DOJ Tries To Oust U.S. Attorney Who Led Probe Of Trump Associates | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Geoffrey Berman, the prosecutor who led probe of Trump associates is refusing to step down after Barr announced his replacement. Annie Karni, Jeremy Bash, and Maya Wiley join. Aired on 6/19/2020.
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DOJ Tries To Oust U.S. Attorney Who Led Probe Of Trump Associates | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. Trump’s so scared to loose cause he’s going down,that he will end all investigations on him n his Cronies.Stop Trump!Vote Blue or our Freedoms are going with the wind.

    1. @Savoy 505, and then the rest of the country realized that without NYC, the United States doesn’t have an economy…

    2. Savoy 505 Trump is the Dictator, unemployed going to Food banks! Not enough food! Trump has time for a Rally?…..Feed the hungry families first.

  2. I hold trump’s enablers personally responsible for the downfall of the United States Of America.

    1. @rosre aviemore Well, you’ve got counties running to leave the kingdom, horrible race relations, a pedophile protected because he has special blood, a looming disaster with the Brexit stupidity, economic, immigration, environmental and housing issues, and then you top it all off with your very own little Trump. Seems like you are right there in the crapper with us. Shouldn’t you be doing better than that?i mean you’ve got 1000 years on us. A thousand years…and all you seemed to have learned in those years was how loose everything.
      Well done

    2. The lot of them should be defeated in November, they are traitors and have no respect for the average law biding American.

    1. @toonarmy footsoldier so because Bill and Hillary did something Trump’s allowed to that’s exactly what you’re saying tell me what they did so I can tell you something Trump did and what Bill and Hillary did Will justify Trump. It’s what you do all the f****** time no one talks to you because you won’t accept any answer anyone gives they’ll tell you something and you’ll go no no no blah blah blah blah blah blah

    2. @toonarmy footsoldier obstruction of justice. Treason, engaging the Russians and Chinese to help him win the election. Fraud with his phony university

  3. When Nixon left office over 40 people went to jail .I think they might come close with trumps people

    1. 55, those are the cult followers in the senate that support his F.A. I mean we support to do a job for him.

    2. @transylvanianite Trying to cover up was what he got caught on. But he did resign with decency. trump will probably have to be dragged out under guard.

    1. Wow well they singed up for this, want they be surprised when JESUS changes it and in the end they lose. To late to try to repent???????😞😠

  4. Again, Mafia-style Barr is trying to hide the truth. So, it is easy to say that a lot of wrongdoings will be exposed.

    1. @Evelyn Wilson, that may be true, but we need to keep it in context with the rest of his administration firings and dismissals, which are at an unprecedented level.

    2. @Frank, Obviously you know very little about Donald Trump’s 50 years of corruption history. America could not have chosen a pseudo-businessman that has a deeper history of corruption. In NYC, Donald has been considered the swamp for his bribes and hiring of local government officials for more than 40 years.

    1. I am totally losing sympathy for them. I don’t care if they die. I just don’t want to bring it to the rest of us

  5. Why can’t Trump fire anybody like a real man- it’s the 20th time somebody’s found out they’ve been fired on TV… such a coward!

    1. sorry that the rule of law is so inconvenient for some. ..the guy falsified documents to frame trump associates but that’s Ok right?

    2. They all need to go the idiots in the White House and the idiots in the Senate and the House of Representatives and doj and FBI

    1. @L bunker boy knows that his days at 1600 penn are coming to a end. he’s terrified of the thought of being placed in bracelets!!!

  6. Preaching to the choir at his Rally is not going to save Trump. Everyone that goes to the rally is already going to vote for him.

    1. It would be wonderful if his Rally attendance is just a fraction of what he had been getting. It is only to stoke his Ego so he can hold on to his Twisted Fantasy of what he is and how the world works.

    2. The ironic part of that truth bomb is those diehard Trump attendees may no be able to vote if they die from covid-19 as already 6 members of the staff have been diagnosed. Who knows what they handled before their testing.

    3. There are also 300-500 ,000 pending imigrants who can swiftly look at Trump as their saviour,Even though he treats them like dirt. So there’s that…

    4. @Thomas Gormly yep, a swab factory had to throw out a whole production batch because Trump was parading around without his mask because he’s a tough big boy. If just minor exposure of a hot air gas bag like Trump causes concern of COVID spreading, imagine the 20,000 + 40,000 in the next door convention center they rented + all the overflow outside the arenas just breathing each other’s air hootin and hollering. Hate to say, but perhaps this is just nature’s culling . Good luck to you ppl, stay out of Canada pls

  7. republicans don’t even realize how much of their tax dollars are going to protect trumpppee and his organization! Sad!

  8. Thousands of us needs to start protesting around the white house this is wrong How many more good people will be let go Cause king of disenfectant is covering up crimes

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