Don Lemon rolls the tape on Trump’s 2020 ‘insane reality show’

CNN's Don Lemon reviews President Donald Trump's fourth year as Commander in Chief, playing videos of Trump throughout 2020.
#DonLemon #CNNTonight #CNN


    1. @Debbie The Hunter Biden Story, the Attorney General appointed by Trump said loud and clear. Won’t be investigating cause nothing to investigate.

    1. If a nondescript link to a conspiracy loonie channel could save Donald John Trump’s sorry size XXXXXXXXL kaboose, he would in the clear.
      NEWS FLASH: That’s not how it works 🤣

  1. I always remember that old man who was knocked over and hit his head on the concrete. Blood running onto the concrete, he was just left there.

    1. Left there by the emotionless serpent hordes of demon people posing as human gutting humanity from the inside.
      They’re all democrats, lucifers army

    2. The sociopath who shoved the elderly man and every piece of pus that walked past his bleeding, unconscious body should have immediately been fired with no entitlements and in a manner that prevented them ever working in law enforcement or the military again.

    3. I’m remembering Sarah Cooper’s Tik Tok lip syncs of Trump’s speeches. She was one of a handful of people who made me feel better during this horrible year. Others include Randy Rainbow, Deven Green, Roy Zimmerman, Sandy and Richard Ricardi, Andrew Joseph Duffer, Lauren Mayer, Bruce W. Nelson, John Bridevaux, Rocky Mountain Mike, SongBird, Old Fart Rants, etc.

    1. Your user name fits you quite well, you MAGA bot…I see this video hurts, lol…mighty funny how every bot I come across on these vids, the first thing you all do, is use the ever famous “insert Obama or Biden insult here” line…and why? Because the TRUTH about Trump HURTS! 🙂

    1. @Powerful Joe Z Its an amazing prison, with large walls, walls like the ones he built, but actually complete.

    2. @TX Ryder You do understand he burned ALOT of bridges. He harassed far to many people, made way to many BIG moves against the wrong people. Hell, now Iran is accusing ( And they are actually correct in claiming this cause he did.) him of a plot to fabricate a pretext to war. He’s leaning pretty far into a place he really shouldnt be leaning. Thats not a SCOTUS case, thats a NATO case.

    3. @Dirty Heretic We’ll have to agree to disagree…. Hit me up with a told you so comment if you’re right though. I’m betting I never hear from you again…How about everyone else in this thread?

  2. He literly got up on Television and said to commit the lowest, most basic form of voter fraud there is. Absolutely insane this is crazy.

    1. @Dirty Heretic Sorry cupcake , Those alt left propaganda sites have nothing truthful or real to add to any intelligent and civil discussion . ROFL .

    2. @bha bigbig oh you mean just like Nov 3, Dec 14 and when you released the “kraken”? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Now, the new date to wait for is Jan 6? TRUMP LOST. It doesn’t matter if you kept on moving the date. HE LOST. It is what it is.

  3. The best thing that can happen to this country ever is:
    A mandatory psychological test for anyone running for office..

    1. @W R
      The democrats have set the bar so low, that a crooked senile old fart like Joe Biden, is completely qualified.

    2. @Pablo…I agree up to the point where a good candidate gets struck off for some episode they had 20 years ago…’s too subjective..they could however demand all tax records before being allowed to hold office.

    1. @iForgott To Wipe Right, Trump’s last attempt as a Racism POS, to appeal to anyone other than nut job Right-wingers.

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