CNN's Don Lemon reacts to Dave Chappelle mentioning him in his Netflix special after Lemon called for celebrities to use their platforms to speak out about the death of George Floyd. #CNN #News
Don Lemon reacts to Dave Chappelle calling him out in Netflix special

Picasso painted Guernica and the Nazis issued a warrant for his arrest.
The look on their faces knowing that their trap for Don failed…. Don you spoke well .
Im sick of comments.
Don’t feed the trolls.
D. Lemon is a class act as usual!
I can’t belive they edit that clipe, just watch it in full and sorry dum dum as usel have got it wrong again
, place before anyome commits on this place watch in full and the edit cnn clip that suits them,
He didn’t attack him.
He didn’t attack him he just addressed something he said he didn’t agree with
@skrapyard444 defined it by skirting the actual problems of behavioral patterns and cultural embraces that have led to the issues in tour community.
Not everyone is a pandering , sniveling bootlicker of the fake oppressed. I don’t need your vote and I’m not going to be intellectually dishonest with myself about your “special needs ” issues.
Y’all are the ones sensationalizing lol . one person used the word ‘attack’…Once in the whole 5 mins segment. They were literally just discussing Dave’s criticism, which is what it was and what they referred it as multiple times
lord of the Sith liberal slayer republicans don’t have a logic they just follower their Master
Ikr stool pigeons and corn balls loves to run with lies
@Dee Lee why didn’t Don say a word about not talking about reality? How do you explain so many black people against the main stream media?
Don calling out being mentioned by Dave Chappelle while secretly excited Dave Chappelle even knows who he is.
Don handled the situation like a DON…….NO MO TALK
What did he say when he attacked Don !! Missed that one
! It must be a

That wasn’t attack! Dave Chappell was saying why he was quiet.
Chapelle is a damned comedian. There was no personal attack
@Thomas Pynchon Liking your own comment is pretty lame. Just sayin’
Don the token colored drag queen is a clown…
Expect against that beeeeep Candace!! Lol
This is CNN. They made Nick sandman a millionaire
They weren’t trying to push anything lol . one person used the word ‘attack’…Once in the whole 5 mins segment. They were literally just discussing Dave’s criticism, which is what it was and what they referred it as multiple times
What a lame…. He didn’t attack him! Stop trying to start
My God

, this man is so damn sexy. I’m sick of thinking and listening. So, yeah,I said it. He is sexy. Nothing deep or smart do I want to say. And
Yep, I could.
Also I’m a 64 year old white grandma.
Agreed. and I’m 23
That’s about how I’d respond. Chappel called him out and it could lead to a legitimate conversation. Don took it like a pro. You can tell both men are genuine and free from their egos
Again how THEY misconstrue something!!
U can not like don lemon but over 40 years oldddd ?! Wow black truly doesn’t crack
Najma I heard he was 50! Doesn’t look it.
54 yall….54!
Yes it does. He’s wearing several layers of makeup. He actually looks terrible. Tom cruise is older, and looks way better. White don’t crack
That clique bait title tho….
Seems like anyone can learn a thing or 2 with just a lil criticism.
That was not an attack. Smart response Don. You can go back to bed now.
Thanks Mr Don Lemon for call out the celebrity’s, to do their part in this fight for justice. Since Black people have the attention of others Americans and the world. Please invite Antonio Moore and Yvette Carnell to get the Reparation for ,American DESCENDANTS of slaves conversation pushed in the main stream media! It time America put their money where their mouth is since Black Lives Matter so much!! It a DEBT American owe ADOS! It would be appreciated so much!
I like how they cut the clip lmaooo..
I am so glad he answered them the way he did. They were not expecting that.
At all…
I don’t think I’ve ever seen tires deflate faster…
Don Lemon didn’t mention Dave Chapelle’s name. Dave Chapelle has a guilty conscious, thus the cringe worthy outburst in his special..