DOJ Internal Watchdog Investigating Roger Stone’s Sentencing | MSNBC

The Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General has begun investigating the circumstances surrounding the sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone. NBC News’ Julia Ainsley reports. Aired on 9/14/2020.
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DOJ Internal Watchdog Investigating Roger Stone's Sentencing | MSNBC


    1. OMG! You are so right! He fits the villain, The Penguin, to a T. He is just as evil as that cartoon character.

  1. Got to hope that the charges can be reinstated because they are terrible things that no one should get away with . Threatening people is a Gestapo tactic and should be punished.

    1. Action speaks louder than words – Vote and be counted, stand united and maintain focus to remove COVID-45 from the White House and put him in prison instead.

    2. @Justin Wright that’s ridiculous. You obviously didn’t watch or didn’t understand the dem debates, as Harris started out by saying “l do not believe you are a racist, VP Biden.” Do you ever get tired of lying?

    1. @Don Hardcastle At least three, maybe more if I even decide to take a cursory look back. His hiding his taxes, nepotism, sucking up to dictators and firing IG’s is a hallmark of an authoritarian politician (because trump is definitely not a leader). This is easy to find so if you missed it you have either your head up your behind or else, well we all know it’s your head up your behind.

    1. Dave Schultz Dave,, you are a stinking troll. You know full well what a watchdog is,, and of course how effective they are under the trump regime (they report, then they get fired)….. go troll somewhere else…

    1. Isn’t it nauseating to watch and listen to trump’s glee club hoot and cheer and skip with joy every time he commits a crime! Think of what they would be saying if this were Obama or Clinton doing the exact same thing! I’m not saying that the democrats are perfect but I can say that they have NEVER BEEN OPENLY IN YOUR FACE CRIMINALS, even though the Republicans like to allude that they are.

    2. @Ziggy if trump is re-elected he will never be held accountable for his actions, there is a chance he will because of the Electoral College ! WE ALL MUST VOTE THIS MORON (TRUMP) OUT ! ! !

    3. C D it’s happening, the powers that be are going to hang him out, they’ve given him his rope . This way he’s on the hook for plenty and hopefully he won’t resign , so pence can’t pardon him . In the meantime they gather more evidence.

    1. @L H going down? Roger Stone got RELEASED. Dude got a PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! And Trump isnt sweating it either, it was the MIDDLE of his 1st term. Oh, i get it. You didn’t watch the video did you?

    2. @Moister Oyster meant; Bill Cosby is innocent? Can’t have an honest to god role model for black youths…. Can we? You don’t want black children to think they can be medical professionals.

    1. @rascally rabbit Engage? I understand also. There has to be a good reason and i don’t give them what they want. They are a constant source of misinformation.

    1. Says the person wanting to defund police, release criminals early from jail, drop charges against antifa/blm domestic terrorists, support criminal politicians like Obama and Hillary, and give America away to every foreigner that crosses the border illegally.
      Btw… it was the democrats that started the kkk.
      You’re propaganda doesn’t work on people that know the truth….. And we all know the truth now.
      You’re pathetic ChiBot.

    2. @John Geiger You are a repost Russian troll but just in case you are a real conservative. Grow a spin and arrest Trump for hiring illegals at his golf clubs coward. No wall needed.

    1. Every action against trump involving any Inspector General between now and mid-January, is likely to bring about replacement.

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