Meghan, Duchess of Sussex discusses her biracial identity with Mariah Carey on an episode of her Spotify podcast, "Archetypes." CNN anchor Don Lemon joins Brianna Keilar and John Berman to discuss Meghan's thoughts on race. #CNN #News
Don Lemon on Meghan’s ‘eye-opening’ podcast on race

I am a pale skin Korean & hispanic female.. white people knew I wasn’t white & black women thought i was white. I was highly discriminated by both.. asked what am I & go back to my country. Racism is unfortunately in every race to a degree including mine. Its just here in the US people are more grimy about it.. especially after orangeman
@Triplebbb if they intentionally and purposefully painted themselves yellow, white, pink, purple, you probably would.
Yes chile
@Sizzurp R you’re not Black don’t use our lingo
“Social Democracy = Capitalism with lighter chains”; V.I. Lenin, 1917.
1 Semyon Budyonny Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I wouldn’t be using Lenin to put down social democracy.
I’m a medium complexion. I heard stories about things like this growing up. That light skinned looked to white and the brown skinned looked to blk. I was so sick hearing that. But that was the talk in my community. Ijs
1 Beanetrice McDaniel Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
For someone who decided to “step back” from royal life she sure talks about it a lot. I guess that’s all she’s got, though.
She’s a terrible actress. So stretching the truth (lying? maybe) and milking her identity is all she’s got left.
Wait, she was only supposed to speak because she’s royal? How stupid.
@Thomas De Quincey A terrible actress who stayed for 11 seasons with Suits and made 5 million dollars…my guess is quite a lot of people wouldn’t mind being called a terrible actress by people like you, to have that record…
I am mixed Japanese and caucasian and I think feeling the need to refer to us as “black, white, asian, hispanic” is the problem. We are mixed. But people always want us to choose which color we want to identify ourselves as. Its silly because we are both.
Wait until you find out the truth. You arent actually a color at all. What are you mixed with …land? How did that happen?

MM: That’s her 2nd white husband! It was because of Prince Harry’s status!
1 eholey Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
In the UK we have ‘Multicultural Britain’ which is an easy approach for us all to get along.
In the USA you have’ Black Lives Matter’ which has spread into our conciousness over here. So now its, “oh there’s a black person (OMG I said ‘black’), how should I react?”. It makes us all too self-concious of differences.
Having a Multiracial Culture is a far more effective way for us all to blend together and accept each other.
1 Jo So Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I have family who have lived in the U.K for years. This image of being completely accepting is apparently rubbish. There was a recent report published in the U.K. debunking this.
That said, the history there is better than the USA’s track record, even though a lot of the same people who established the slave trade here were British. Apparently, they fled persecution, but inflicted their trauma on somebody else. Classically human. People who want to know more can find out more.
Everything shouldn’t be about race. Yes, it is important to note the history. But, constantly speaking about race is just too much
@PK P it happens around the world, it unfortunately will never be gone completely.
They say if you don’t like to talk about racism , stop doing racism
Obviously not referring to King Tut but responding to your statement
Its about using race to advance one’s vested self interest and it won’t stop any time soon.
But it stirs emotions and gets attention. That’s why the media continues to bring it up…so they get more views!
@Kristian Horr the media continue to talk about it because it exists. Not mentioning racism doesn’t stop racism.
-Elizabeth Martínez (1925 – 2021, Planet Earth)
“Linking the national identity with race is not unique to the United States. National identity always requires an “other” to define it. But this country has linked its identity with race to an extraordinary degree, matched only by two other settler states: South Africa and Israel.”
1 Rachel Carson Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Compelling coincidence
my daughter looks something like meghan, similar age, has spent her lifetime being asked “….so, what ARE you?”. some people don’t ask, just start guessing- “so you’re (puerto rican/middle eastern/native/hispanic), right?” don’s right though- black folk always know without asking.
Does your daughter answer the question?
This comment sounds silly.
Yep, I knew Markle was Black from day one!
How to ‘market’ her? Black, white, Asian, Latino… ??? Wtf?
If we don’t want color of skin to be an issue, we ALL best stop doing this crap.
Why is it every application of any sort we fill out, you gotta answer what color your skin is?
Come on!
And no age discrimination allowed either but sure enough date of birth is first question.
Discrimination comes in all shapes, forms & colors.
I think we all get hit with discrimination all the time. Society treats fat people different than thin, or how about how good looking you are in general?
Let’s open our eyes to ALL different types of racism/discrimination.
1 WindWalker Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I am going to have to start saying my arms and neck is black and the rest of me is white with some beige and pink mixed in
“Nobody even knew I was black until I started going out of my way to tell everybody! It’s so hard being black.” – Meghan Markle
@JR Porter Markle was a Z lister ensemble player on a cable show!
@Ashley and geman
Now this, I do believe!
Markle, was never ever going to be accepted into the British aristocracy!
@Slothy meh, that’s obviously not true. She met him in Africa.
@Ashley and geman
Ya, are you? Your coming off like the leave Britney alone guy.
So I am assuming she did not socialize with her black side of the family. Did she not see how her mom was treated as an African American woman? She did put on her resume Caucasian as her ethnicity.
1 Margaret Almodovar Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
How was her mom treated? Do you know her?
Come on ! I just can’t stand this entitled woman playing race card by destroying her husband’s family tie to make herself known . Don , I respect you but please stop giving this hypocrite the stage ! Can’t stand her at all ! Don’t even bother to watch this interview .
Siewloon, you can always leave. You don’t have to be here.
Don Lemon doesn’t deserve any respect. Respect is earned. Donnie has never done anything to garner respect.
@Chris Smith Speech isn’t actually protected in the UK. Building trains, the Suez Canal, taxes over many colonies, numerous inventions, industrial booms, and selling weapons is what made the monarchy rich.
If there was that much money in slavery there would have been Mansa Musas all over the place in Africa.
This is sadly the truth. Even within our families, there are too many that don’t appreciate all.
1 Fred A Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Very well explained (Colorism), Mr. Lemon. CapeTown listening…
She put Caucasian on her CV. She was never discriminated against, she was welcomed by the British people. She has weaponized race.
@Taiwo Taiwo Please keep the exchange civil. You are 71, your experience is from your youth, the world has changed since then. Meghan Markle is nobody’s victim. She passed as Italian to her friends in high school, joined the white sorority in college, put her race as caucasian on her cv. This is all documented. She went to England to find a rich husband. She found Harry. The queen offered them a quiet life. She wanted the big wedding, the tiara and the titles – Harry said it: What Meghan wants Meghan gets. I watched the wedding with millions around the world, excited about a mixed race woman entering the royal family. She kept her wardrobe in Canada, kept her publicist, manager, lawyer etc in LA. She invited Oprah and other celebrities she never met to her wedding as a networking move. She never intended to stay in Britain. The Oprah interview was what shocked me into looking at her and her behavior and I changed my view of her. A person who disrespects her father, who separates her husband from his family and friends, who drops people who are no longer of use to her (“Markle” is now in the dictionary) and who lies all the time (CNN disproved 21 lies in the Oprah interview). She has used feminism and BLM to her benefit, which is unconscionable. No disrespect to your experience (some of us have also had those experiences), but look up her history and her behavior – do the research, don’t let her manipulate your kind heart, don’t let her play you.
Imagine being a “victim” like Markle. I was feeling sorry for the hundreds of millions, or billions, of people worldwide who are going to truly suffer over the coming months as the impact of inflation and energy prices puts them on the breadline, but I’m abandoning the idea in favour of a fundraiser for Meghan Markle, to assuage the hurt and suffering she has felt at the hands of all of the entities which have made her a multimillionaire.
1 TheDiamond2009 Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Imagine that kind of suffering. Let us pray, folks, and hope that she gets through all of this unscathed. I feel her pain and have a need to help in some small way. Perhaps my monthly earnings would assist in dampening the hurt.
I’d like Meghan to do a podcast on another kind of discrimination. Class or social status discrimination. Why only one relative of Meghan’s family was invited to her wedding and so many celebrities of whom either Meghan was only slightly acquainted with, or not at all, were.
*Recently, Meghan implied that she was willing to “reveal anything” about her time with the British royal family, claiming that since she had never signed any written agreement barring her from speaking out about any insider information she knows “I can talk about my whole RF experience and/or make a choice not to.”The words she missed out are: “Providing I am well paid! I will”.*