DOJ issues scathing rebuke of Louisville police in report launched after Breonna Taylor killing

The Louisville Metro Police Department routinely uses excessive force and practices “an aggressive style of policing” against Black people, the Justice Department said after an investigation launched following the botched raid that killed Breonna Taylor. The scathing assessment paints a shocking portrait of racist and abusive conduct in the Louisville police that harkens to practices more commonly seen in some southern cities during the civil rights era. #CNN #News

DOJ issues scathing rebuke of Louisville police in report launched after Breonna Taylor killing


    1. It goes back to the origins of policing, which was about enforcing slavery, and returning escaped people as “property” to their “owners”. So it should come as little surprise that it continues to be applied in ways that are inhumane and racist.

    2. ​@Tony Whitewe all know you want police to continue their criminal activity,. You don’t have to announce it

  1. Every police force should be held to these standards no more excuses. It’s sad when you can’t tell the good guys from the bad.

    1. @mightybruno I think he’s saying just about every police force on the planet is pretty much corrupt no matter what race

  2. Human nature is such that we need accountability to keep ourselves from abusing our authority and privilege. It also encourages those who take their oath to protect and serve their community. If the relationship of the Police and community can be made right, I believe that crime will be reduced when they work together.

    1. Any and all police forces serve and protect THEMSELVES first then if they have time will actual do their jobs. This is for all police the world over. Oath to protect nonsense was meaningless 70 or 80 years ago.

  3. As long as there are police unions you will never have real reform. Here in San Antonio it is almost impossible for the chief to fire anyone.

  4. What needs to happen first and foremost is that every single police officer that is featured in this report, that got away with misconduct (and/or illegal behaviour) needs to face the music and for us to see accountability. They need to be either reprimanded, let go, or – in some cases – face charges.
    How else is the community supposed to look ahead and heal? Accountability is a cornerstone of that!

    1. It really just makes this whole thing lip service. When are the criminal charges going to be announced or recommend? like I have not heard anything but the same mealy mouth. “we must do better, we look forward to working with cops doing so.” Letting the dept “agree” to improve. A fucking joke..

  5. Gang mentality. This needs to be weeded out during training. It’s like feeling graduating makes you invulnerable. They probably think since the demand is high for officers they can extort the system. Send them to the Russian front.

    1. Gang uniforms/colours, gang call names, gang rules ( don’t rat a brother) oh yes they are a gang

    2. ​@John Smith You love gangs though. Except the one gang who are at least meant to stop the other ones.

  6. Police need to put more of their resources solving crime and not making crime. The government can get the automakers to make cars smart to handle traffic and free up police resources for more important things, besides looking for criminals in a random search way.

  7. How about we start with firing all those who violated people’s rights secondly let’s fire their superiors for failing to hold them accountable. Let’s fire them without pay and make them lose their retirements. It’s time to clean house.

    1. We the people of color are not surprised we’re not shocked this is an on going problem and let’s support and reward those who service the people with respect and have good records of doing their job correctly. Those who are part of the problem should not be part of the process of cleaning up house!

  8. I’m sure the Louisville police department in turn has scathing thoughts about the DOJ’s position and I’m very interested to hear that.

    1. Lol, Yeah let’s hear what a bunch of high school dropouts have to say about college educated FBI agents.

    1. So do blacks. Millions off people were absolutely convinced he was asleep when shot.
      And not one of them seemed to care about the dead body found in her rental car.

  9. Happens in Canada too, our Indigenous citizens are too often treated brutally, especially by some members of the RCMP.

  10. How about a scathing report on Garlands job as AG?
    Not one charge against any leader of the January 6 riot

  11. To be a police officer should require at least a two-year degree and they should be paid a lot more and given more time off. Maybe they can include other incentives like college tuition waivers for their kids. Stop hiring brutes and misfits and give them power to act like a goon squad. This is the 21st century for cripes sakes!

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