Federal investigators are looking into a potential 'bribery-for-pardon' scheme involving presidential pardons, according to federal court documents unsealed by the chief judge for the federal court in Washington. Aired on 12/02/2020.
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#FederalCourt #WhiteHouse #MSNBC
DOJ Investigating Potential White House 'Bribery-For-Pardon' Scheme | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The remedy if true? Trump’s Presidential pardon power is null and void. You abuse it, you don’t get to use it.
@Roger Jones roger, I agree – I lived in the UK off and on for around 7 years, you have a much better system over all. The US system is broken in a number of places. No coincidence either that Canada seems to avoid a lot of our problems.
@Astrobrant2 I get what you are saying, but I wonder. There’s a a lot of discussion about possible exceptions.
No way Racist Joe won…something is up. China collusion
?????????? We need to impeach. Lets riot and tear down historic statues…does that look familiar Dems
@Think about it You really do live in some kind of fantasy world.
@Roger Jones I agree with you, but there are cases where there have been clear miscarriages of justice, in which case I believe a governor or president should be allowed to grant clemency or overturn a conviction. I’m not sure if that’s the same thing as a pardon, though. The Randall Adams case in Texas is a fine example.
Since there’s only one person can do the pardoning obviously that person is involved.
It was in return for campaign donations. That doesn’t benefit a go between. That is an interesting point
Exactly. The president is the only person with pardon power, so it’s pretty obvious he’s involved in soliciting bribes for pardons.
Hmmm, I’ll most likely NEVER be able to afford a pardon slip but I wonder how much it costs…so interesting to know!
@Nathan Hall dude…the judge released this…to shut trump up…get a clue
REAL NEWS for those lacking
This is your friendly reminder that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. Thank you for your time.
@Baruch Ben-David Wrong, go back and look at the pardon of Sheriff Joe out of Maricopa county Arizona. Trump pardoned him and he had no idea it was an admission of guilt. His reaction was priceless!
I guess we are done with the Russia lie…what a joke. Trump is clean, start looking at Ku Klux Joe….
@Think about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCSF3reVr10&t=102s

Should we impeach now, or wait

@Eric H If you accept a pardon (I don’t know how you accept a future pardon because it’s in the future) you have already been convicted of a crime and are incarcerated, i.e.: guilty. Your previous actions have convicted you (again, guilty), not the subsequent pardon. You cannot accept a pardon for a crime you have not been convicted of.
@karen Burrows I’m aware of this, and have said the same thing. Why are you telling me this?
I don’t care who or why. I just want them to be prosecuted fully
REAL NEWS for those lacking
@The Tweatles and thats a problem why?
Agreed, I guess we are done with the Russia lie…what a joke. Trump is clean, start looking at Ku Klux Joe….
@Shawn Williams what does he have to do with this
Trump’s apology, “Pardon me”.
His apology; “I pardon me…”
Barr, bribes, and bears… a little bit of a fun take on a crazy scandal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFaF_mUOwXU
REAL NEWS for those lacking
Trump doesn’t apologize so he most likely wouldn’t even “pardon” himself.
No way Racist Joe won…something is up. China collusion
?????????? We need to impeach. Lets riot and tear down historic statues…does that look familiar Dems
Trump administration will go down in history as the most corrupt ever.
@John Parr we’ll see NY is going after this crook. Barr even jumping ship. Sore Losers Dump Trump 2020 by by.
@Co2112 please get facts before opening big mouth. u dont no what your talking about. your 3rd grade education is showing…..
Maybe, as far as we are aware. Every other administration has been FAR more competent at pretty much everything, except maybe viral marketing. So there may have been even more currupt admins in the past – but competent people are much more likely to succeed in hiding or obfuscating their crimes, corruption and unethical doings.
Hey, give Joe a shot
@Think about it maybe we will have an impeachment for once that both sides agree on.
The man pardoning the man in the mirror. From only in the movies, now in the white house.
I guess we are done with the Russia lie…what a joke. Trump is clean, start looking at Ku Klux Joe….
Stupid Watergate continues, putting a pardon bribe conspiracy in an email lol. They are not even the best criminals.
Barr, bribes, and bears… a little bit of a fun take on a crazy scandal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFaF_mUOwXU
I know the best criminals are the Dems…..
REAL NEWS for those lacking
@THE ANGRY QUAD Get lost loser, you can’t even troll well.
@12 34 Truth hurts, now go cry into your My Pillow and let the adults talk.
These people will do anything for MONEY!!!!!
Is this why Trump is accusing DOJ in a voting coverup?
Joe Biden HUMILIATES Himself TOTALLY!! Once Again A Failed Attempt To Pander To Latinos…
@Michael Wuj really NY Post, that rag, again you post made up stories that have been debunked.https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/how-fake-persona-laid-groundwork-hunter-biden-conspiracy-deluge-n1245387?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma
What the Biden-Harris COVID-19 Task Force Is Missing
Ranna Parekh, MD, and Kali Cyrus, MD, MPH
November 25, 2020
Not among them was a mental health professional. Not having a single behavioral health provider on the Task Force will prove to be a mistake that could affect millions of Americans.
@Michael Wuj https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2020/10/16/reports-fbi-probing-if-ny-posts-hunter-biden-email-dump-was-part-of-foreign-influence-campaign/?sh=34b98fb22f31
When Joe Biden Witnesses A Crime
Much more to be revealed as this corrupt and criminal administration’s term expires. The Republican Senate still aboard this sinking ship!
@Dorah Chizu Something else? TRAITORS following TRAITOR Trump, IMO. Today, 271,000 Americans have died from coronavirus that TRAITOR Trump said would be gone by November 3, 2020, and a majority of Senate RepubliKKKans Do Not Consider Another Stimulus package is NEEDED for Americans.
@Logical Thinker …and the feeling’s mutual, I bet!
It’s up to us and law makers to make sure they never forget
God knows we won’t forget
They have to pay
Find away to remove them that have broken laws and played part in all the criminal activity
Barr, bribes, and bears… a little bit of a fun take on a crazy scandal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFaF_mUOwXU
REAL NEWS for those lacking
It’s about time to put all the trump’s gangs on orange jump suit.
“There’s the tell”…Joe so eloquently stated.
We all knew this back when it was reported months ago. Now they just have the evidence.
It will be interesting to see how many felons come out of this “administration.”
Trump is going to spill the beans to save his orange behind.
All of them.
REAL NEWS for those lacking
He tried to steal the people’s votes it is gonna bite you back.
@pfenix7 trump is the crybaby loser, you , trump and the rest of the idiots that follow him can’t get over the FACT that trump lost
@psycobleach46 tullis Him and his crazied trumpsters. You know I was responding to a Trump supporter.
@pfenix7 Who’s cryin’? Oh that was you in 2016……..
@THE ANGRY QUAD Your crying now, no one cares.
@pfenix7 So you were crying! Poor little thing…… As for me, NAh, and no one should care, I’m a man.
Whenever “He who shall not be named” claims Fake News you can guarantee that it is anything but fake
Let’s finally get him
It’s all fake news if it doesn’t fit his narrative
I guess we are done with the Russia lie…what a joke. Trump is clean, start looking at Ku Klux Joe….
Well, let’s just say T**** clearly knows the gig is up, so time to chime in to rile the base.
@Think about it Clean? I guess that is why he is asking about pardons for himself and his children. That sure sounds like the actions of someone who is “clean”.
The Russia investigation is still a thing and will get its day in the sun once “He who shall not be named” is out of office and his Crony Attorney Generals are no longer able to shield him. Funny how that works.
“Bribery-for-Pardon Scheme,” in case you were wondering what impeachable offense Trump is committing today.
@C.A.T. Boom! Trump has never come clean on Russia. All Trump has done is deny & cover up & get others to repeat it. All roads still lead to Russia. All roads always lead to Russia. Russia. Russia. Russia. All those back channel comms with Putin and Trump still couldn’t rig 2020? Hilarious!!!!!
@Chris Chris Have you read the Steele Report???
@Think about it 83.8 million votes against Trump. President-elect Biden is over 4 points clear. Biden now over 81 million. The story of 2020 is this: Record Turnout Boots Impeached Incompetent Incumbent Trump.
@The To And Be You got that right! See it more as a metaphore. For a serious restart of the usa, i think a thorough housecleaning is necessary! Wich means that Trump has to face legal consequences at court. No Pardon for him.
@Markus Christian

This President is very corrupted and needs to be prosecuted for all his crimes!
@Michael Wuj these morons here wouldn’t know real news if it whacked them upside the head.
that wont happen unless someone challenged his pardons he will walk away Scott free, lets hope Cyrus Vance can nail him on tax and bank fraud which he cant get out off
@Michael Wuj keep dreaming, the court jester Giuliani is out of evidence you poor soles having to see your impeached clown packing his bags
No way Racist Joe won…something is up. China collusion
?????????? We need to impeach. Lets riot and tear down historic statues…does that look familiar Dems
@Think about it ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HA! You are hilarious!!!!
Great news, Racist Joe certified you black. Shame you buy into these lies about Trump. Joe is a real racist if you look into his past. Try it