Prosecutors played the entire arrest video that shows former police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds as part of their opening statements during Chauvin's trial.
CNN's Don Lemon starts the clock to demonstrate how long that is – as he recaps what happened during the first day of testimony – in this report – told in 9 minutes and 29 seconds.
#DonLemon #CNNTonight #News
So freaking tragic. It is so devastating ingly heart-wrenching. He is asking for life. And it was just taken away.
@Bridget Dodson Yaa the fake news is destroying this country & the radical left Unfortunately plus these idiots that keep voting in worthless people..
This country needs a civil war two agin to get rid of these people or at least thin them out to all most nothing..
@Bridget Dodson I have a new slogan for the MAGA movement that’s rising…… ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IT’S TIME WE GET TOUGH.

@Bridget Dodson Haters have 2 choices. 1) keep hating 2) wake up and realize this fight happening is for them also and it’d he great if they took this advantage to unite and bring down these monsters. Anybody who supports Biden should be ashamed. What he’s purposely doing at our border is inhumane and a danger to all of us. But it seems it’s us terrorist Trump supporters who have stepped up to fight for everyone in this country.
@Bridget Dodson I am a grown god damned man and have cried seeing how inhumane Biden is treating those children. It breaks my heart to pieces knowing what this is doing to Melania. And it INFURIATES me Biden doesn’t care and the fake news hides it
They will pay for what happened to Floyd. It was wrong! However, how is this, CNN and current content uniting America? How? I see further division because CNN is pushing it….WHY????
What was the purpose of kneeling in his neck for so long? His hands are tied and people around are saying his nose is bleeding etc… He wasn’t “fighting” for his life in a literal sense. He couldn’t move. So unnecessary and cruel.
when the whole video came out it proved the police officer was innocent and Floyd died of a drug overdose.
no reasonable jury will convict the police officer, in fact there is almost enough evidence for the police officer to found not guilty even if the burden of proof was reversed.
there is more then just reasonable doubt in this case. in fact it’s a certainty Floyd died of a drug overdose.
also how could you say you can’t breath if you were being chocked.
@The Influence of Many and yet it was police procedure. Do criminals follow a procedure? Hmmm. Why no they do not. Are you a police officer or criminal? How do you know how to take a criminal out of a car because he could not breath to giving him air and restraining him? I am not a law officer or criminal and waiting for a verdict.
It is to restrain someone who is not complying with simple police commands and is resisting arrest.

Perhaps he runs into traffic.
Perhaps he forces an innocent driver to swerve instinctively and hits someone?
Cmon think will you please.
They will pay for what happened to Floyd. It was wrong! However, how is this, CNN and current content uniting America? How? I see further division because CNN is pushing it….WHY????
@Brad Will who is they? Floyd victims?
When I saw this video and the lady in the background said, “his nose is bleeding”, I knew Mr. Floyd was loosing the battle of life. When people nose start bleeding, that’s a CLEAR SIGN of internal trauma, especially in a case like this. A knee on this man’s neck was not even necessary. He wasn’t resisting. When they were gonna put him in the back of the car he was saying he didn’t like small spaces. The cops said they didn’t care and escalated the issue. All this over a suspected fake $20.
@clarence powell No matter what he did. It was not for that cop to play God is which is what he did . Polcie are there to up keep the law , now actually be the law.
I suppose you think his daughter will become a criminal because of what her father did .
@clarence powell Wow, that’s fu*ked up, man… If someone close to you was in George’s place, I bet you wouldn’t feel sorry for him/her, right?
Fentanyl Floyd died from Hardcore Fentanyl which Chinese News Network CNN is Refusing to report bc B.Criminals Matters Movement wouldn’t appreciate it,
Yeah don’t do drugs
Maybe he shouldn’t have resisted arrest or got high on fentanyl. The facts aren’t what you heard from the media.
Wow he knew what he was doing with his left hand still in his pocket and look at his left foot like the mma guy said i never really noticed that

@Native B. Fact’s
@Native B. lol
You people are ridiculous, to hell with floyd
They will pay for what happened to Floyd. It was wrong! However, how is this, CNN and current content uniting America? How? I see further division because CNN is pushing it….WHY????
@Kegan Vlogs Sometimes wow you people well guess what you people about to mute you

You have mass shooters killing multiple people getting taken in alive and sometimes even being taken to Burger King, but then George Floyd gets choked for over nine minutes?
@VĮNTAGE BARBĮE hi Barbie I’m Steve’s dad
Fentanyl Floyd died from Hardcore Fentanyl which Chinese News Network CNN is Refusing to report bc we’re dealing with these Totally Lightweight Race war mongers
@Don Nwzad hi Don the con
Drugs kill
He wouldn’t get in the cop car. You know that right?
It feels, even longer while listening to you while waiting.
And you sir aren’t helping the seriousness of this situation. All OK with you?
Then why are you listening to him
They will pay for what happened to Floyd. It was wrong! However, how is this, CNN and current content uniting America? How? I see further division because CNN is pushing it….WHY????
@Jamtommy Look up Tony Timpa. Police killed him the same way, but he’s white. Not the sorry divisive narrative of Don CNN bullshit!
RIP black guy no one knew before 2020.
Wow! Look at at the new account trolls all 0ver this comment! Like their crazy opinions are valuable
@Black Widow thanks for trying to figure out who we were by being such an automaton to think that you’d figure it out by looking at our profiles on here though Sherlock.
@Black Widow new? I’ve been trolling since back before Miss Black Widow got knocked up in Jr High and didn’t know which
it was.
Hes leaning on his neck with all his weight and police gear, also you can see how he is adjusting his knee when George gasped for air. Change places with him matter of fact put you son or daughter in his place then you will think differently
@Subremedy* S This is true. I can’t breathe is his M.O. statement. He died of a heart attack brought on by stress, having more drugs in him then the Toxic Twins did in their life and his body shutting down from Overdosing. Unfortunately, when the cops asked him if he was on anything at the start of the encounter he should have said told the truth by saying I think I am ODing rather than lying and saying he was not on anything. It is not an excuse for his death and that is sad but had he cooperated he may have not been dead. He did not die from a knee on the neck.
No, you put your daughter in the place of the pregnant woman that he held a gun to her stomach. You support him only because he’s black. Very racist of you.
He couldn’t breathe before the knee. Let’s ignore that though.
@Stephanie Marie lay on your chest with your hands behind your back on your kitchen floor. Try that for 60 seconds and see how that feels. Ive tried it. Its hard to breath.
Not if they were a criminal drug addicted piece of garbage
The other officer is as guilty as the one kneeling on his neck.. He is just watching the whole thing. This is extremely hard to watch. RIP
@Michael Morningstar buddy boy, u r suffering badly from, “ DJT syndrome “
Btw “ Keep suffering & don’t forget to go home to Mommy “
@Don Nwzad lol k
There are 4 cops. One was black and one was Asian. So what other cop are you talking about?
I seriously almost skipped that part once the video started. I never watched any of it before.
The length of this video really hits. Just watching that timer made me cry. Choking for 30 seconds is horrific. Nine minutes, twenty seconds? Man
They subdued a maskless covid super spreader.
@President Tater Skin so that’s what people think subdue means
@Brandon Phoenix well he certainly was subdued. I’d have to say yes.
The timer made you cry?
It’s almost a year since this happened and it’s still hard to watch this man get his life snuffed out by that sadist Rip george.
Fentanyl Floyd died from Hardcore Fentanyl which Chinese News Network CNN is Refusing to report bc B.Criminals Matters Movement wouldn’t appreciate it,
why support a career criminal?
One year sober
he was a maggot
@Defund-The-Media ohhh nooo!!!! They will convict him because they are afraid of the riots, looting and murders that will happen in all democratic shithole cities! I wish they would find him innocent just to watch those cities burn!! Atlanta, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, San Francisco ect
Please please please please please please let him do it let him do it please please please …… yes? Dam. I was hoping that he was going to be silent for that time. If he would have. I would watch it over and over again!
I cry everytime I see that sh#t!! I get so upset! I respect his family for being so calm. I’d be in jail by this time
I couldn’t be a juror or in the court room
@fagiolification DC MANSION MURDERS
You should be in jail just for identifying yourself as Nee Nee, just sayin
They will pay for what happened to Floyd. It was wrong! However, how is this, CNN and current content uniting America? How? I see further division because CNN is pushing it….WHY????
The cop kept saying get in the car, but how can he get in the car with the cop kneeling on Floyd’s neck
While watching the video I felt so powerless and angry, never watched it entirely until the trial… May the earth be light upon you, George.
Me either. Changed my opinion. Derek chauvin was a good guy and did nothing wrong.
What did his toxicology report say? Lots of fentanyl and meth and morphine and cannabis.
RIP George KFC.
Race Pimpin™
Hey!!! That’s CNNs job
Don, I had the same reaction. I kept begging to my phone screen please let him up… still just tears me up.
His hands in his pockets is what i cannot get over…just casually in his pockets..
Poor lil Floyd he was an angel and this world will never be the same.