is political as hell. That’s when talk is over and the fists come out. It sure was in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq, Chile, all US financed wars. None were done to defend the homeland, not a one.

  6. It’s amazing how someone who never served in the armed forces or any of his children. Will say military personnel should continue to stay in harm’s way, what are you sacrificing.

  7. the old party formerly known as grand is incapable of being adults. driven by their spite, hatred, and selfishness they can only act like man children that never really “grew up” and realized what it actually means to be an adult. they are the center of the universe, they are the main character in life. this story is about them and nothing else.

  8. I finally decided to have a look at Don’s show to see what he offered and I’m disappointed…
    You criticized what was said by Fox, BUT offered no true rebuttal other than “Oh, that’s just wrong!”. When it came to Tucker, he clearly said there are a number of reasons it could have happened and listed, which I will admit, did sound bizarre, but didn’t go anywhere past that one quote to hear the rest. At the end of it, you just end it with “Let’s be adults about this”. Where is the actual input Don?

    1. That piece about Afghan translators on Fox came after a piece where a vet told about a trusted Afghan who was found to be working with a group planting IED’s. He wanted them vetted before being brought to the US which is a perfectly valid point to make.

    2. Methinks Lemon, like so many, has just had enough of it already. He is likely in the wrong business if he plans on using Stoicism as a shield against an overwhelming amount of wrong, evil, ignorance, fear mongering, intentional disinformation, and reluctance to partake in the Enlightenment with the rest of the secular world. Frankly, I don’t know how any of them can do it day in and day out.

  9. Obama armed Isis with Billions of dollars worth of weapons.
    Biden armed Taliban with billions of dollars worth of weapons.
    No one is this stupid by accident.

  10. Look!

    Another CNN host assigned to watch Fox and cry about it!

    Stelter isn’t alone now!

    This network is ridiculous at best!

  11. So funny when fox “news” turns off all comments when literally everyone there is spewing a fake narrative desperately hoping everyone will forget it was republicans that started the endless pointless war in Afghanistan and also ended it days before Trump ran home lol 😂 love it

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