The Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General has begun investigating the circumstances surrounding the sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone. NBC News’ Julia Ainsley reports. Aired on 9/14/2020.
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DOJ Internal Watchdog Investigating Roger Stone's Sentencing | MSNBC
Trump will be sending out a your fired tweet any minute.
The Liar Tweets Tonight.
Draining the swamp as promised!
Yeah he thinks he’s still on a game show.
Could Roger Stone look any more like a cartoon villain? I don’t think so.
@Helen Maclenan Helen, do you love me?
All of them are so villainous in appearance. Trump, Stone, Rudy, Barr, Conway, etc. The anti-justice league.
The champions league of extra disorderly criminals is what it is, you know
Sadness caravan.
OMG! You are so right! He fits the villain, The Penguin, to a T. He is just as evil as that cartoon character.
in the Batman series of the sixties, he’d of fit perfectly…
So, If your over 67 you can get off when you commit a crime.Wow
Trumpets would know this also if they bothered to research anything..
@Dave Schultz LOCK HIM UP !!!!!
@Pilates Girls – I’m over 67 and I wish that were true. Maybe then I wouldn’t pay my taxes.
Pilates Girls,
Yeah, I can’t wait to get old and go on a crime spree.
Pilates Girls
Only if you’re white and trump’s buddy in crime
Got to hope that the charges can be reinstated because they are terrible things that no one should get away with . Threatening people is a Gestapo tactic and should be punished.
If they reinstate the charges, Dr. Nefario (Roger Stone) will simply fake his death just like most rich crooks do.
Michael Cohen was put back in jail when they learned about his book.
So that’s who trump will be firing next?
? he already “fired” him
Barr doesn’t look like a happy man. He has a constant frown forming on his face.
Nothing is going to happen. Focus on Removing and Convicting the orange clown in office.
Biden is not in office.
Action speaks louder than words – Vote and be counted, stand united and maintain focus to remove COVID-45 from the White House and put him in prison instead.
@P Muller They are sucking the blood out of Americans.
@Justin Wright that’s ridiculous. You obviously didn’t watch or didn’t understand the dem debates, as Harris started out by saying “l do not believe you are a racist, VP Biden.” Do you ever get tired of lying?
K H @K Y you want to see “Ridiculous” Tune in September 29th for the First presidential debate.
Considering Biden’s Documented rapid mental & physical Decline The Alzheimers Foundation of America expects a bump in donations. AOC 2024
How many inspectors General have been fired for daring to look at tRumps corruption.
Kendra church or maybe they know they cant win and have nothing but hearsay and rumor
@Don Hardcastle Fascist, traitor/Russian troll
@Kendra church Is there ANYTHING you DO understand?
@Don Hardcastle At least three, maybe more if I even decide to take a cursory look back. His hiding his taxes, nepotism, sucking up to dictators and firing IG’s is a hallmark of an authoritarian politician (because trump is definitely not a leader). This is easy to find so if you missed it you have either your head up your behind or else, well we all know it’s your head up your behind.
But all the watchdogs that might actually do something is gone. THEY WERE ALL FIRED DONT FORGET!!
We still have the military, hopefully
What is a watchdog? Its a Deep State insider dribbling lies to the MSM/DNC.
Dave Schultz Dave,, you are a stinking troll. You know full well what a watchdog is,, and of course how effective they are under the trump regime (they report, then they get fired)….. go troll somewhere else…
Dave Schultz
@Dave Schultz back to fox David!!
The swampiest swamp of all time
That’s Obama and Biden for sure.
Kendra church LOL people like you do exist. Omg merica is falling
jeshua piercesuns “Kendra church” is a troll. I wouldn’t even bother responding.
COVID-45’s swamp gets increasingly toxic and his pet alligators thrive very well…
The Swamp creature can enter if they pay a fee to Trump.
Another Inspector General about to be fired
but the bus is at full queue…??!
You mean fried
@long99brit pretty much!
Trump is all for law and order unless it is him or his cronies under the gun…
@Jocelyne J – That was my first thought.
Conman daddy Trump will come to his aid somehow and Trump supporters will cheer with glee!
He can’t pardon him b/c they both in the Mueller report.
Isn’t it nauseating to watch and listen to trump’s glee club hoot and cheer and skip with joy every time he commits a crime! Think of what they would be saying if this were Obama or Clinton doing the exact same thing! I’m not saying that the democrats are perfect but I can say that they have NEVER BEEN OPENLY IN YOUR FACE CRIMINALS, even though the Republicans like to allude that they are.
@Ziggy if trump is re-elected he will never be held accountable for his actions, there is a chance he will because of the Electoral College ! WE ALL MUST VOTE THIS MORON (TRUMP) OUT ! ! !
Ziggy that’s why he didn’t pardon stone, he’s a co-conspirator. Commutation was his option
C D it’s happening, the powers that be are going to hang him out, they’ve given him his rope . This way he’s on the hook for plenty and hopefully he won’t resign , so pence can’t pardon him . In the meantime they gather more evidence.
in trump logic this is called spying on americans…
“Internal watchdog” means a lying Deep State insider. Pretty pathetic sources.
@Dave Schultz get covid45
@Dave Schultz only in Russia boris.
Dave Schultz Dang Dude, you’re having too much fun aren’t ya you stinking troll. Move on,,,
William Barr needs to be investigated as well!
he needs to be jailed for his constant lying.
Look, he has little pink baby hands like Chump.
That’s why they like little girls, Jeffrey Epstein
He looks like a skinny penguin from Batman!
I bet if Bill Cosby was friends with Trump he wouldn’t be in prison right now.
@L H going down? Roger Stone got RELEASED. Dude got a PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! And Trump isnt sweating it either, it was the MIDDLE of his 1st term. Oh, i get it. You didn’t watch the video did you?
Josh Cade I don’t think so. What colour is crosby’s skin. End of story.
@Moister Oyster meant; Bill Cosby is innocent? Can’t have an honest to god role model for black youths…. Can we? You don’t want black children to think they can be medical professionals.
BOYCOTT made in China products
Yeah he would…he is black..
Waste of oxygen. What’s the point of having investigations when there are never any enforceable consequences?
@Boyd trumpistan?
Why do you hate muslims?
Are you an islamophop?
Let’s hope there will be consequences come January.
@Demeter greek nice try comrade. I have muslim friends.
I get you as do most Americans but do not engage trolls. Have yourself a fine day
@rascally rabbit Engage? I understand also. There has to be a good reason and i don’t give them what they want. They are a constant source of misinformation.
There’s no such thing as Law and Order in Republikkklan controlled Amerikkka.
Says the person wanting to defund police, release criminals early from jail, drop charges against antifa/blm domestic terrorists, support criminal politicians like Obama and Hillary, and give America away to every foreigner that crosses the border illegally.
Btw… it was the democrats that started the kkk.
You’re propaganda doesn’t work on people that know the truth….. And we all know the truth now.
You’re pathetic ChiBot.
@John Geiger You are a repost Russian troll but just in case you are a real conservative. Grow a spin and arrest Trump for hiring illegals at his golf clubs coward. No wall needed.
Let’s not just vote them out… let’s humiliate them with a massive victory.
yes, massive victory for Trump
R Thomas you are joking right? Intelligent and Biden in the same sentence? You are a fool!
@R Thomas So is James Carville
Hey, If Trump really wanted Hillary to go to jail
he should have just hired her..
@Bill Hilton ??? Is your french so poor that you misunderstood my comment?
@Bjorn Santens nope
omg thats a good one.
@Richard Jones
I think it’s funny AF!!!
That inspector general is not going to last long.
Every action against trump involving any Inspector General between now and mid-January, is likely to bring about replacement.
@El Loco, hopefully at least until January