Dominion Sues MyPillow CEO Over Election Claims | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Dominion Voting Systems sued Mike Lindell, the C.E.O. of MyPillow, on Monday, alleging that he defamed Dominion with baseless claims of election fraud involving its voting machines, according to reports. Aired on 02/22/2021.
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#Election #MikeLindell #MSNBC

Dominion Sues MyPillow CEO Over Election Claims | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Dominion Sues MyPillow CEO Over Election Claims | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Ton Marina Do you think all crackhead conspiracy theorists are patriots? Like the ones that attacked the capitol?

    2. @Dustin No, the appellation of clown is really more applicable to you.
      The opportunity to provide a good-faith basis for the commencement of a lawsuit is given before trial starts. If the basis is found to be not in good faith or unsupported by viable evidence, then the case is dismissed for lack of evidence, sometimes without prejudice to file the suit again once viable evidence can be produced.
      There is where they were accorded every opportunity to provide support for their case and they did not.
      Affidavits are hearsay and are of very little use in a trial, criminal or civil, and are usually excluded altogether since they cannot be used for the assertions contained within them.
      So it is you who needs to wake up and do some research on the admissibility of evidence in trials before you declare something that isn’t true because you neglected to do your job.
      Stop depending on Law and Order and other TV shows for a depiction of what a trial actually involves. There are no “Perry Mason” moments in a civil trial and are extremely rare in criminal trials.
      So, Pierrot, you need to “wake tf up” before you make incorrect proclamations.
      NRN EOD – One does not engage in discourse with those who present falsehoods as facts. One’s knowledge has been gained from over 40 years of legal experience. What’s yours from?
      ‘bye now

    3. @Levi Roth Because there’s nothing to look at. It’s been completely debunked and your clinging to that notion is pitiful.

    1. His pillows are being sold in record numbers actually. For you must understand over 80 million people voted for Trump and we stand behind the good guys. Even when people like you try to cancel culture us we will get behind them and push them forwards. Such is Mikes case now. He hasnt ever sold so many pillows. Common Sense will tell you Americans will support under dogs, and many are beginning to fight back against this administrations evil ideas and actions. History always repeats itself, and we have a history of once you crank us up we dont back down, we end up bringing the fight to their doors and they cry about it for decades afterward until it happens again and again and again. So keep poking the Bull, you’ll all get the horns. You’re not gonna like it when it happens…………..

    2. @Anonymous City So many cliches I lost count. Ok, so people are buying his pillows—that’s not anti cancel culture, it’s a free enterprise choice. And, we’ve seen the “knocking on doors” you speak about, and you’ll be arrested—or worse—if you violently attack elected officials again.

    1. His pillows are being sold in record numbers actually. For you must understand over 80 million people voted for Trump and we stand behind the good guys. Even when people like you try to cancel culture us we will get behind them and push them forwards. Such is Mikes case now. He hasnt ever sold so many pillows. Common Sense will tell you Americans will support under dogs, and many are beginning to fight back against this administrations evil ideas and actions. History always repeats itself, and we have a history of once you crank us up we dont back down, we end up bringing the fight to their doors and they cry about it for decades afterward until it happens again and again and again. So keep poking the Bull, you’ll all get the horns. You’re not gonna like it when it happens…………..

    2. @Anonymous City Mike Lindel begged trump to instate martial law. He is un-American, antidemocratic, communist, and so are you.

    1. @mrfreewayboy *WAS. After all his sales companies dumped him he’s been bleeding money left and right.

    1. @Noneofyour Damnbusiness I’m just curious. You are part of a growing number of people that say they don’t support either party. Does that make you a Bernie supporter, a far right Trump supporter or an anarchist?

    2. @Jack Straw of those 3, anarchy would be the lesser of the 3 evils. Throw the Demonrats and REPUKITARDS in there, and they are the lesser of the 5 evils. JFK was killed off by the Demonrats. He was the last true American with Reagan being 2nd, but his Alzheimer’s compromised the majority of his 2nd term. It has all gone to uselessness since then.

    3. @Jack Straw I would pick Bernie or Trump over the Demonrats and REPUKITARDS. They at least do not want to stab EVERY American in the back. Are you still waiting for your $1,400? If that makes a difference in anyone’s life, I would love to watch the documentary. I can see it now:

      My life was a train wreck, and then, just like that, gubnent sent me $1,400 and now I live the life of luxury. 🙄

  1. “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.” Alexandre Dumas might have mentioned insane stupidity.

    1. Rick Simon Oh aren’t you nice. You are fool if you think Biden is bad for China. He’s completely understanding of the need for China to have a “tightly controlled China” plus where F have you been that you don’t know Hunter sits on the board of Chinese companies?! You can’t even have a darn discussion without throwing out insults and name calling. You are in denial Rick. China owns Biden and there is plenty of i for to prove it.

    2. Ricks Chess Channel What do you mean? I may have respond to you instead of the person I intended on responding to.

    3. @dylan willson Not according to t666p’s own Department of Homeland Security or his Attorney General or even Rudy when questioned by the Court responded that “This is not an election fraud case” when it became clear he had no viable proof.
      Just questioning the election results is a far, far cry of using years to claim an election was rigged even before it happened and to claim massive mail voter fraud when the t666ps voted illegally by mail by claiming Mar-A-Lago as their permanent residence.
      Last I checked, a Capitol Police officer was murdered and more than 100 other officers suffered from serious injuries from being attacked by the “law and order” insurrectionists.
      But that evidently is just fine with you.

    4. Queens Rule and yet they couldn’t prove trump incited the mostly peaceful protesters who stormed the capital building

    5. @Ricks Chess Channel “Sounds like” is not acceptable evidence in a court of law, which has been the problem with the 60+ dismissed lawsuits: no evidence. “Sounds like” without any corroboration is simply opinion and bears no weight unless one is accepted by the judge as an expert in the particular field one is testifying about.

  2. Finally Mike can get his day in court and show the world his evidence. Go Mike, show em all!. Mike? Mike? MIke. where are you Mike?

    1. @Lee Christmas That is the GQP playbook. Blame everyone and accept no reality other than the fantasies in their heads.

    2. @olecrowey But @TonalHarmony contends that the proof exists already, so what is beneficial to “cover there tracks”? There is nothing.
      And, my dear, please learn to distinguish between there, their, and they’re.

    3. @TonalHarmony Please bear in mind that discovery is done before trial in a civil case. After that discovery is exchanged, the next legal move is a motion to dismiss for lack of evidence, which has been the judge’s ruling in the 60+ lawsuits that were dismissed.
      You offer no support for your claims other than your own words, which is also why those 60+ cases were dismissed, not to mention what is now three times that the SCOTUS has refused to hear a t666p appeal.
      Let’s get to the point of an actual trial before one starts claiming proof exists. And your disclosing of the purported evidence is not something looked upon favorably by defense attorneys.
      Last reply – you have now become boring in your repetition.
      NRN EOD
      ‘bye now

    4. @Anonymous City CUT AND PASTE TROLL and completely false.
      For you must understand that numbers do not define the “good guys,” especially when those “good guys” wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them in the gluteus maximus.
      Funny, one tried and was unable to verify that his pillows are doing anything but losing business.

  3. If lindell has all the proof and information, why isn’t he suing dominion? Seems like that would be the right thing to do.

    1. The reason might be that drug-addicted dreams pretty far from reality. In court, you have to prove evidence believe or wish isn’t a legal strategy.

    2. But, but, he released it! Weeks ago! Didn’t you see that video, with the hammer and sickle, and ominous music proving fraud? It was mega… until YT pulled it.

    1. “But what is a kraken theon? A large rubbery mass of tentacles that can’t breathe on land much less fight? It has no bones and it collapses under it’s own weight.” -Ramsey bolton

    2. @helen turner He can hold is breathe for days. He doesn’t need the oxygen required for higher brain function because trump told him so.👍

    1. Yea there gonna lose there contracts because its proof those machines are designed to cheat. You’ll see. Well if the sue it may just back fire because then the court will have no choice but listen to the evidence

    2. @Ricks Chess Channel There is no evidence you are delusional you know i have noticed over the years right wingers tend to be real good at projection you like to call people sheep but you are the mindless fools that believe anything lol.

    3. His pillows are being sold in record numbers actually. For you must understand over 80 million people voted for Trump and we stand behind the good guys. Even when people like you try to cancel culture us we will get behind them and push them forwards. Such is Mikes case now. He hasnt ever sold so many pillows. Common Sense will tell you Americans will support under dogs, and many are beginning to fight back against this administrations evil ideas and actions. History always repeats itself, and we have a history of once you crank us up we dont back down, we end up bringing the fight to their doors and they cry about it for decades afterward until it happens again and again and again. So keep poking the Bull, you’ll all get the horns. You’re not gonna like it when it happens…………..

  4. Where is Frank Sinatra when we need him? Sing along, everyone: “Sue a Doody, Doody do…” Hug your binky pillow tight, Mikey, you’re going to need it! LOL

    1. Sing along if you no the song, oh , oh, Joe B inda house, no doubt, in da WHITE House, watch yo mouth! …..Joe B THE PLAYER from dela aaa way yaaa ……Jeromeee!!! HoMeee!!! Wat u can’t CALL ME????

    1. 2 VIDEOs , also research Gateway pundit website where two white Vans came at 3:30 and 3:42 to Detroit Coliseum. Delivering 61 UPS boxes opened with ballots. They had to pay $22,000. For the security footage election fraud definitely happened. President Trump will remain president.

    2. there are numerous Democrats including Pelosi who in 2008 and 2016 that complained of Dominion fraud. They should make good witnesses for Lindel

  5. TRUMP lost 60+ court cases – so this MyPillow guy suddenly has evidence that GIULIANI and the other TRUMP lawyers did not have??? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

    1. @Sweger Shanna And why haven’t they lost their bar licenses for knowingly lying about proof that did not exist?

    2. @Sweger Shanna Apparently Dominion had to hire private investigators to even serve her, and chase her over state lines.

    1. His pillows are being sold in record numbers actually. For you must understand over 80 million people voted for Trump and we stand behind the good guys. Even when people like you try to cancel culture us we will get behind them and push them forwards. Such is Mikes case now. He hasnt ever sold so many pillows. Common Sense will tell you Americans will support under dogs, and many are beginning to fight back against this administrations evil ideas and actions. History always repeats itself, and we have a history of once you crank us up we dont back down, we end up bringing the fight to their doors and they cry about it for decades afterward until it happens again and again and again. So keep poking the Bull, you’ll all get the horns. You’re not gonna like it when it happens…………..

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