DOJ Warns Robert Mueller To Stay In ‘Boundaries’ Of Report | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress could be a political game changer or it could be a bust. Stephanie Ruhle is joined by NBC’s Carol Lee and Ken Dilanian, former Congresswoman Donna Edwards, former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, and New York Times op-ed columnist Bret Stephens to discuss why some Democrats are fearing the worst.
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DOJ Warns Robert Mueller To Stay In ‘Boundaries’ Of Report | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

DOJ Warns Robert Mueller To Stay In ‘Boundaries’ Of Report | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


    1. J M M Nothing to do with whether you believe Barr or not as it was all written the letterWhat he said is correct. Mueller’s team asked the DOJ for a roadmap of such so the could prepare accordingly – makes sense that they need to know what they are allowed to speak about beforehand.

    2. Lying media at it again and the leftist brainwashed robots still sucking it all up. Has been reported all day that it was Mueller that contacted the DOJ. The amount of simpleton stupidity displayed by the left everyday still amazes me.

    3. Its a good opportunity for people to listen to the questions that Meadows, Jordan, Gaetz etc. ask Mueller and then research about what they are asking. You will see the MOUND of facts that the media has been keeping from you for so long.

    4. Mueller testimony wont reveal anything because he will dodge the important stuff. Weissmann is the fixer. His testimony will “reveal” something new and it will be leaked to try and keep this going. Weissman the corrupt prosecutor that put Arthur Andersen in jail when he knew he was innocent and took away thousands of jobs. See what sydney powell says about him. Or just look up what he did. Also a clinton insider. 🙋🏻‍♂️

    5. Gaetz, Graham, Jordan and Meadows *will* make *utter a$$es* of themselves, no doubts about it. 😏

  1. Please Mueller you can do it they have been taking the pee out of your reputation for years put them straight its your last chance

    1. Mike, take a deep breath, and just accept that the investigation was conducted, and the President was cleared.

    1. What nonsense is this? Agreeing terms of reference for an investigation (i.e. – what is to be investigated), is obstruction? That is plainly absurd.

    2. lol, let’s just throw out all the rules so that we can impeach the dreaded orange man am I right?

    1. Bernadette Smart how embarrassing to quote a report you haven’t read and the only two facts you used, he fired Comey for not promising to obstruct justice for him is true, although he considered Mueller he did not offer him any job. The SC appointment was made when the GOP ran all parts of the Government. The report has already identified Russian influence and Trumps attempts at obstruction. Mueller states that a President being above prosecution means its up to congress to impeach. You are just a bot I’m sure but for anyone else reading these, they are lies. Don’t believe me, read things for yourself.

    2. @Patsy Sadowski – As we’ve noted before…
      #45’s followers *don’t dare* to read Mueller’s report. 📑
      As rational beings, they’d be *unable to deny* what the report SO clearly states (esp. in “Vol. II”)…#45 *tried to cover up* his ‘dealings with Russia’, including #45 asking McGahn *to create false documents* for the WH to ‘proffer’ to investigators. 🤨
      Beyond shameful, *utterly* corrupt…and pretty d*mn ‘criminal’ in its content. 🤔

    3. @CynAnne1 message me after the mueller testimony….ps if he was guulty it woulny matter if trump supporters read it… thw democrats read it and there not charging him bc there was nothing to charge…. this testinony will validate this point…

  2. I’m disappointed by the first time Muller came out. I was sure waiting for something to happen to these corrupt people!

  3. Mr. Mueller can speak of anything that does not speak of National Security. This has been tested in the Courts.

    1. That is false. Mueller is governed by the Special Counsel statute and federal law regarding prosecutors. Mueller is not above the law.

    2. @MrReasonable100 I think you had better research your statement. Mueller is a private citizen now and this issue has been before several courts. He cannot talk about anything that has to do with National Security, but, he can discuss anything that’s with in the report. Instead of listening to Fox News you need to listen to MSNBC. THEY ACTUALLY have Attorney’s and Constitutional Law Professors on there instead of Carlson and Hannity. And they have Republicans on unlike Fox News who only has Republicans on.

  4. Fox is so worried that it isn’t even airing Mueller’s testimony.😄
    Trump probably ordered them not to air it.

    1. Hannity needs locked up too for conspiring with Manaford and lord knows what else…pedo stick together where there is one there are more.

    2. @Human Heights Ok, that is the dumbest comment on here so far. The Democrats are the pedos. Epsyein donated only to Democrats. Ed Buck donated to Democrats. The leaders of Nxium donated to Democrats. Clintons (both) are Democrats. Schiff is a Democrat. Rob Reiner is a Democrat. Bill Maher is a Democrat. The list is endless of Democrat pedos. Grow up and learn something.

  5. It’s not surprising that Conservative woman didn’t know anything bad about Trump was in the Mueller Report. Fox News doesn’t criticise Trump and when there are things to be critical of, they run stories like ‘Are rhinos just unicorns in disguise?’ instead.

  6. American voters have never been well informed and dont want to be. They prefer to develop their opinions from TV personalities. And for reasons that very few Americans understand they think of Trump as a tv star (even though he’s a nothing), and they believe him to be a smart, successful businessman (which he is not). And in order to believe all of that they have to believe that he’s an honest person. And only a fool can believe that. He’s the biggest crook in the construction industry anyone ever met. And he’s actually fairly stupid.

    1. Trump is the best hope we have of destroying Globalism by hook or by crook, and none of the rest of that even matters.

    2. Yep that sounds right win at all cost “by hook or crook” even if that means collusion obstruction help from communist dictatorships just so long as those lefty’s don’t win we ll get them back for Obama

    3. And if they re not the same as the presidents you should take your opinion back to the shithole country you came from right?

  7. On really it’s not going to be aired? I thought they were going to show us. What kinda war is this. Terri

  8. If they are going to limit testimony, then they are promoting “limited justice”. Don’t they have a clue how shabby and corrupt this looks? They have a system that was agreed on decades ago and now are trying to subvert it to protect one questionable individual.

    1. Yes, they know that many things in the Mueller report are blatantly false, and that the Russia investigation was started and the FISA warrants were obtained through false pretenses.

  9. okay,…it NEEDs to be on every channel, all day and night, with NO add, (paid for by the base.)

    1. No way, AOC and her brilliant ideas are going to put the Democrats exactly where they need to be to make the country better.

  10. Dear Bob,

    You DON’T have to listen to Bill or the DOJ. Thanks and fun times ahead.



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