Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber for ‘Opening Arguments’ to discuss Trump’s ‘ridiculous’ attempts to stonewall Congress’ impeachment probe. Katyal comments on WSJ’s reports of Mike Pompeo’s former senior adviser Michael McKinley’s upcoming testimony, saying more Trump aides are telling ‘the truth to the American people.’ Katyal says if Trump continues to ‘try and run out the clock’ on the impeachment probe he will ‘go down in flames’ like Richard Nixon, as Trump holds no ‘valid legal argument.’ Katyal also weigh in on Rudy Giuliani’s investigation, calling the involvement of the DOJ’s ‘legendary figure’ in the Ukraine scandal ‘sad.’ Aired on 10/14/19.
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DOJ Veteran Predicts Trump’s Ukraine Stonewalling Will Make Him Go ‘Down In Flames’ Like Nixon
Whoever does not honor a subpoena should be held in contempt
Surprise623er there’s nothing in the constitution that says you need a vote!
@Airborne Ranger, there’s an impeachment inquiry. Congress doesn’t need a vote.
@Surprise623er no I’m not
@Dancing Diva yes you are
@I’m Your President What was Conveniently left out of Your comment, was that there was a complete investigation done and no wrongdoing at all by the Bidens. None.
Step up to the plate boys and girls. How many are going to show. Batter, batter batter.

Patriots testifying against traitors.
You’re wrong. You’re anti American. We have laws and we have a constitution. Trump is a criminal. Open your eyes, you’re a snowflake crybaby, addicted to your orange master.

V Civil servants complying with the law and telling the truth is nightmare for tЯump and Cult 45.
The public’s voices will be heard loudly in 2020 and I predict record turn out on voting day…
@Jack Carlock I’ve been reading about sealed indictments from frothing divs like face2wake for over two years now.
Nixon resigned and got PARDONED by Ford. That was so wrong, he kept Secret Service protection, on the taxpayers. Should have gone to prison like his stooges did.
For those who were around in the time of Watergate, it was/is understandable that Ford pardoned Nixon for the good of the country. The process and reality of what Nixon had done was very damaging, and the pardon was damage control for the nation. While Nixon was no saint, he was not a complete toxin, drunk on false ego and entitlement, as Trump is. His actions in undermining President Johnson’s getting the N. Vietnamese to the negotiating table were/are reprehensible, he was not entirely ignorant, hostile, destructive , inept and unfit, as Trump is. He did not fill his administration with relatives, nor run up huge bills for the taxpayers with his ridiculously lavish lifestyle, as Trump does.
The world will celebrate like crazy the day that:
1) trump leaves office
2) he goes to jail for unpardonable state crimes
Can you imagine Trump supporters pleading with Obama,Clinton or Bush to be granted a pardon?

Keith Johnson, and that’s why Ford LOST the 1976 election because he pardon Nixon and if he didn’t he would have won!!
If only all criminals could say, “Well judge, I don’t choose to participate.”
@Face2wake All Congressional subpoenas carry the same legal weight as a subpoena from any court of law, so your claims make no sense. The House is widely recognized as having even more rights to examine documents, question witnesses, and issue subpoenas when they are conducting an impeachment investigation. Failure to abide by Congressional subpoenas is illegal, it is stonewalling, and it is obstruction of Congress. It also is likely to be another article of impeachment, just like it was for Nixon.
@Face2wake – 2013, that’s fairly recent. Regardless, an impeachment inquiry is being conducted.
Right? Can you imagine? Everyone following potus’s example. Don’t comply with laws! Insane
Ghoulinani doesn’t deserve any pity or empathy because of the service he has done in the past. He is suppose to know better and should be held at a high standard because of the many positions(mayor, prosecutor) he held in the past.
The most telling thing about the testimony of Marie Yovanovitch and Fiona Hill is that neither Devin Nunes nor any other GOP lawmaker who heard their testimony have said a word to the press. The last time Nunes was on Fox, he was referencing the thoroughly discredited Pete Sessions as a proof of Yivanovitch’s just removal from office. Their silence is loudly proclaiming there is no defense to be had for Hill’s and Yovanovitch’s testimony.
@Iain Goldie There’s also the fact that holding all such testimony in full public view allows anyone still to testify to ‘tailor’ their own testimony based on what’s already been said. Ask any Cop or prosecutor- you always interview all the suspects or even just witnesses SEPARATELY for just that reason, so that you can compare their stories without such cross-bias. Of course, in this case, all the folks being interviewed are doing so voluntarily, and against the trump Administration’s orders for them to keep quiet. The dam is starting to break, and more and more will be coming forward now that they can see that the Emperor has neither clothes nor teeth. trump is like all bullies – all bluster and bravado until he gets called on his charade, and then backs down like a little girl.
@Iain Goldie I am waiting to hear from any Republican on any of the impeachment committees to make any comment what so ever, negative or positive. It seems they prefer the closed door aspect of this initial phase of the inquiry.
The only thing we’ve heard publicly from GOP members is that they object to the process — tellingly, they’ve had nothing to say about the substance of the testimony. But their process objections are just for show, in an effort to justify Trump’s stonewalling. They don’t really want this damning testimony to take place in open session. They also want a formal vote on opening the impeachment inquiry, hoping it will split along party lines so they can spin the inquiry as purely a matter of partisan politics. Finally, they want subpoena power, so they can call a bunch of irrelevant witnesses to waste time, spread disinformation and slander Joe and Hunter Biden.
@Andrew Mastin Most of the GOP lawmakers do not want the vote on the impeachment inquiry, because they don’t want to commit to a side at this time. They are hoping the Democrats don’t have the vote.
The hardest redpill for Republicans is that Trump is the apotheosis of counter-productivity.
Neal’s knowledge and wisdom is a precious gift to America.
This guy is incredibly smart.
Those refusing to submit evidence and not allowing requested people to testify are just showing their guilt!
They should all be charged with corruption in delaying the Impeachment Inquiry Investigation by witholding evidence and sent to jail!
Enough of their verbosity!
Not a one of them is above the laws of America!
@The Plumber that isn’t true. The speaker announced that there is an official impeachment inquiry. Don’t have to vote on that. Just a process. Congress has subpoena power. WH thinks they can stop ppl from testifying based on bogus “executive privilege” – that doesn’t apply to everything & everyone.
Those not complying should systematically start being retained. Period
@Dave Ponsford Hear Hear they’re grasping.
@Geof Thompson they’re exhausting!! Stupid talking points they hear on FOX or other. Can’t fact check to save their lives! LMAO
Go get ’em, Anna! Speak truth to power, as a strong independent woman with utterly pristine integrity! Your life, examined under the highest power magnification, would be absolutely unblemished! Embrace your authentic self, Saint Anna! You’re a virtuous icon, an angelic guardian of everything wholesome and true; an inspiration to the lowly inferior masses.
@Vicki McCune you must not read good , I had said that an official vote must be held for an official impeachment , I never said a single word about a God damned inquiry , and no they do NOT have subpoena power unless and until they hold a proper official vote. You should read slower and more than once before you open your pie hole and comment.
Trump’s Criminal Behavior is blatant and was right before our eyes… If he’s not impeached, then he’s above the Law…
I have believed Trump would be impeached by the House ever since he released a partial transcript of the one phone call. The Democrats will have the votes to impeach.
I was thinking he would not be removed by the Senate, but lately I am beginning to believe there might be a chance because of the evidence piling up against him. And that evidence is just small bits being leaked of the testimonies. I hope the House follows through on their promise to release transcripts of the testimonies after all is wrapped up. The public has the right to know.
If it is as damning as I believe it will be, I am not sure the senators, facing re-election, will have any other choice but to vote to remove. If the House does not move to impeach Pence, and I do not think they will, but may instead censor Pence, that would make the senate more likely to remove Trump. If Trump is removed by the senate before the primaries, he would no longer have the platform to cause trouble for the senators running for re-election
I have my fingers crossed.
If Trump gets away with this…we’re officially a dictatorship. He’ll abolish Congress and imprison his rivals…including news anchors and reporters. Next step will be to leave NATO and form a new alliance with Russia and the rest of the countries our dear leader admires. I ask you Trump supporters if you’re okay with that?
@mike MaCullough His rusted on base thinks Trump is on their side.
@Squat Little Witch You have a right to expect the Republicans to do the right thing. The right thing by the country and the people. The Republican party over the last 40 years, since Reagan, has taken on the characteristics of a crime syndicate. It’s behavior is that of an entity that does not believe in democratic principles that normally characterise a Western country. The Republicans continually select low quality candidates for president, and people totally unsuited to public office. They are not going to have an epiphany and start doing the right thing now. I hope you’re right, but I just don’t see any hint of that.
Pelosi wanted the backing of the ppl before you proceeded forward….the Mueller report was hard to understand for a lot of ppl (I have read it…Trump was obstructing justice)But this is much different…it is easy to understand by the common person…now administration ppl are defying the WH and testifying….It is still going as planned…Congress will impeach..the Senate will not convict…and it will be in our hands in 2020
So grateful for these HEROES!!!! It is tragic that it is no longer really safe to tell the truth. I pray we will someday REALLY HAVE A DEMOCRACY.
Oh Deanna the USA is a republic .
Your loyalty is to the constitution, not a Tyrant and there are crimes of omission as well as commission….
Trump going down in flames…… we haven’t seen a flaming Nazi gasbag go down since the Hindenburg….
Stfu dogshit communist
Good one.
@The Crooked 1 Lol, still not getting any?
You go your own way then.
You will be replaced.
@Colin Cleveland by who? You and your wife’s boyfriend? Kek
Let Justice be done. It needs to be set in stone that a president is not above the law.
The current GOP is a dumpster fire and will go down in flames with their corruption and greed.
I hope you are right.
It’s pretty clear, the truth won’t set Trump free.
It is time and past that tRump was removed from office, PERIOD
It’s getting more likely to be “Don of a thousand days”