Attorney General Merrick Garland plans to announce that he has appointed a special counsel to oversee investigations into the retention of national defense information at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and key aspects of the criminal investigation into January 6, 2021, according to a senior Justice Department official. #CNN #News
DOJ to announce special counsel to oversee Trump investigations

Investigations have been ongoing for a couple years. Does this slow down those investigations?
@Sproo Town
Time to take the meds you didn’t pay for
@Holeinone Oh your cleverness is stunning…none of us have EVER seen that post before….. how original, especially for a noob Trumpanzee…OOH NO! RED WAVE!….

@Sproo Town
vomp vomp, little psycho teabagger kid!
@Holeinone Older than you and smarter..

I’d kick your as* at any wargame table if only you had enough brains to follow the rules.
But it’s all over your head and capabilities…that’s why none of you can think ahead…
Any military service young ‘man’? Anybody in your close family suffer fighting for this country?
Chinny chin Nuts to you little puppy!!
It talke forever
We have seen this show before. Wasn’t Mueller a special counsel?
@Charzan Boo They never brought up the 10 counts of Obstruction on pg. two. Much like most cult trumphumpers ignore.
@Lyle Carpenter “WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election identified 10 instances of *possible* obstruction of justice by President Donald Trump. Mueller said in his report that he *could not conclusively* determine that Trump had committed a crime or that he hadn’t.” You woke leftist have no brains

@Lyle Carpenter It actually isn’t. Go watch the exchange between Robert Mueller and Jim Jordan. Mueller got manhandled
@Seymour Butts The sanctimonious Florida juvenile is replacing the septuagenarian. MAGA’s spirit will live on through him. Trump should be happy that there is a potential replacement for him, if he is a real MAGA man. But no, he is not, because Trump is a Trump’s lover. For him the word “Country” = Trump.
@Patriotz Finder 2017: Comey will get Trump! 2018: Mueller will get Trump! 2019: Avenatti will get Trump! 2020: Tish James will get Trump! 2021: AG Garland will get Trump! 2022: Jack Smith will get Trump!
They should have indicted him months ago then he couldn’t have used that excuse .So sick of this bs
@Respect America Exactly
@MostlySunny funny! That “petty procedural violation (you know the one that trump made a huge stink about Hillary violating it?) is a violation of the presidential records act. It was originally written into law in 1978 when Nixon tried to destroy government documents. It’s been updated over the years most recently in 2018. The update made it a felony rather than a misdemeanor and increased the penalty from one year in prison to five years in prison. It makes no difference what the classification of the document is by the way. Taking any document (yes even one) out of the White House is a felony. Who was president in 2018? Hmmmmm. Let me think….oh right it was trump!! He signed that update into law. So he knew taking those 11,000 was a felony because he made it a felony. Imagine that! So not a petty procedural violation.
How much do you send the billionaire a month?
@LA no buddy. Hillary clinton is on another level. Go get your facts straight before you get embarrassed on YT.
@MostlySunny my facts ARE correct. That’s why they are facts. Look it up before you embarrass yourself.
2017: Comey will get Trump! 2018: Mueller will get Trump! 2019: Avenatti will get Trump! 2020: Tish James will get Trump! 2021: AG Garland will get Trump! 2022: Jack Smith will get Trump!
Don’t see Garland doing ANYTHING “right away.”
Why is it that every time a new development occurs, I feel like they should have been through that step already?
@MadArcherMoto As far as the emoluments clause, he made over a hundred million just by him playing golf at his own properties. And the taxpayers paid for it! And if you think he had no hand in his other endeavors I have some oceanfront property in Kansas for sale real cheap! Big beach! Interested?
@It’s Energy Bob! this should have nothing to do with Republicans going after Democrats, or vice versa.
It’s about the justice system bringing an obvious criminal to justice.
@MadArcherMoto During their indoctrination. That literature was not part of any required reading.
@Potato Hero Musk says Twitter will fact check all posts equally. The left throws a hissy fit. Radical leftists never did or will believe in democracy.
@Mark Lyons ‘Should’ is the operative word. If it were up to me I would eliminate parties and go to rank choice mail in voting.
I’ve been trying to be patient and understanding of the DOJ and State Attorney General, but almost two years later without bringing charges against Trump seems inexcusable. You allowed Trump to trump you by announcing his run for president. What the hell have you been doing?!
@toxic wastetoid You are a troll or you would know the obvious evidence! Maybe you live in a bubble!
@GOLDWINGER PPG you? A Biden support? A supporter of the demented Biden crime family feel sorry for Trump supporters bahahahaha
@GOLDWINGER PPG have you seen Hunter Bidens laptop and all of the emails that tie Joey Bribes to his illegal business dealings with the CCP? get you head out of your hole and read the news not the propaganda
@Providence SMH
Yes, just keep appointing special counsels! It is so much easier than doing your job, Garland! The DOJ is an embarrassment to the U.S.
If Garland wanted a special counsel it should have been done more than a year ago. NO BACKBONE…………… This is exactly what Trump wanted, Delay.
When did Trump announce he is running for 2024? When did Biden say he planned to run but would make a final decision within the year? Oh yeah, that’s right, this week jesus chill your jets – there’s a reason for this
Delay, Delay, Delay! No one else would get this special treatment. The justice system is broken, just like so many other institutions in the US. This country is broken!
Bro these delays are just an excuse to keep prosecuting him, they literally have nothing, trump is probably the most investigated person in history and you KNOW if they had ANYTHING they’d happily see him behind bars.
Bro these delays are just an excuse to keep prosecuting him, they literally have nothing, trump is probably the most investigated person in history and you KNOW if they had ANYTHING they’d happily see him behind bars.
If I am ever accused of ANYTHING and the DOJ is building a case… I expect to have the case stopped for years while they round up a “special council” that only I can approve.
If not…
Then EVERYTHING that is going on right now with Trump is special treatment, and should be announced that the US, in fact does have a two-tier justice system… one for rich White guys and one for everyone else.
What about rich black guys?
@toxic wastetoid I think it can go either way for those guys. He’d have to be warren buffet rich and famous to get the white boy treatment.
@toxic wastetoid They fall into the “everyone else” category…
black, with a lowercase “b” = describing a crayon.
Black, with an uppercase “B” = describing a human.
Someone needs to pay attention and not be “asleep”… I guess that would be the opposite of “woke”.
rich white, you mean Biden and all his communist buddies
Why do we need endless investigations into crimes that are in the open for all to see? This process taking too long makes it lose its momentum and unfortunately, public interest.
@Biden is Garbage Correction: Ex-president lol
The only crimes I see that need investigations are the ones from this administration!! Hunter and the Big guy!
@Cee Gabe Dump Trump. DeSantis 2024. And I am a classic Republican since the Regan era. #nevertrump. Christians are suppose to be about Love not instigating hate.
I get what you’re saying, but why should this NEED public interest? If I commit a crime, there is no public interest. But I will still be charged with said crime…
@LA 2017: Comey will get Trump! 2018: Mueller will get Trump! 2019: Avenatti will get Trump! 2020: Tish James will get Trump! 2021: AG Garland will get Trump! 2022: Jack Smith will get Trump!
Every person under federal criminal investigation should get their attorney to announce their clients are running for President.
WE ARE NOT dumb. We The People (WTP) CAN SEE what’s happening. Where are the decent leaders with REAL backbones, and MORAL VALUE interests in their OWN children’s futures? STEP UP to be counted SOON!
Just to be safe, I’m announcing my run for US President, just in case I decide to travel there one day and I need to get out of a speeding ticket.
Let’s all file papers to run for President, and go rob a bank. At best, it will be 10 years before we see the inside of a courtroom, if at all! Garland and the DOJ are a f***ing joke….and a bad one at that!
He is trying to delay this 2 more years and then he will say: “Oops, I guess my time is over.”
Alledgedly golfing buddies stick together. Alledgedly, ALL have lots OF green balls in THEIR pockets?
WE ARE NOT dumb. We The People (WTP) CAN SEE what’s happening. Where are the decent leaders with REAL backbones, and MORAL VALUE interests in their OWN children’s futures? STEP UP to be counted SOON!
Prison for Trump. Nothing less. From his own words: “you remember what we used to do to traitors?”
No one is above the law, apart from those who are.
Imagine if all crimes in America had a special counsel appointed to them. Can’t charge this guy with DUI until we select a special counsel to get to the bottom of happy hour.
I cannot help but see this as just passing on the hot potato. One next move in an array of stalling, postponing, procrastinating moves. They don’t want to bring this to and end for some reason that is beyond me.
I don’t think so, because of the Special Counsels background.
Jack Smith seems very qualified:
• Assistant District Attorney for the New York County District Attorney’s Office.
• Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
• Investigation Coordinator for the International Criminal Court, (supervising war crimes investigations.)
• Chief of the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section, (handling corruption and election crimes.)
• Assistant U.S. Attorney & Acting U.S. Attorney, Middle District of Tennessee.
• Chief Prosecutor for the Special Court in The Hague, Netherlands, (for Kosovo war crimes.)
@Mavrik9000 Jack Smith will do Jack Diddly. He is an experience swamp thug that does what his handlers tell him to do.
@Potato Hero How do you drain the SWAMP? WE ELECT THEM?
It seems it’s beyond every democrat; it’s like their born without brain cells
They want clicks and views.
This decision by AG Garland has delivered the final blow against the impartial rule of law in America. I feel more personally violated by this appointment than by all of the actions committed by Trump and his minions.
Garland is a left-wing Democrat. He is not a patriot.
What is this special counsel supposed to uncover that the last special council couldn’t find.
From the start garland has been wanting to run out the clock on the statute of limitations. All so he could shrug his shoulders and say “well, I tried”. He’s perfectly happy with collecting a paycheck for not doing his job.