Michael Steele, fmr. RNC Chairman who endorsed Joe Biden for president, reacts to the Biden's win and victory speech to the nation.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Does Democracy Grow Back Like The Limb Of A Starfish? | MSNBC
They betta put a FREEZE
Remember he’s been telling us what he will Do
his own words “ If he loses to BIDEN he might have to leave the country “

@LISA N no, we all know exactly who won the election… trump will fade into obscurity and poverty with his family and the base will move on to which ever carnival barker catches the next spotlight. donald trump isnt special, men like him have existed throughout history and it never ends well for them..
What happened to BIDEN’S SCANDAL…. are you just going to ignore it? sounds like you already decided to be with the dictator Biden… who was ‘appointed’ president…. HE NEVER WON IT.
@Joy Phillips there is no biden scandal. much like the voter fraud, no evidence has ever materialized that can be presented in a court of law…. funny how that works?
@Joy Phillips it’s Russian propaganda. Why can’t you see that trump knew the hidden bank accounts were about to become public and they used this fake laptop bullshty up to distract you
@LISA N Please write that again!
If the Deutsch bank seizes his assets, then he’s not going anywhere.
@The Tweatles

I bet your tears taste salty, really really salty, and oh so plentiful.
Trump still squatting and taking a sh*t inside your head Willy Boy? Trump’s safe space.
@Michael Riley Is Hunter’s laptop real, expert?
@The Tweatles You must be so terrified right now.
Why do Americans always elect war mongers like Biden?!
@poolplayer poolplayer Not sure
One thing for sure , the kkk and nazi fascist got close that time and need to be classified as terrorist !
@The Truth is Out Now “Do your RESEARCHHHHHHH!” Aka look up conspiracy videos on YouTube and FakeBook. This is a joke at this point, and 55% of America and the entire world are laughing, snowflake. God bless

@t k Biden will be fired soon.
@t k You’re a complete moron. Sidney Powell a respected lawyer is breaking the news on the fraudulent software used Hammer and Scorecard!
@t k Biden is the joke. The world is laughing at the Democrats, for voting for a senile demented moron, who can’t string a sentence.
Trump will be burried with full military honors in Russia!
Not even there
He won’t live long enough in Russia for the people to even know he was ever there.
Remember when he saluted a communist NK general during his visit with KJU
A true moron that still believes in the Russian hoax.
Do you think they’ll at least let me see the pee tape then? I will never give up waiting. Never
Donald Trump: STOP! I WON!
*When the first number on your lottery ticket is called.*
@tonak1 It’s a good thing it’s not yours to give. However, it would be easier to send you over there. You’ll weep tears on both ends over there. They have a whole carnival of treatment for unamerican people like you.
@tonak1 Do tell America and the rest of the world how a nobody like you would abandon the Statue of Liberty like it’s nothing.
@Darwinsom He fell for the trap. He just exposed himself as a simpleton.
@Mr. Green pretty odd arguments from this guy though. He reminds me of a cornered animal. Or Simon Doesn’t say. I mean who mocks the Statue of Liberty? I don’t want to go up to her crown again but that’s about me not her
Now they’re believing mock ballots were burned in a video clearly missing the correct bar codes… Bar.. codes.. hmmm. There’s a joke in there. Xo Claire
@Darwinsom Yea, this is the internet. I may not be the most patriotic person or agree with everything but I don’t trash the basic of America symbol. Sometimes I trash talk to expose the scum for who they really are. They don’t know what it is to be American and don’t have the conscience to understand what is really happening.
Michael Steele is not only smart and classy, he’s freakin’ gorgeous!
Calm down nerd.
I think Donald Trump should take Hillary’ Clinton’s advice.” “Whatever happens”? “never concede for this election”….. I agree Joe Biden is not president-elect of anything at this point
You sound hard up if you think he’s good looking.
Yes, if we all stay civically engaged and reduce the corporate dark money in politics, we will be alright.
yes, this analogy perfectly described human politics. thanks so much for explaining this situation using a starfish. i’m totallly confident of the outcome now.
just kidding. i’ll relax after they’ve dragged that fat swindler physically out of the building and changed all the locks. and counted the silverware.
As a Zoologist I was yelling “limb limb it’s a limb!” Which merely reveals my East Coast educated snark yet again
We’ve been waiting to exhale for four loooong years. The moment is nigh.
” The ways and methods don’t matter, but the end results ” Communist ideology. – Remember democrats talking about a ” peaceful transfer of power”…… they already rigged it.
@Joy Phillips Yaaawn!!!!
@Keyser Söze Go research on YouTube ( Hammer and Scorecard ) I dare you to learn what is about to explode on every news station.
Keep Holding. Trumps Statement: ” We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him; They don’t want the truth to be exposed. The truth is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified in any states, let alone any of the highly contested stated headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide the who is president, not the news media. “Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner seated. The American people are to an honest election; That means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principal and wants ballot counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the court room- and then fight in court to fight their access. So what is Biden Hiding? I will not rest until the American people have the honest vote count they deserve and the Democracy deserves!”
@THE ANGRY QUAD Lol… That’s funny! Trump is getting desperate.
Love of country… I do love my fellow American’s for voting in Biden and leaving 45 behind in the dust!
Both parties have sold out to central bankers. It’s no surprise, even in the EU elections don’t bring structural changes to the post Bretton Wood’s system. The IMF and World Bank were set up after WW2 by FDR and his team to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they do now. What the IMF and World Bank do now is hijack democracy and impose global oligarchic rule for the billionaire class. How much longer will this extortion racket go on? https://youtu.be/gGeevtdp1WQ
Not officially over yet…
@Flatbed hauling with scott N Exactly!!!! MAGA is a movement and it has just begun!!!!
Not sure where you got those ideas. Here’s what I believe in:
1. Gov’t working for citizens (not oligarchs, people willing to buy favors) by providing services that are less expensive when provided at large scale, i.e. transportation infrastructure.
2. Immigration reform that ensures they are here legally in support of our agricultural, manufacturing and hospitality industries (and can be deported quickly as needed), pay their way via taxes they pay, and where the processing follows all laws, including federal child abuse prohibitions (remember the 545 children whose parents can’t be located?)
3. Rewards for effort expended (which excludes special laws written by ALEC for their “friend’s” financial advantage) and assistance for those impacted by losses outside their control (i.e. hurricanes).
The myths made up by liars create needless division in our beloved country.
@Anthony M Sure! And facts show a 4M vote lead, with no evidence of foul play… just allegations. If the state calls it, that is good.
Democracy will begin to heal once the cult leader is removed from the White House, and the cult fever starts to break.
@Richard Barry rofl yes, this election is over… there is no world in which trump retains power after jan 20th. if he tries to start a civil war, NATO will come and remove him with the blessing of the incoming administration if it comes to it. no court will save him. its over.
@Richard Barry pushing that fake crap again, there were NO people born before 1900 voted, https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/11/06/why-some-michigan-election-conspiracy-theories-dont-add-up/6186067002/
Not over yet Dve! Trumps Statement: ” We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him; They don’t want the truth to be exposed. The truth is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified in any states, let alone any of the highly contested stated headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide the who is president, not the news media. “Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner seated. The American people are to an honest election; That means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principal and wants ballot counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the court room- and then fight in court to fight their access. So what is Biden Hiding? I will not rest until the American people have the honest vote count they deserve and the Democracy deserves!”
@THE ANGRY QUAD funny it was ok in 2016 when media announced trump as the winner. It is exactly the same process now as it was then
@THE ANGRY QUAD roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooofl thats just pathetic.
it might if it weren’t hobbled by the republican party and their constant effort to erode democracy for their own benefit..
” The ways and methods don’t matter, but the end results ” Communist ideology. – Remember democrats talking about a ” peaceful transfer of power”…… they already rigged it.
Can Biden make his first presidential order, force Kentucky access to modern media such as TV
What? The Town-Cryer isn’t working anymore?
I felt exactly like the French people did when US and British troops entered Paris and were liberated, I can’t describe it any better.

@Joy Phillips go watch the documentary on how hitler rose to power. He said the Communists were COMING, they’re going to get you. He used fear of nothing to scare his followers into submission JUST LIKE TRUMP DID. Tell me one communist action by the democratic party.
@Michael Riley Demented Joe will be removed WATCH!
@The Truth is Out Now Trump doesn’t need to concede.
@Tim Exactly and Trump will not concede because Joe Biden will not be certified.
@Michael Riley Go watch the BREAKING news on the software the Democrats used to steal the election. Research on YouTube ( Hammer and Scorecard ) and Sidney Powell!
Social media is a cancer on democracy..
Michael George. Social media reflects the cancer on the human race.
When we look into the abyss it looks back as us. ~Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Make biden a mk character, bc he FINISHED TRUMP!#BYEPUMPKIN(TIFF P VOICE)
Don’t let Trump on Air Force One he’ll be heading for Russia
Democracy doesn’t just grow right back. I know it can feel as if everything is better once Trump is finally gone however there is still a country left deeply divided, with endemic disenfranchisement and gerrymandering which targets one political party- several US states exist in a state of apartheid where the democrats win the majority of the votes but the republicans win control. Even now we see the leadership of the Republican party coalescing around Trump to try and steal the election at the courts with the support of current senators such as Ted Cruz and the current House minority leader.
The US still has far to come before it can restore itself as a true democracy and first- HR1 needs to be passed to end gerrymandering and Senate reform must take place to make the institution more democratically accountable. Just because Biden won doesn’t mean the US is a democracy again – it simply means that for now, it isn’t at risk of become a dictatorship.
Absolutely. I could add another four pages to your point I think many of us could, I mean look we already made a bargain chosing Biden right?
I think the profound depression many of us have been living under (I work in criminal justice reform, etc) has exhausted us to the point that a star fish will do for now.
Those that aren’t dead from global warming, japan pouring the radioactivite water from those damages reactors, bleached coral.. See? This is why we’re just going to chat about the cute starfish in the touch tank at the aquarium for a week.
Xo xo
Translation : so whenever Trump and Republicans lost that election it is Rigged but if they Win then it’s Legit.
Tell these Morons to Get Lost.
So when Democrats lose a election they claim its russia collusion but if they win that disappears proving it was just a excuse by Democrats to get trump out of office i want to hear a retraction from these news coperations cause for months leading up to this you said russia colluded where is that i bet i was biden
@the TELLER1 it must be painful to be so dumb…
Biden talked about the country not about himself!