Justice Department dropping its case against Gen. Michael Flynn
RELATED: Russian interference in the 2020 election: why you should care
The DOJ will drop the criminal case against Gen. Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI about contact with a Russian Ambassador. Flynn pleaded guilty.
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#michaelflynn #usatoday
Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing. Enjoy the show.

@scott looks like your mangina is bleeding, just take a look in the mirror. Shure looks like somethings wrong with you.

@Plumb Loko motus operandi
@Plumb Loko 3
Jim Jordan can bench press the foreign made short bus that delivers Adam Schiff to the capitol everyday.
Pence is a Paul_Manafort_Plant
Dump Pence!
{Trump ./Jordan_2020!}
Correct. If justice isn’t done through the political process then there’s going to be a civil war. That’s the reality
Absolute corruption.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ-Hx-OB_xo lmfao
I know right the fbi should be ashamed I hope that people like Jim Comey are our in jail.
Absolute stupidity. They don’t see what’s slowly being taken away. The free press will be gone if Trump wins re-election. Stations critical of federal leadership won’t be allowed to broadcast, websites taken down. They said it couldn’t happen here.
When you can’t trust the FBI it’s a sad situation.
FBI lied on MF fisa application!! Does anybody really understand what that means??
@Christine F Kick rocks
More dirt is coming, after that the salt will flow into the open wounds, lastly the tears will pour.
@Christine F. Isn’t this the same DOJ and FBI that haven given both Hillary and Biden get out of jail cards?
You could never trust the FBI even during the mobster era of the 1920’s.
Should I be surprised at this corruption?
@MheartE The government is corrupt, shocking revelation.
@Emperor Charlemagne Assuming you’re referring to that scribbled on piece of paper. A brilliant piece of “evidence” with no author, somehow obtained by some random state lawyer. Genius.
Jim Jordan can bench press the foreign made short bus that delivers Adam Schiff to the capitol everyday.
Pence is a Paul_Manafort_Plant
Dump Pence!
{Trump ./Jordan_2020!}
What was Prince Waleed convicted for in Saudi Arabia?
Why won’t he talk about his convictions? Why is he being so secretive?
Does it involve the 2017 massacre in Las Vegas and the attempted assassination of MBS that left 54 people DEAD and hundreds wounded?
Was it for drug trafficking and human slave trafficking?
Why was Jamal Khashoggi, his good buddy and friend of the Muhajadeen, killed on Oct. 2nd, 2018 in Turkey?
It was night time in Las Vegas Oct 1st when adjusted for time zones.
Jamal was killed exactly one year to the hour as the Las Vegas massacre.
Does Bill Gates (Cascade Investments) and his business partner Waleed, still own the Four Seasons Hotel at the top of the Mandalay Bay Tower?
Both were avid gun control proponents.
Bill Gates and Ellen DeGeneres received a Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 22nd, 2016 just days after Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election in a major blowout.
That’s the anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Why did Ellen DeGeneres tell Vegas massacre “hero”, Jesus Campos, what his story was, not to change it and not to do anymore interviews? Being that she has finanCIAl investments in MGM, that is called RACKETEERING.
What exactly is Ellen got hiding on her ankle? What IS THAT bulge with the square edges?
Why didn’t Jesus Campos have a “gaming card” in the state of Nevada? Which hotel did he work for? One that doesn’t have a casino?
What was MSNBC doing at the Four Seasons hotel the night of the massacre?
Fox News?
They were all there too!
When are they going to tell us about the massive explosion and automatic gunfire on floor 38, the same floor they were staying on?
When did Waleed lose his stock in News Corp, the parent company of Fox News?
How about his investments in International Creative Management?
Valerie Plame is now running for congress. She’s a member of the LA Womens Coalition created by International Creative Managements Hannah Linkenhoker. The group is financed by George Soros.
Thought you could lie a president out of office. Lol. Time to lock her up.
Finally some real justice for Flynn. They framed Flynn so the MSM Russia hoaxers can frame Trump.
That’s what I called draining the swamp.
*The Justice System is broken as of now…
I hope they can restore our faith in it.* 

Dev This was a start. We need to get every Obama appointee and holdover our of unelected positions. They are as corrupt and evil as Barry the creep was. Now they are attempting to run another mafiosi gang member in Biden.
Dev Actually you have the wrong institution it’s the FBI not DOJ that is corrupt. They railroaded Flynn. Who my son served under stating he was a good man and soldier. Comey and his minions need cuffs. Not retirement w a pension. They were dirty cops.
@Nancy Rocks Nancy, Trump is a communist!
The Justice System is not 100% bad but numerous agents are very disgusting. They need to be culled out and sent packing to be with Obamanure and his lackeys in Gitmo or Hades.
Trump 2020
Would have given this a thumbs up except for the usual slanted bias from USA Today in presenting this story. Not one mention of the FBI transcripts newly released that exonerated Flynn. This had nothing to do with the Justice Dept. It had everything to do with the work of Judicial Watch and Flynn’s atty in digging up FBI documents proving that their intentions were to catch Flynn in a perjury trap. The “Justice” Dept had every intention of railroading Flynn.
Same would happen for any of us, given how improper the investigation was.
Guilty or innocent, you can’t investigate anyone in that manner.
Sharon Sirvio are you spotting?
So he wasn’t colluding with the Russians after all. Comey, one word… Miranda.
You’ll never catch me!
He was working with turkey as a foreign agent not declared, and intended to help russia influence trump to end the sanctions. He is guilty as hell and trump is the scum off a filthy pond in florida.
@sharon nagle
@sharon nagle yet those charges didn’t stick
sharon nagle it’s time to start holding individual rank and file leftists accountable for your lies
The next 30 to 45 days will be so entertaining. Get ready DEMONrats.
No get ready America. With that clown in office, anything can happen.
@Rosee Negri Ya, Schiff is shitting his pants
The King Swamp Rat strikes again.
That would be Win again Simpleton
@Brad Parsons hes losing simpleton
Cummings kicked it
Ha ha ha. Flynn was set up and charges dropped
Flynn is a warrior and his enemies in the FBI are cowards and crooks.
‘Calls in to question Barr’s close ties” ???? The crime here was against Flynn you sick liars !
Trump was right that there was gonna be so much winning that we couldn’t take it anymore
If he did take a bribe that is treason. SOMETHING stinks in Denmark.
I propose causing a total meltdown of the left by naming General Michael Flynn the Director of the FBI!
WTF is going on? This is playing out like some dystopian series on Netflix. I think I have been transported to another dimension.
Put General Flynn in charge of the FBI and then let him CLEAN HOUSE! Americans would love it!